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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. guns, girls and booze... .... in a sunset... thats all about our artistic skills ))
  2. It is the activation AI planes pre-set carrierparkanim (and canopy if it includes that too) ... If your planes has no such, or that number does something else, than nothing will happen. (to your plane)
  3. Never get drunk in India....)))

    A careless man in Keral province, India, has decide to buy drink for the evening. Since the neighboring pub was closed he went to the local store instead. After getting unconsciously drunk he spent the night outdoors. The result can be seen on this picture. He was strangled and swallowed by a giant python which after so heavily stuffed could not get away with the lunch... The local authorities warned tourists not to spend the night outdoors after partying, because of such lurking dangers..
  4. Learn Geography... ))))))))

    Geography map tests results from the US))) Holy crap I live in Middle Earth.... thats why so many hobbits here, goddamit Here is your own map, fill out
  5. Learn Geography... ))))))))

    Coz they don't produce booze )))))
  6. In the Days of the Raj

    :biggrin: Ops. F*in' voodoo magic, man )
  7. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Not US... thats not what I said... read it again. The beneficiaries are above nations and governments. I did not generalize german, russian or US people - The People has zero influence on any of these events. We are tools. Stupid unthinking (weed smoking) tools. In any case a county - let's say the US - gets into a war who profits from it? The People? Who pay in lives and tax? Hell no. The Federal State of the USA who gives out orders to purchase weaponry, food supplies etc etc from the national monetary reserves? Hell no. The anonymous stock holders (that 1% of the population) of the companies which surprisingly receiving those orders and making profit from it - Hell yes. The politicians who were paid to forward the state money to the right place? Hell yes. Everywhere on the world. Medicine and War are the most profitable businesses on Earth. War and illness are the better the longer they last without ending - for those who produce arms or drugs you eat.
  8. Learn Geography... ))))))))

    AHahahahahahhhhh.... Man... this was the best of all
  9. Never get drunk in India....)))

    Nah, here we would eat the snake before it could flash a tongue :biggrin:
  10. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    IF given chance... considering Roosevelt and Morgenthau.. i agree with this part, perhaps the Soviet army would have been defeated anyway... BUT at what cost, numbers are numbers. The soviets had 300+ thousand paratroops only, the FJ had a max of 10K in its glorious times... even if their actions were only to provoke out a german attack (also likely) to distract them from the British by opening a second front. Remember their talks, when Molotov visited the UK by plane. Also a very likely variant. Even the dumb ass Zhukov admits that they learned a whole lot from the failures of Finnland 17months earlier. I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with that. With all respect forget the first strike thing, that's NOT the beginning of a war. If I steal you wallet or use dirty words on your family and spit on you, you would attack me for sure. And who started, you aggressor... i just hit back. Of course the Hitlerist regime and the Tojo cabinet were militarist aggressors. But think about it who created the circumstances in all those countries and in the neighborhood, that their governments (and part of the population also) have been taken over by extremists? Who supported Hitler's takeover... financially and politically? Like Lenin... or other shit stirrers and dictators later on, the Shah, Batista, Pinochet... Saddam... and all the communist... the list is endless. These key figures were put into the right places to run the ship aground from inside. Its all logical to think they were supported by outside forces. Roosevelt not a puppet???? Very wrong, he was the biggest of all... FDR was the flagship of the hawk lobby (or whatever corporate groups behind) that forced the armed part of the conflict, thats for sure. Of course only a time machine could provide direct proof... but I would bet everything on it, that I am right in that. Its all about cause and effect. Ability, opportunity and benefit. The good war is not necessarily the victorious one, but that one which last for a long time and drains money from the taxpayers to the fat lobbies who provide supplies, weapons, grow rich on rebuilding the devastation, and put their hands on conquered resources. I might risk to say, these groups are the only creators of conflicts, and get all benefits and are responsible for every major armed conflict from the Boer wars to the so much wanted attack on Iran. Yes it is the same. No one cares whether Iran has nukes of not, the goal is to crush their political system, to halt their development and put a second asslicker Shah clone puppet in power who will sell everything to the "more equal" like others did.. Just one word about Marshal aid... according to my studies it was the USSR and Stalin who ordered the occupied countries not to accept the Marshal aid by extorting them with the war reparations. please correct me if Im wrong. It was long time ago, when I did trust the 'official' politology...
  11. Never get drunk in India....)))

    Thats a back of a van... I guess they cut open the poor snake to bury the guy? Ahhh... Anyway this way theres no need for funeral. They can collect the clothes, wristwatch, mobilephone when the python is ready )))
  12. Learn Geography... ))))))))

    Huhhhhh))) not bad either)) Not if I know all the USA states.. My memory is visual, and I mix up all those rectangles ))) My version of Europe: ))
  13. Happy Thanksgiving

    Greets to all on your national holiday!! Achh... thinking of turkeys, Im getting hungry But, we are going to eat such, tomorrow )) Provided they wont fly away.... pssst
  14. Version 1.0


    MBD2-67U The most widely used soviet multiple bomb rack (Mnogozamkoviy Balochniy Derzhatel) for 50-120kg sized free fall bombs. On many planes this was the only type of rack used. Plane types: MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27, MiG-29, Yak-38, Su-17, Su-25, Su-24 and on helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24 and Ka-25 A high detail replacement for older MBD2 racks. There are two types included, regular MBD2 and the MBD2_SPEC variant with StationSpecific value set, to exclude other types of rack from a weapon station. I have made no low detail version, but if there is a need, I can make one.
  15. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    But, might I add some notes... As with Germany, the same situation was with Japan... Mistake or not, they had no other choice. The fight of a cornered rat, to the death. Moreover, their choice was desired and foreseen by the Roosevelt government. And of course exploited maximally. Everyone with more than two braincells could anticipate this outcome, who knows japanese internal affairs, society and military structure. Let me quote the last part.... Submitting to the american demands was not an option. First because no cabinet would have survived such a political and military surrender especially not without a fight. Second, this whole procedure was without sense as the USA would not have lifted the embargo anyway and let Japan alone even if these (meant to be impossible) demands are fulfilled. They knew if they give a finger, the next demand will be an arm. Literally speaking, the USA would not back off until the complete disarmament and elimination of Japan as an imperialist greater power. or worse, to turn Japan into a colony sooner or later. Plan Orange, the conflict with Japan was considered as early as '35 or even earlier. They were aware of the economic situation. As Yamamoto writes himself, they planned a short war, to knock out the US fleet and force out an armistice. The mistake was that the misread the will of the US leadership, and their intentions. And pre-planned political and military traps like the Pearl Harbor bait. As a military action Pearl was also a non-event, losses meant to be low (as I said, no one could with the Arizona). As a symbolic event, however it raised the people's support for war and justified the destruction of Japan. Oh my god ... we were attacked.. moreover a sneak attack ... , lets kill'em all little yellow monkeys... and nuke em. It is familiar choreography even in our days.
  16. File Name: MBD2-67U Soviet bomb rack File Submitter: Snailman File Submitted: 27 November 2013 File Category: Single Ordnance Files MBD2-67U The most widely used soviet multiple bomb rack (Mnogozamkoviy Balochniy Derzhatel) for 50-120kg sized free fall bombs. On many planes this was the only type of rack used. Plane types: MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27, MiG-29, Yak-38, Su-17, Su-25, Su-24 and on helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24 and Ka-25 A high detail replacement for older MBD2 racks. There are two types included, regular MBD2 and the MBD2_SPEC variant with StationSpecific value set, to exclude other types of rack from a weapon station. I have made no low detail version, but if there is a need, I can make one. Click here to download this file
  17. OK, I'll make a simple map... Of course the airfields vary by era. WW2 or cold-war or modern setting it will be... In cold war I have to search for Soviet air bases, too, not only those used by the HuAF.
  18. MBD2-67U Soviet bomb rack

    Thanks)) A little nothing... but useful. There will be more soon.
  19. Shall I list (and mark on map) the airports and fields in Hungary?
  20. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Biggest mistakes in WW2? I think there were no big fatal mistakes... If I say, it was a mistake that Britain was forced into a second war by the Churchill clique.. while still recovering from WWI... Not really a mistake, as it was intentional. If I say, supporting FDR's beloved Soviet Russia from the 30's, and almost making the mass murderer Stalin the ruler of Europe? was it mistake? Japanese attack? Well if someone tries to choke you, you will fight to get air. War does not start with the first shot, fighting is just the final phase of a conflict. Economic warfare, offensive politics, covert ops, spying, puppeting a nation, help in overthrowing a government - all warlike actions. It was crystal clear, that if they corner Japan, the moderate cabinet will fall and warmonger militarists, fascists will take over. If you want to kill someone, let him attack first. Damn simple. The main purpose of the WW2 was to destroy Germany and Japan. It is about supremacy. Germany stood up, to be the strongest in Europe, Japan became a pain for other imperialist powers (who did the very same in China before, we forgot that fact)... Moreover, in Germany, a new economic and political system emerged which was a deadly threat to financial-capitalism. The solution is simple. Make a war, in which both will lose. Arm the communist, support Stalin he will sure to make a war if strong enough. they will wipe out Germany and their allies. Raise Hitler as leader and make sure his lunatic ideas will start a war, and lead his nation to its doom. Make sure Japan turns against the USA. Zhukov's sneak attack against the japanese in Manchuria forced out a non-agression pact and made sure the japanese will never try to attack the USSR. Stalin's back is secure. And FDR got his own war he wanted. Pearl Harbor... There is a GOOD documentary (by BBC!!) that explains one variant of the truth. Of course, no one can count with an exploding Arizona and the effectiveness of aerial attack that was never seen before. But more casualties are the better, to shock and shake up a nation to support war. We all know the casus belli tricks. Absolutely disagreed... Remember the Soviet-Polish war in 1919-1920... Thanks to Pilsudski and the greed and stupidity of the Tsaritsin-triumvirate (Budyenniy, Voroshilov, Stalin) the plundering, raping (and jew murdering..) red horde have been defeated. But their goal was clear, to reach Berlin and to unite with german communist uprisings. Whatever the communist propaganda still tries to hide, in 1941 the Red Army was bigger and stronger than all of Western Europe together. The germans did months and months of aerial reconnaissance, it is impossible that they were unaware of the opposing forces. If only half of the 26000+ soviet tanks (including at least 800 heavy tanks) were operational... Reds lie about supplies, too... that they had no fuel and ammo. Sure that why the german attackers captured ammo and fuel by the millions... Let's think ahead... what changed after the war? I can tell nothing. Except Poland was betrayed and handed over to Stalin. Nice prize for fighting on the allied side, winning Battle of Britain... etc. They were not even invited to the Allied Victory Parade (Stalin's influence). 1956? We even have a campaign featuring that operation. Use Hungary (and Poland) to incite uprisings to distract attention from Suez. Wait till the US elections take place (Nov 4) then crush the hungarian rebellion in two days (Nov 2-4) and the offensive can be launched... Thankfully Hruschev's clique and the madman Zhukov's old Stalinist clique started internal rivalization that cause too much delay and the opportunity was lost to start a world war. So I have no doubts that the soviets wanted to attack first. Whatever awful strategist Hitler was, to attack against a force 6-8 times larger was nothing but a last resort preemptive attack. He would have attacked, of course, no doubts, but only after winning in the west. THAT is why the Red Army MUST have started an offensive as early as possible before this opportunity was lost. Mistakes? In warfare there were, many. That is strategy and tactics. But in national strategy, on political level, there were no mistakes but cold headed plans.
  21. When we were in basic training... (last century.. huh) our medic old boozer... gave nose drops for all injuries and illnesses )))))))))) - ..but my knees...! - They caught could...
  22. As far as I know they belong to \Objects root... ...their texture included.. if its about the complete wreck. In case of damaged plane parts I think they must be a part of the original model and put into data.ini as DamagedNode then Detachwhendestroyed=true it removes the original one... but correct me if Im wrong
  23. I heard from marines, that in their camps there were no separate barracks for women... not even toilet.. the guy said, there are no men and women, just marines. If thats true (i believe) than thats a really enviable way of thinking.
  24. Hail all the "equality" standards and compulsory female quota by EU. Whining machines... "working" in air conditioned offices. Once a year have to shoot and march to pretend to be soldiers ... ....then they start crying inequality. And promoted within a year to sergeants. For what??? For... It can only happen in Europe We all said that... but dare to say such to emancipussies... they start yelling discrimination. Like all "poor suffering minorities" these days.

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