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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Exactly because of Siren jammers they introduced the Improved Hawk. Which also fell to the MVG variant of the Siren. No aircraft using that jammer was ever shot down, not even Iraqi ones. Note that SPS-14x series were the only ones in the cold war soviet arsenal which they could equip fighter sized planes. Iraqi vs Iranian war reports in this case of course contradict about destroyed Hawk batteries - similary to NVA SAM sites destroyed by US air power - but planes covered with SPS-141MVG were never ever shot down. Of course the SPS-141 series jammers have nothing to do with stand off noise jamming - they were combined multi-mode deceptive jammers. Stand off jamming was done by heavy ECM planes using entire arsenals of combined "cumulative" packs of equipment - usually named after flowers. Regarding HOJ, even the most primitive SA-2B Dvina system in Vietnam could be used in passive mode, and later ones have had specialized modes to handle jamming. It that case also not the noise jamming was effective but the complete blocking of the Fan Song uplink channel until the factory update arrived to filter it out. I need to note here that contrary to what we see in the stock SF games, Vietnam was never supplied with Dyesna or Volkhov (SA-2C/E) systems during the war, only Dvina (SA-2B/F) with 11D (hi altitude only) and 11DM (Low altitude, improved turn G) missiles and mid life updates to the Fan Song B and daylight optics equipped Fan Song F. This sound like the same stuff I was told by our retired Volkhov battery commanders ))) One of them has participated in live fire exercise against simulated stealth threat. And there's the story of Zoltan Dani whose battery scored two F-117A hits, bringing down one of them. Even though the soviet systems were much larger in size compared with a similarly capable western system - but this was the biggest advantage to use the network fire control system. Batteries pass on data up on the automatic data transfer and provide target data to rest of the batteries and EW stations. That is how it is possible to fire in passive mode on jamming targets without height or distance data. The only drawback is direct homing, no lead computing it this mode (Dvina, Volkhov and Neva systems) Btw, SF in-game mechanics were programmed to give no lead computing to "Beam Rider" type SAMs leaving them with only the faulty "tail chasing" logic like Rear60 type IRMs. Same result.
  2. It is a subject of my research as well... generally, those MiG-21 variants which could use the SPRD (Take off booster) could be equipped with CM pods. Yes, the SPS-141-100 (MiG-21 variant) could hold CM charges, also the MiG-21R has extra RWR, and CM/Illum flash launchers in the Recon pod. Usually - like all soviet equipment - was retrofitted, so no surprise if older M/MF S/SM/SMT etc were also given updates. Not to mention post-production upgrade packs like 93, 98 and 2000
  3. They rather destroy them... I am sure they could have sold them instead. At least many of the ex soviet ships are still afloat... Although there were some painful actions there, too(
  4. Yes, that's what I thought, it is probably "more convenient" for them to use cannon at close range rather than a SAHM with min. range of 1.25. This problem is mostly about radar lock, and partly close range. But I do some tests to be sure it's not the missile. Forget the MiG-21 from the pack for now, try stock enemy AI and RSS friendly AI. They both use the better radar setting. Order your wingmen to engage air, well outside range, at about 10Kms. Also better to engage from 6 oclock rather than head on. At closing range, time is limited. Altitude counts, because these are not look down radars, it the target is lower than you, or starts to dive into ground clutter- the lock breaks. Low altitude also creates noise, and having low noise resistance the radar guidance can fail. Same for low noise resistance IRM can lock on the sun. Generally ranges work like this: Search range: Max detection range (simple) Search strength: 100 means the radar can detect a target of 10m2 at it's Search range. NOT a fixed value, it depends on range!! Example: Range 30 Strength 100 means the radar can detect a 10m2 target at 30Km, so it can detect a 5m2 at 15Km - an so on. A radar with range 200 and strength 80 detects a target of 12.5m2 at max, and 10m2 at 160Km. Noise jamming seems to decrease the Search range in a way like this: 30 Search range - 30 jamming strength means this jammer takes out the radar completely. Not sure but to me it seemed so. Tracking range: Max range of ability to lock the target. Outside this you can see but cannot lock. Not sure if noise jamming affects this the same way - probably. Tracking strength: Same of Search strength. 100 means 10m2 at max range. Presumably deceptive jamming decreases this the same way, but does not prevent the lock but cause the missile to go dumb later (or cannot home on target at all) Generally, it is very important for any SAHM (and beam rider for SAM, etc) to have a good radar as well - not only the missile parameters count.
  5. I had to work early so I could not make tests( Basically, the position in which you give the engage order matters. The RSS variant of the R-3R has a launch envelope of 1.5 -7.9 Km. The radar of the given MiG-21 variant must see and be able to lock on the target. Also, the AI tries to engage SAHM in BVR situations, which in case of the short range, happens rarely. But, I will make tests myself, and return to you.
  6. Note the difference between AI and Player craft. Keep in mind that data.ini detectsystem affects only AI planes, the player's plane and radar settings are controlled by avionics.ini. Modders should not forget to use the same values in both! This is the problem here: MiG-21MF (pack 1.8) data.ini (Which is responsible for AI planes) [DetectSystem] Name=RP-21 RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RadarFamilyName=SpinScan RangeUnit=KM RadarAzimuthLimit=17.66 RadarElevationLimit=17.66 RadarSearchTime=2.0 RadarSearchRange=30 This means the AI plane's radar detect a target of 10m2 RCS at the range of 12Km RadarSearchStrength=40 RadarTrackTime=5.0 RadarTrackRange=11 This means the AI plane's radar can lock on a target of 10m2 RCS at the range of 2Km only!!!!! So basically useless especially against small targets. R-3R has a minimum range of 1.25Km. RadarTrackStrength=20 RadarSearchFreq=10.5 RadarTrackFreq=10.5 RadarSearchCW=FALSE RadarTrackCW=FALSE VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L,12L MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 HasRWR=TRUE RWRMinFreq=5.5 RWRMaxFreq=10.4 RWRCanDetectCW=TRUE MiG-21MF (pack 1.8) avionics.ini (Responsible for Player aircraft) [AvionicsData] AvailableModes=SEARCH,ACQUISITION,TRACK,BORESIGHT RangeUnit=KM RangeSetting[1]=20 RadarPosition=0.0,4.0,0.0 MaxElevationAngle=17.66 MinElevationAngle=-17.66 MaxAzimuthAngle=56 MinAltitude=1200.0 MinReturn=0.05 SearchRangeSetting=1 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[1]=4.0 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[2]=0.0 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[3]=-4.0 ScanPattern[1].ScanRate=70 ScanPattern[1].ScanBeamAngle=6.0 ScanPattern[1].ScanArc=56 SearchRange=20 Your plane detects a target of 10m2 RCS at the range of 5Km SearchStrength=25 SearchTargetTime=0.50 AcquisitionSymbolSpeed=1.5 AcquisitionTime=1.0 LostAquisitionTime=1.0 TrackRangeSetting=1 TrackCapabilities= TrackRange=11 Your plane can lock on a target of 10m2 RCS at the range of 2Km TrackStrength=20 TrackMemroyTime=5.0 BoresightRangeSetting=1 BoresightElevation=1.5 BoresightAzimuth=0.0 BoresightBeamAngle=12 Also don't be surprised if these useless radars cannot guide you own missiles especially at low altitude. According to technical data, the stock values for the RP-21 radars are quite acceptable. Btw, the MiG-21MF used the RP-21M radar, with capability to guide the R-3R.
  7. What I understand of your testing, is that you have installed the MiG-21 addon and the AI was flying those planes armed with my R-3R... So yes they are likely to fail to use SAHM Yes, the 0.99 is the latest published variant. Update will come together with the new Su-17 series. http://combatace.com/files/file/15168-mig-21mf-mig-23mf-rssw-compatible-test-planes/ These are the planes. I suggest the following: Remove the modded MiG-21 and try to use the stock planes (or those I made for RSS, because they are also stock, just flyable and provided with realistic loadout) I will try it myself as soon as I get free of work.
  8. As far as I know, the MIG-23 was unable to load mixed R-23/24 either IR head OR SAHM...
  9. You need ASM class entry in the weapon stations. Also need to configure the station to have diameter and length limit set also to be able to carry that weapon. Since there is no multiple rack to hold ASM type ordnance, you have to configure each missile position one by one, and have the rack a fixed part of the plane. It possibly means you can only use the plane for that purpose only. I can help with data.ini stuff. EDIT: Method #2: Make a copy of the ASM weapon and reclassify it to EOGR or WGR so a rack could hold them. But ships will not shoot on them since that's a specialty to the ASM class.
  10. It is important to know what type of plane addon or missile addon were used. The stock MiG-21 and MiG-23 works fine with the stock missiles. The modded MiG-21 have faulty radar settings because of that it cannot guide the R-3R even it could lock on it. But it can't. The R-3R you should use from Red Side standard. Keep in mind that it performs poorly at low altitude and prone to fail at chaff. In case of MiG-23 it is most strange, because all the modded R-23 and 24 missiles and MiG-23 variants are fairly operational... Try the RSS compatible test planes with the RSS missiles... Let me know if there are still problems.
  11. NO problems, I been in that situation as well. And of course modelers are most welcome) And I wish you a job which leaves you time to do some modding and private life)
  12. Even with 6 per day, one can get on... but for a couple of dollars you can get unlimited for a month. The meaning is to support the site, as it is our common interest to keep it up running and - updated. I am elite member - yet I pay a few times in a year (apart from contributing) as a little gesture of gratitude.
  13. I tried to use sane values of course. Well, that would be good to know about the heat signature - as there is a default value, but that's just a modifier I think. HeatSignatureModifier= And here, how CM works: [ChaffData] EffectName=ChaffEffect RadarCrossSection=100.0 MaxVisibleDistance=12000 DragFactor=0.07 LifeTime=3.0 Length=0.5 VelocityDeviation=0.3 [FlareData] EffectName=FlareEffect MaxVisibleDistance=12000 HeatSignature=100.0 DragFactor=0.05 LifeTime=4.0 VelocityDeviation=0.3 What I figured out, is CM rejection is a mere throwing of a dice - random percentage... cumulatively. 50 rejection is 50% - one time. but a second one is 50% of 50% - 25% so you can imagine several CM dumped kills this missile very quickly. Take a look at this table Also see this topic http://combatace.com/topic/81788-are-all-aspect-missiles-too-deadly/ I think - because missiles do improve with the years but CM does not - it could be a solution to add more CM launchers on a plane with multiple eject directions. Worth some experiments.
  14. DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1920 DisplayHeight=1080 DisplayDepth=32 Mandatory scrsht.
  15. I need a little help... I have replaced my WXGA LCD of 1600x900 to HD 1920x1080 matte screen in my laptop, but I can't make a screenshot in that res... is it normal or something is wrong? Look... (

    Mine was 12 that time. 20 years ago. I guess 12 hours of sleep is normal... if - otherwise not much to do and he's alone. Mine was still hunting mice and moles when 10 Two things I can say is important - teeth and food. If his teeth will get inflamed and needs to be pulled out they cannot do it without anesthesia. And that proved to be fatal to an old heart. Food is important in that matter where it came from. Human food is stuffed with poisons and manipulated stuff (especially in the US) in a dose which can cause cancer in a human of 70-90kg only 20-30 years later but can do a quick job on a 3-4kg cat (or dog). You are clever to give him safe pet food (or naturally grown).
  17. While I value practical raw effectiveness, I can understand both viewpoint... after all, I think it is still the pilot who counts the most.
  18. Yes, and every Kh (but the most modern ones) and bombs/rockets too. Also I plan to make an upgrade, when I get ready with the ordnance for the Su-17 family.
  19. Umm I never tried that... its logical however. I will make some test for that too. Have you tried the Red Side Standard package of missiles? JUst curious.
  20. Considering the way this game is designed, how some of the game values are being used in mods and the time I struggled with fine tuning a large bunch of red side missiles - - I can say nothing helps against agile IRM, but ton's of chaff/flares dumped in the way of incoming seeker head. The logic how CM rejection works gives you a sensitive result. Actually no missile should have lower than about 50 and higher than 92-95. Definitely no 100 ever. Flying low helps against missiles which have low noise rejection or their controlling radars have minimum altitude you can get under. Noise is not only jamming and ground clutter but heat signatures as well. IRM with low noise resistance performs also badly near ground or can lock on the sun.
  21. Getting it off my chest.

    I also wanted to register there... at the same time I became CA member. I gave up immediately when I realized they require me to enter all my real real life personal data, but my blood type and MasterCard PIN
  22. The only problematic is SF2 NA, which - by default - needs DirX10. For running NA in Dirx9 you need to replace the SF2 NA EXE program file with any of the non-NA exe (Europe, SF2 etc) and create the ini of the same name. Then it will create the mod folder. Then you need the Dirx9 version of the IcelandNA map and all will be fine. Detailed intructions .. I can write later, im at work at the moment. All in all possible and runs well. EDIT, but yes as Wrench has wrote, it does not look very well ( On my older notebook it looked like this
  23. Pianificazione volo

    If you want mixed formations try changing the plane type of wingmen, in the loadout screen, pull down menu. Non-player formations are all homogeneous. Waypoints cannot be changed in quick mission builder, they are generated Take off time can be changed in the mission builder, or on the mission preferences screen (day-night etc)
  24. CombatAce Buddy Check 22 A Day

    I have at least three of such... or how to say. I know what it means. Not sure what others feel, but no healthy people come home from a war. Even if in one piece.. Answers you want. Meaning. What helps maybe.. calm happy life with loving family. far from "civilization". No TV, no politics, no violence. on another planet...
  25. Atlantic Fleet Ported to PC...

    I have both... I said, these games - for the cost of two six-packs - come on... I burnt out my batteries already) Now even if my phone is on the charger, I have only 2 hours to play) What I am waiting for ... is PF 2, Pacific with strategic level... I know it will be a lot to do, since each ship is about two weeks of work (as they said). Just wanted to say, congrats on your work on the effects... amazing. The style was familiar from somewhere The sinking ship effects brings us the feeling I have last seen in Aces of the deep

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