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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. A lot of what if ideas for the moders

    Huh, great find!!!! I liked the Indonesian craft... and also... F/B-24? I'm not fan of such but it looks great with a reasonable sense. I see more use of such craft than of the F-35.. but it's just my opinion worth 10 fillér )))
  2. Nuclear Security Summit...

    Pfff, what a circus for the big nothing...
  3. Dissed by own mother

    Till I was in the army I also had a lot.... since I left, they all disappeared ))))))
  4. Saving Fuel

    That's similar to, when someone turns off heating for the night, or for the daytime when there's no one at home.... It takes much more energy to heat up a cold house than to maintain a 18-20C average all day...
  5. B-52s are my nemesis... It's understandable that they are difficult to lock on, because of jammers and such. But in SF2 they have a lot of anomalies I can't understand... IR missiles always hit the same engine. After the first hit, the plane will be still flying with a half wing missing, but further missiles still want to hit the missing part - and fly through. Some missiles miss them altogether... unfortunately I forgot which ones, though. I had no time investigate on the spot. Some B-52 (modded??) are invisible to radars and cannot be locked on at all. They dump several tons of chaff and flares so there is no missile (including all kinds of SAMs too) which could hit them (only the late ones) due to the problem I wrote some posts earlier If you want a good target aircraft, use Tu-16 badgers, Vautours, early F-4 Phantoms and A-4 - depending on the desired maneuverability
  6. Transformers 4

    Dinos... well, it could be worse, so don't worry. Imagine this sold to Disney, and they would start singing...
  7. Transformers 4

    With such technology available, why don't they make a proper battletech movie?
  8. The problem with the AI is that they always spot the launch. So there is almost no chance to ambush ... for example an F-105 or a Phantom with an AA-2. And for a double kill ... nothing. If I get close, like 1000meters, from where I get good chances, they will spot me and break off. So not an easy job to fine tune...
  9. Would somebody take on those helicopters

    Some opinions were quite bad, saying the FM is poor... well... But how long we have to wait a Mi-24 DCS? I consider that 2EURs... thats a daily ration for me. At least I lost some weight ))))))
  10. Certainly, I am doing several, but there's a little break, as I was in Ukraine and... distracted ( I have all possible russian books, that's not a prob. I invite you to the Weapons topic right now...
  11. - AA-2 has been fixed (but don't expect miracles), AA-8 is the only missile still having stock values and perfect. - AA-3 Anab series has been fixed also, for FLOGGER23's updates on the Su-11/15 series. More fine tuning will follow (speed) but otherwise, quite good. They will get proper cockpit, so don't worry. - AA-7 Apex are bad, I'm working on it. I had to translate some russian books first. - AA-10 are so so, speeds and some guidance issues but usable. - AA-11 are also OK, I'm adding a late version, but has to be done the way it would not be over-effective - MiG-23/27 series are under work, MUCH improvement underway. Yes, i could use help with testing, I am making a Red side weapon pack, with standardized stuff. There will be Air-Ground ones, too, so saddle up for mig-27 too)))
  12. Would somebody take on those helicopters

    Look quite reasonable.... especially with the Mi-24 Hind DLC for 0.69 EURS )))) That's something even I can afford )))) ... and consider the fact, that Bohemia Interactive created Operation Flashpoint,too which is the most widely modded game ever... I still have some 6GB of addons for it from 2003, which was equivalent of 6 TB today!!
  13. I'm working of corrections to these missiles, especially earlier ones. Some were completely useless (0% hit chance). Yes, especially it is about long range IRMs. Reason I told u why, long flight time, more chance for decoys. See the table in previous post. If you use R-8/98, R-40, R-23/24 and especially R-27 series "long range" IRMs. These missiles use semi-active guidance in-real life, until their IR seekers get into range. The game does not support this method, so we had to give 30-60km seeker head ranges to these missiles which is of course not realistic. Which missile, in particular you are using? which year, which plane?
  14. Yes, CM resistance is it. Hans in depends on target aircraft. If it has and CM and how it is installed. And also launch circumstances. All aspect can lock on from the front, but a bad angle can still cause it to lose track, or lured by a CM in the worst moment. In case of all aspect, mostly depends on CM resistance, and the number of CM res rolls the missile has to pass till the target. A long range IRM is far less effective with the same CM value. What I learned, the the effectiveness depends on a lot of factors. -First, reliability roll. -Then lock on chance (same of above) -Then the missile booster/sustainer values has to be adequate for the missile to be able reach the target. ---If it slows down in the terminal phase, it will be a lot more easily shaken off. (early AA-2 and Sidewinder) ---If it is too fast, the missile tracking rate or turn rate will be way too low for tracking. Basically the missile cannot scan fast enough, keep track of the target and still turn towards it. -Tracking rate. it is something like how often the missile updates the target - if this is too slow, between two scans, the target can get out of the seeker FOV and lost. If too fast, the missile is unshakeable, follows ever little maneuver you make. You can only shake it if it has low Turn G, or runs out of speed. -Turn G similar to above. if target position between scans have changed, the missile is able turn with this value to correct. I found that this has less effect than track rate. -Jam resistance (ECM) well I have little knowledge on this, although some missiles can more easily lock the sun itself, or fly through the target aircraft -CM resistance, as I said the most important - and problematic value. Repeatedly rolled for the multitude of CM packages inside the seeker FOV. +the hit boxes of target 3D model. If faulty, the warhead will not explode as there is no collision calculated.
  15. Your fav "BAD GUYS" Cold War plane as a youth?

    We all grew up on Final Countdown ))) AND Flight of the Intruder.... I had a hard time to decide between them
  16. We have good secondaries....

    Huh... really scary. I worked at a propane gas-canister station before. When the truck came filled with 500+ of such bottles (in two levels) the guys unloaded the 12 and 23.5kg canisters throwing one by one from 2-3 meters unto the concrete floor... Actually this guy had a very bad luck, usually gas leakages, and bottles are very hard to blow up like this. When we refueled cars (illegally) from gas canisters, we had accidents... like the tube came off or the compressor's pressure-gap (?) broken off. Pure gas extinguishes cigarette, and even small fires... hi pressure and very cold. Problem comes when it mixes with air 1 to 3... When it has leakage, and tall grass holds it together. Or a room filled with it. In this case, several bottles were broken and something ignited a fire. Very bad luck... Unmixed gas is burning with yellow flames at relative low temperature. If they could have extinguished the fire in a few minutes, there were no explosions at all. But, if they let them cook off and explode... Fireworks.
  17. Kiev.. photo's

    Exactly. And they know what to say or do to people, to make them mad. Everywhere.
  18. http://vk.com/video217940881_167535302?list=7570ff5491ad6aaf5d Please anyone can you identify whether this Police ID is from the US and if so what branch... caught this guy in Kiev Ukraine. at 1:50
  19. Kiev.. photo's

    nah... it might have been the woman.. the cause of overstressed life)))
  20. Battle of Long Tan Documentary

    These kind of documentaries I appreciate... from the first hand.. personal interviews. No propaganda, no politics and "TV show style" commentaries.
  21. Kiev.. photo's

    If you have doubts who is paying for the destruction... FSA flag in Kiev... In the meantime... Victory parade in Tartus port, Syria.
  22. Kiev.. photo's

    http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/02/17/us-eu-paying-ukrainian-rioters-protesters-paul-craig-roberts/ is this guy credible? And this is Latvia. Anti-globalist anti-EU march by 12000 people Things are really getting hot here....
  23. Kiev.. photo's

    brain, hrc Do you know about what is happening in Bosnia?? Noone tells nothing... there I have no contact. here the dark side clouds our vision. My friend's father is there (nato duty) but obviously forbidden to talk. Alternative media said it was against corrupt government supported by globalists/EU Dave, The most scary thing, is i had a very disturbing dream, back in 2009. When I was living in Harkov with my gf. I saw an old city (a mixture of many cities I was in, actually) with many people, trams, taxis moving. pre-war cars, horses. I had the grave feeling that something will happen... but I could not talk to people, they did not listen. They did not even see me. Suddenly it turned dark... night or smoke, I don't remember. The city was in flames, turned over buses, horsecarts, trams and dead bodies everywhere by the hundreds. On the black sky there was a huge burning bird symbol from flames with open wings (similar to the crest of Ukraine) ... and that indescribable calm feeling when you are sure that you have already died. ... you can guess everybody said I'm crazy. I almost believed it myself... but now??
  24. Kiev.. photo's

    Most likely provocateurs, snipers. Good old method, to shoot at both sides, then they will be enraged at each other. And start shooting themselves to avenge... Some videos show how they were hit from behind. Watch the impact on the trees http://vk.com/russia_bez_problem?z=video-56182693_167526401%2Ff9bcb9837b4cebdcdd
  25. thanks very much!! I will help with data. It is not easy, for sure.

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