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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. ummm.... errr... now I really dont understand a thing Exactly what functions of the HUD you lost? Here is a screenshot I made, using Avionics60 on a "ranging only" Yak38 with Gepard's HUD from his original mod. Nothing has been changed with the avionics ini, hud and cockpit ini, only the Av70 was downgraded to Av60. And voila it works. Also I destoyed tanks with Kh-25 TV missiles and bombed FAB-250 with his CCIP bomb marker ... the only thing does not work is that the gunpod is shooting below the crosshair, but that doesnt matter in this case. Well this way my problem has been solved, but I really don't understand what's happening.
  2. I looked at the J-7IIA from J-7 pack, but it does not tracks gunsight... no "yellow diamond" for lock whatever I tried. I thought maybe it does without the sign displayed, but no. Only regular gyro movement. The only way I could make it work, to set to Avionics60.dll... I try it more. maybe I add a full radar or somehow fake it. Its not a problem if this "feature" has to be switched on. Or just give up using Av70.dll... Actually the Yak38 is a fighter bomber, and is called that, a "palubniy shturmovik" on-deck attacker. It had the Mig-21 sights ASP-PFD-21, which is connected to ranging radar and computing units, it displays lock with a ready light. If it is turned off, it can be used with gyro or basic crosshair sight. Later variant used crosshair with range circle and also "lauch authorized" style sound and "in range" ready light (for AAMs too). Similar to the Su-25 has in Lock On. There were plans for HUD and advanced display but cancelled, as I was told. This is the j-7IIA data.ini [DetectSystem] RadarType=RANGING Name=RP-21 RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT <---- why to set RadarType twice? RadarFamilyName=SpinScan <---- what is this??? RangeUnit=KM VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L,12L MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 HasRWR=TRUE RWRMinFreq=9.0 RWRMaxFreq=10.4 RWRCanDetectCW=TRUE avionics.ini [AvionicsData] Name=SRD-5M GunsightRangingOnly=TRUE RangeUnit=Meters TrackRange=1000.0 ScanBeamAngle=10.0 MinAltitude=1828.8 <---- Minimum altitude for what? I used it above 3000 still does not lock on
  3. Avionics.ini [AvionicsData] Name=Tracker GunsightRangingOnly=TRUE RangeUnit=NM TrackRange=1.1 ScanBeamAngle=10.0 cockpit.ini [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=40 GunsightName=crosshair.tga LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=100 MaxLeadRange=1000 DefaultLeadRange=300 MaxDepression=200 DefaultDepression=50 RocketDepression=35 GunDepression=10 It seems it only works with Avionics60.dll, and only for a short time. After the first target is shot down, it does not track anymore. And I lose all the HUD and TV from Avionics70.dll... Am I missing something else? Is it because I use gun pod only? I faked a gun, did not help. I put in a real built-in gun, did not help...
  4. I made a fake internal gun... no help. Finally I changed back to Avionics60... that did it, but I need TV and CCIP too... is this ranging stuff only included for Avionics60?
  5. Oh... yes I looked into other planes... but the problem is that it does not work with a gun pod, only with built in weapons... >#&@>@!!!! It works perfectly with the MiG-21F13 and also with the PFM, but the PFM has been already modified not to have GP-9 gunpod separately... ( Also tried an F-4J with Mk4 gunpod, and it has no aiming, just fixed sight.
  6. Huh... what a surprise. Congrats to all who did it ))))
  7. yea this radar targeting thing is most annoying to me. Actually ground radar displays ground objects, especially ships can be found easily... it would have been so big work to make them selectable like air threats? pff ... I also feel dirty to use tricks, for me even red boxes are irritating but otherwise I have no chance to find anything with my graphics an visibility settings.
  8. Sorry I was a bit busy lately... First, I managed to get the Ulyanovsk to appear... WOW my congrats to its creator!!!! For my use I had to modify the catapults as I could not take off for some reason. But indeed its very very nice. I also looked into the ski-jump part problem... the way I fixed the Kiev it can't be don on this ship, but maybe it can also be fixed with a curved collision LOD, and configuring the "catapult" end point at the start of the curved part of the deck? I suppose, a Su-33 would have enough thrust to take off with a shorter catapult lenght and time - as in real life they use no catapults.
  9. Hi, I'd like to ask some questions about 3D-ing, if there's someone out there who's willing to answer... As I wrote in other topics, I'd like to learn about making stuff (cockpit more precisely) but I lack even the basic info. There, nobody answered so I ask it here again... if its not some secret stuff of course... To start I wanted to view some existing work how it looks like, in an editor. To know what to take into account, to see how it should look like... But I found and read on forum that it is impossible. First because stock lods are now encoded (or something like that) but I don't really understand why, since I also read the lods cannot be editted not even opened by anything... At some places someone mentioned, the old lods can be extracted from older version installs... but what for? So there IS some method to view them?? I just can't imagine how to configure my own object (cockpit or whatever) without seeing the aircraft itself in which I want to use it... how to create a cockpit for it to fit the cabin and have the correct size, view angles, instruments... pfff. too many unclear stuff((
  10. Would it be a slowdown in the game? The Ulyanovsk causes CTD for me. I guess it is for Dx10 only(
  11. I will always stick to the "old" IL-2 series ...it still runs on my comp with almost full detail and had unmatched amounts of flyables. And zillions of mods. I don't need more graphics, I grew up on C-64 and 16 color anyway.
  12. DLC is not dead for sure, they are making MIGs... I'm in contact with a hungarian guy, who does stuff in the Mig21 team
  13. Geez, sry for the quality... but my pc is a crapheap
  14. Hi!! Let me tell thanks for all those wonderful ships! Especially soviets ))) Might I ask a little - although pervert - question... ))))) Is it possible to make cruisers' and destroyers' heli deck capable of landing? ) If yes, is it a model or an ini related change? I wanted to land on one of them, but I fell through the deck and got wet ))))
  15. DAMNIT... I was stupid!!!! I mutilated the numbers.lst file which was a great mistake!! Well I have files from 000-102 if I edit the numbers list (wich tells the game how many files I have) to have numbers from 30-102 ... that ruins the number sequence. No wonder I always got the number 71 when I asked for 100!!. and the game was not stupid, I ordered to show numbers from 30 - 102, that means the game shows numbers from the 30th file from the list. So I got 60-102 numbers in the editor!! but the files were shifted by the list, so I got xx -30 for actual decal number shown.... huh So numbers.lst has to have the same number of lines that matches the number of files. Unless the files will not match. It does not matter what is written there, it can be a string, as I seen in the Falklands mod on Harriers... the text in this file, I assume is only for display purposes in the game menu. filename numbers.lst ------------------------- thing000 IzeA01 thing001 IzeB01 thing002 IzeC01 .... ..... thingxxx IzeZ01 So as I noticed, DecalNumberStart=001 in this case should display the file 001 from decal group set as FileFormat=thing in the game pulldown menu this file is referred IzeB01 (and if the graphics show that text) it should appear on the plane... Correct me if I'm wrong...
  16. [TextureSet] Name=Soviet Pacific Fleet Nation=Soviet StartDefaultDate=1 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.800000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=90 DecalNumberStart=10 DecalNumberEnd=99 numbers list is from 10-99 The mission generator gives me numbers from 20 -99 (!!) as available numbers. But whatever I set to myself or other individual planes, will be ignored. The game assign random numbers in the loadout screen, but after I start the mission I get planes with different numbers from all over the range. [TextureSet] Name=Soviet Navy Grey Nation=Soviet StartDefaultDate=1 Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.200000 Reflection=0.250000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=72 DecalNumberStart=30 DecalNumberEnd=102 list is from 30-102 This setting does not work at all. the loadout screen gives me the choice between 60-102, but again, when the mission starts the numbers are randomly given from all the range, regardless of numbers.lst or textureset.ini .... If I disable randomization... set to FALSE it seems it does not work. I cannot set a specied number at all. It seem the game is disregarding all number settings in textureset.ini
  17. I found a topic about that finally... they look awesome indeed!! But the last reply was from 2011 and all the screenshots from 2010 (((( I thought it was abandoned long ago. Well I "suffered" a lot with what I did in the last two weeks, so I guess i just finish it an upload. Lets hope you talented guys give us a fine cockpit so it can be a complete plane soon. As I said I have all info on it, from first hand, and also about the aiming device ASP-PFD-21 maybe I can help with that.
  18. Hi, I also have some problems with number decals... What I have, numbers from 01 - 99 in files, named xxx000 to xxx 98. I added three more, now I have numbers from 01 to 102 in the numbers.lst and files from xxx000 to xxx101. They are both in a subdir within Decals... I tried to limit the game from dropping numbers from 01-09... at first I deleted those numbers from 01-09 from the list... that did not help. then I added those particular lines to the textureset.ini, but it still gives out random numbers from 01... it drives me crazy. What I want to achieve, is Plane 1 to use numbers from 10-59 Plane 2 with skin A to use numbers from 60-99 Plane 2 with skin B to use number from 60-102 I can't just delete numbers because they are in a common folder... Also it would be ackward to copy all numbers to every plane separately into each skin folder .... What am I doing wrong? (
  19. Whoa... really impressive.!! I like eastern planes, especially experimentals. I'd like to see a E-7PD and a real MiG-23PD flying. It would not be difficult to make the MiG-23PD VTOL flight. I'm fiddling with the Yak-38 right now, at least with ini and armament settings. I was told someone doing its cockpit, it would be really good to have such. Everything else is done just there is no cockpit ((( I also wanted to modify animations ( the lift engine door anim is part of the landig gear anim ) and little parts of the plane, but its stock model cannot be changed. At least what I read on these forums. And I think it does not worth modelling the whole plane again, from zero just to correct a little part of the stock stuff ((
  20. ok ok.. )) What do you mean? I did it long ago, but I think I could make simple objects bombs etc, for you if you need such. Animations are different matter of course.
  21. Me myself came to such idea, when my game collapsed... Yes I use dx9 modified SF2 NA Iceland map, and Win XP on a notebook of shared memory video card. ... as I wrote in another topic suddenly, ships and some ground objects lost all their textures. I thought, I messed up the ini files... I restored them - did not help. Then I thought, might be because of ForceDx9 - did not help. Finally I removed all addons from the addon dir, I thought there might be too much of them - did not help. Then, I started a different exe file (not the renamed SF2 NA XP) and created a new addon dir - that was what helped. In this particular case with the Su-17 cockpit, I did the same, I put the planes into a fresh, cloned EXE and addon dir, alone. so a case with too much textures can be excluded. What I think, that either the material is incompatible with a certain detail level and/or it is not compatible with my Dx9 system. To save memory, I did the same procedure with SF2: Falklands, I put it into a fresh cloned game starting with SF2 falklands.EXE. It works perfectly, although very slowly I have to admit. And it's a complex set of addons... therefore I think its not about memory this time. OFF/ what kind of planes you make? Do you make cockpits too?
  22. Thanks for the idea about memory... I tried it out. All terrains are the same in this case, and no other addons do this (among those I tried yet). But, it does have to do something with detail level, as I set it to the lowest possible setting, and those white areas turned black (or some dark material) I suppose thats correct, how it should look like? My opinion is that the material is somehow disappearing at a certain detail level setting. Most interesting because bigger and more complex models have no such problems. Thats all I could investigate though.... and thanks for the help!
  23. I checked everywhere... no files are missing. the mirror.bmp however is a white rectangle... I changed it to something completely different, but no sign of any change. So I have no idea. Maybe the game graphic options... or Dx9? But this addon was made in 2011, long before SF2 NA... edit... BUT there is a BMP that is not listed ... not used within the LOD "Su-17_side_bar.bmp"
  24. Aha I see now. So, someone else is doing it... would it be ready in the near future, weeks or months? Of course I won't waste my time if it's already in progress... But I just don't want to wait half a year or so. Maybe I could help with information or textures, images... something. Now I have time, who know maybe next year I won't have. And also have contact with people who handled the real plane.
  25. It does this to me... and, because Floggers also use this cockpit they are the same. Just wanted to know if it misses a file, or my game starts to collapse again? ((

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