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Everything posted by zzzspace

  1. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    Awesome site's just keep on keeping on... :) Joined BioHaz October 2003
  2. File Name: High Contrast Liftlines File Submitter: zzzspace File Submitted: June 24, 2004 8:54 AM File Category: LOMAC Object Mods High Contrast Canopy Lift Lines - for Lock On: Modern Air Combat (Based on and modified from originals supplied by Soulsurfer25 http://www.soulsurfer25.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/liftlines.zip) zzzspace www.vaaf.com Virtual Australian Air Force -- These high contrast lift-lines are intended for use in day or night, any season, any terrain and any weather conditions. They provide enhanced SA by using colours that have been tested with all Lock On conditions. Some colours wor Click here to download this file
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** NOTE: THIS IS A MANUAL, NON-LOMAN SOUND MOD INSTALLATION - Ver 1.1 ONLY *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This initial version for Flaming Cliffs contains just sound effects and Sound.cfg files. You *must* use the new Sound.cfg within this pack with FC 1.1 - make sure you replace that file as well. -- Download (40 meg): http://ado.qgl.org/zzzspace_v1_for_lomac_f...ual_install.zip Mirror sites are of course welcome. (NOTE: this mod does not work correctly with LOMAC 1.02; no further versions will be produced for 1.02) -- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Manually BACKUP the original Flamming Cliffs ?Sound? folders, then MANUALLY DELETE EVERY FILE within both the ?SOUNDS? and the ?EFFECTS? folders - you must remove those files or else the .wav replacements will not work. (Note: wav files are used rather than .ogg for better in-game fps performance) 2. Download and MANUALLY EXTRACT the downloaded zip file?s contents: zzzspace_v1_for_lomac_flaming_cliffs_manual_install.zip This will create the full folder structure path containing all of the relevant files of this sound mod. 3. Copy and paste the new soundpack?s files into these folders as indicated by their locations by the unzipped folders. When you are done all of the files within both the ?Sounds? and the ?Effects? folders will have been 100% replaced. 4. Lastly, make sure that you set your in-game ?Audio options? precisely like this (or else you will get other than the intended result ? these are not the same as in previous sound packs): MASTER VOLUME = 100% (or a setting to balance with multiplay voice comms) MUSIC = 25% RADIO = 50% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 90% -- zzzspace 10th Aprill 2005
  4. Dangerous Waters Contest

    Already got it myself but have a mate who would love it, he was impressed with DW when I told him about what's involved with it. He's a very good chess player, far too good now because he spent nine months in traction using a computer chessboard every day to remain occupied, so now he wipes the floor with me ... it's always the same, barely contained smirk, an ever so slight nod with the now standard one-liner, "... thanks for comin ...". argh! smug sod! I reckon he needs a new interest, so I can get some payback...
  5. Just wanted to say thanks for your efforts Beer, hopefully DW will arrive here in a few days. Cheers! zzz
  6. Thanks for the info and beer

    Will do.
  7. Thanks for the info and beer

    'Combat Ace' eh, looks good. I've finally got DW and love it, some instability in multiplayer but when it works and noe crashes out it's really awesome. I've signed up to 'Orion Warrior' site (as finiteless), so hope to see you in DW mp in the near future.
  8. Turn your PC sound up LOUD and have a listen to the included F-15C sound demo track. -- This new version focuses on external sounds; it combines the cockpit sound improvement of v7.2 with much better aircraft sound. All hosts are welcome to mirror this V8.0 soundpack. zzzspace v8.0 for Lock On 1.02 – *NON-LOMAN ZIP* *** READ THIS *** DESCRIPTION: This is a non-LOMAN zip which contains three LOMAN compatible zips which together make up the zzzspace version 8.0 sound pack for Lock On 1.02 DIRECTIONS: Manually extract all three and install all three into Lock On 1.02, using the LOMAN 2.1 auto-installation utility. NOTE: It does not matter in which order they are installed. There are three LOMAN zips, only due to filename handling l imitations within LOMAN itself, which has necessitated the use of three separate LOMAN zip files. -- Read the LOMAN internal readme text, for a detailed description of v8.0 contents and features. -- It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that the following Lock On sound slider setting be used - MASTER VOLUME = 100% (or whatever setting works best to balance with voice comms) MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85% (NOTE: These sounds are designed to work with LOCK ON v1.02) -- zzzspace 14th Jan 2005
  9. I have edited the MiG sounds with new engine recordings supplied by eemee, try them out. First, make sure the v8.0 soundpack is installed then place the following two files into the folder: …\Program Files\Lock On\Sounds\Effects\ MigFrontEngine.wav MigAroundEngine.wav
  10. Images from the included mission: --
  11. You just nicely ask you wingmen to fly open formation before you take off ;) (I have that function mapped to a HOTAS button). Doing that drops the levels back to almost normal. It is a sound engine bug, all the aircraft do it to some extent when in close proximity, even the ships and tanks do it, but they don't all always do it, they do it irregularly, but the wingman does it constantly. You will also notice a similar problem occurs when you ALT J jump into another cockpit, the sound is usually a mess after that. It’s one of those things that needs fixing badly.
  12. It is, no, there is no solution.
  13. zzzspace v7.2 Sound Pack Note to users of v7.1: It is strongly recommended v7.1 be uninstalled and its use be discontinued, and removed from mirror sites, then replaced with version 7.2 This pack focuses on cockpit sounds. 1. New radio chatter loop form recent 2004 ‘Red Flag’ multi-national exercises. 2. Addition of high-G stressed pilot breathing sounds for English ‘b!tchin Betty’ and ‘Nadia’ enunciation’s. 3. Removed enunciation pauses, particularly for critical missile launch orientation announcements and re-balanced relative enunciation volumes to properly fit into the v7.2’s cockpit context. 4. A more realistic cannon sound for ground vehicles, plus some minor tweaking of weapon sounds. Lock On down-load hosts are welcome to mirror this sound pack. zzzspace v7.2 for Lock On 1.02 – *NON-LOMAN ZIP* (46 meg) -- *** README IS YOUR FRIEND! *** DESCRIPTION: This is a non-LOMAN zip which contains three LOMAN compatible zips which together make up the zzzspace version 7.2 sound pack for Lock On 1.02 DIRECTIONS: Manually extract all three and install all three into Lock On 1.02, using the LOMAN 2.1 auto-installation utility. NOTE: It does not matter what order they are installed in. There are three LOMAN zips due to filename handling limits within LOMAN itself, which has necessitated the use of three separate LOMAN zip files. -- Read the LOMAN internal readme for a full detailed description of this v7.2 pack's contents and features. zzzspace 20th Dec 2004
  14. zzzspace v7.1 Sound Pack This update of the pack focuses on the internal cockpit sound; 1. new 35 minute radio chatter loop taken from the recent 2004 ‘Red Flag’ multinational exercise. 2. edited the standard English ‘b!tchin Betty’ and ‘Nadia’ enunciation’s, to trim off the many pauses and thus speed up their replay, particularly for critical missile launch clock-face orientation announcements, plus re-balanced relative enunciation volumes to fit into the cockpit sound image context of the pack; plus reduced the volume of some of the more repetitive systems ‘failure’ enunciation’s. 3. more realistic cannon sound for ground vehicles, plus some minor tweaking of weapon sounds. Other Lock On downland sites are welcome to mirror this sound pack. zzzspace v7.1 for Lock On 1.02 (44 Meg zip - LOMAN 2.1 compatible) The following Lock On audio sound slider settings should be used with this sound pack: MASTER VOLUME = 100% MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85% See the included readme text within the LOMAN installer package for fuller details and directions.
  15. Ok, heads-up, I’ve discovered a small problem with the v7.1 pack tonight, caused by the fact that a LOMAN zip can only contain one version of the same file name, which means that it has placed the US Betty sounds where the Nadia sounds should be, and also replaced the "Eject"! enunciation … with the ejection sound effect. Doh! It doesn't matter too much though, because I have the solution sorted, which also involves adding high-g breathing sounds to the sound pack (as per the splash6 movie); so v7.2 will replace v7.1 in a day or so. I'm removing v7.1 from the server until this time, hopefully v7.2 should be available tomorrow over Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience peeps. I've finished initial testing of the new high-G breathing sounds during guns-only and low-level flying, in both the Russian and US aircraft, and it really kicks butt. ;) Soon
  16. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    STEAM loads/confirms three final files and then its ready to play.
  17. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    Finished it last night, and it does get better and better, it looked and felt like a sci-fi movie in many places as it built up with 'Cecil B DeMille' style cinematic grandeur, to a towering crescendo ... the disappointment was the ending script which seemed to be far less considered. If you watch the closing moments before the credits roll it's almost like they didn't know where to go with it. The inevitable HL3 was clearly setup during it (" ... although, I'm really ... not at liberty to say ... Dr. Freeman ... " ;) ), but the sequence they did it with was almost like they made an initial 'place-holder' ending ... then tacked some more on to it ... then added a bit more ... then they inserted a final scene to cue the credits. It does the job but doesn't 'resolve' this crashing-rushing apocalyptic vision of cataclysm you've just been running on the leading edge of … in the sort of way a well-written piece of intense dramatic music neatly 'resolves' itself to a perfectly natural harmonic end, which 'fits' perfectly with what went before it. Other than that, holy cr@p, it was upper-case FUN!
  18. heh, it's simple, google up LOMAN 2.1 (you will probably find it in the BioHaz D/L site under utilities), D/L it, install it, read the readme for LOMAN, and then you will find they all install easy as p!ss mate! ;)
  19. Camera Mod?

    Try mapping external views to HOTAS buttons in LLock On, works fine.
  20. Firstly, you are perfectly right; BUT: I've made a few mods and always make a detailed readme (for LOMAN - which is an auto-installer utility for Lock On mods), and I used to provide extensive manual install instructions, but quite often you find people don't even bother to read any instructions given (nor even look at them, or else, they somehow get them backwards ... text adverse people it seems... ), but instead, users continually ask basic questions for which they already have the detailed answers provided ... and still EXPECT you to re-type or re-iterate it for them in step by step detail ... After a few times you just give it a miss. I don't bother providing manual installation procedures any more, I just offer a LOMAN compatible version. If they want to install it, then they can press the install button in LOMAN, because I know they won't even bother to read the instruction I provide, nor the description of the mods intent, content and install options. ;) I think modder’s just get fed-up with writing step-by-step manual instructions for users (perhaps a minority) who don't even bother to read them, nor apply them step-by-step as directed. Basically, notoriously lazy noob mod users have themselves to blame and if you even suggest to them they might - they can get a bit prissy about being told to not be so fekin lazy and read the instructions. argh! … what can you do?
  21. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    Yeah, that's the impression I got, like a dynamic interactive movie, and the characters seem much more 'alive'. I'm on the third last level and it keeps getting better. I think the last FPS I bothered to complete was 'Descent,' in about 1995. Even the original HL was way too boring, same with FarCry, and Doom3; they looked and sounded great but lost interest very quickly. Maybe it's the combination of physics, continual puzzles and movie-like distraction from shooting stuff which makes HL2 really worth playing. Or maybe it also just runs much smoother, has better variation and contrast between levels, and the scenes were more developed and compelling. I don't like silly monsters, much prefer AI human character opponents, and in that respect, HL2 was more tasteful done with far fewer mindless monster pop-ups per level. I liked the ant-lions to, they reminded me a lot of the bug-movie StarShip Troopers, as do the auto-fire weapons sound and the sounds they make when they are attacking (I guess the devs of the new StarShip Troopers game got ‘gazumped’ here…). Whatever, HL2 pressed the right buttons.

    Graphical glitches in 1.02 were usually caused by a bad install over an earlier version. To fix it, uninstall and remove all old files completely, then install from the CD and patch directly to 1.02 As for the control issues, this is because the controls all have a different response curve in 1.02, and it will require a Joystick to make it work as required (Lock On wasn't designed to be flyable with just keyboard controls, a good Joystick is a must to fly this sim). cheers
  23. Beer's DW Preview Part 2 Out

    great job Beer, that P3's deadly stuff.
  24. Give the dog a bone

    Come on Beer, stop hoggin that P3-C and MH-60. Throw us all a bone mate. :yes:

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