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Everything posted by zzzspace

  1. Give the dog a bone

    sweet, mate will be watchin for it! :)
  2. Arafat is Dead

    about 4 decades too long
  3. Sorry MadJeff, didn't realise that was all working again.
  4. It's 'BoboCop', here they are, use all of them: Fluffy clouds: http://www.mitch-design.de/lockon/Zip/Cloud%20MOD%20v1.0.zip Excellent mod for better looking, white, puffy clouds, no FPS hit. Overcast Med-Res Replacement Graphics: http://www.checksix-fr.com/downloads/loman..._LoManFixed.zip Great mod vastly improving FPS with overcast (Med-Res version). Fast-overcast_v31-high_mod http://members.rogers.com/kylejwilcox/loma...31-high_mod.zip Addition to the Overcast low/med V3.1 by BoboCop; this puts the "fade to horizon" back in, costing a bit FPS but vastly improving eye-candy (WARNING, INSTALL AFTER "Overcast low or med V3.1 by BoboCop"!!!!).
  5. zzzspace v7.0 for Lock On 1.02 (33 Meg zip - LOMAN 2.1 compatible) Major areas of improvement are the engines for all flyables, and most non-flyable aircraft, plus some tweaking of initial explosion transients and reverberations. Other Lock On download sites are welcome to mirror this sound effects pack. MULTIPLAYERS PLEASE NOTE: The sound levels of all v.7.0 files have been precisely halved from previous sound pack versions within this series. This has been done to reduce signal transient clipping within louder files. Adjust your multi-player voice comms downwards 50 % accordingly. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Version 7.0 is a COMPLETE REPLACEMENT of all sound effects within Lock On—install via LOMAN utility. These sounds are designed to work in LOCK ON 1.02 There are also TWO TRACK FILES. This is also a thorough re-configuration of Lock On's sound imaging, in terms of distances, angles and intensities at which sounds are heard. zzzspace v7.0 Sound Pack *STRONGLY RECOMMENDED* the following Lock On audio sound slider settings are used: MASTER VOLUME = 100% MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85% -- MAIN MUSIC THEME CHANGED: A new stereo menu music theme has been included in this pack, the audio track of two USN F-14A's from VF-32 flying off the John F. Kennedy, shooting down a pair of Libyan MiG 23 Floggers, Gulf of Sidra, 1989. Backing music used is Pink Floyd's live version of 'Sorrow', and studio version of 'Marooned'. DirectX "Sound Hardware Acceleration" should be turned off, in order for it to playback properly. Six "B!tching Betty" annunciations removed from Lock On: AngleOfAttackOverLimit.wav LaunchAuthorised.wav MaximumAngleOfAttack.wav MaximumG.wav PullUp.wav ShootShoot.wav -- (See included readme text within the LOMAN package for full details)
  6. ahh, that Israeli F-15C screen is a screenshot I took about 5-6 months ago. Recognised it instantly. I made it a day or two after that skin was released and then posted it to the UBI screenshot sticky. Someone at ED must have liked it. :yes:
  7. Biohaz Buoy Spacing Chart

    Muchos Gracias for that detailed reply, I reckon I could almost that screen after your explanation. Perhaps one could suggest inclusion of a second counter with reset button on that screen somewhere so timed manual drops are easier (not necessarily in the clock area)? I expect it's too late to make the final version, bug squashing time, but maybe something for a later patch. I also would like to plot, draw and measure on the screen for the torpedo's steering screen in Sub Command; looks like the nav map screen is still the only place for that. Well, have fun with the P3 and MH-60 Beer! cheers
  8. Biohaz Buoy Spacing Chart

    Thanks, bought a stopwatch last month for use in Sub Command but that looks like its going to get lot of use in DW. Q: 1. Is there any sort of handy seconds counter in the sim on the sonobuoy launch screen? 2. Can you dial-in an auto-deploy run that starts at a waypoint with x number of buoy type x, to be launch in that leg, at x seconds intervals? Or is that done manually?
  9. Dangerous Waters Preview is up

    You guys are having way too much fun.
  10. The wife...

    That's pro-active, wish I had said that years ago.
  11. An update has been posted to Sonolysts site regarding the crew station details for each platform in Dangerous Waters: Dangerous Waters Website (updated with Crew Station Info/Screenshots)
  12. DW to be offered only on-line

    Not necessarily, see this: -- OK, guys... I'm going to explain ONE MORE TIME... There are two phases to Battlefront's business model: 1) DIRECT SALE PHASE: This period of sales are from Battlefront's site only. The majority of the selling price is directed towards the developer (i.e. Sonalysts). There will be fewer sales, yes, but we don't have to sell as many copies as we would in retail during this period and MOST IMPORTANTLY we are not competing with ANYONE for shelf space during this phase - there are no shelves . We can stay in this direct sales phase for as long as we want (over a year even). However, sometimes Battlefront has profiled their sales and realize that their sales are a little "light" in some areas and can choose to mobilize with the retailers of that region and go retail there (they've done it before with their Combat Mission games, so it's not new to them). Advantages: Huge manual for the customer, better revenue sharing for the developer and publisher (no sharing with the "middleman" at retail). Disadvantages: Not as many sales, you don't reach the casual customer. 2) RETAIL PHASE: After the direct sales have flattened out and together we (Battlefront and Sonalysts) agree that we are going to go to retail. At this point the retailers have seen the reviews for the game (which we hope will be favorable), they see that the community is rallying around the game and that it will have legs for a long time (as most sims and wargames do). The retailers realize that there will be a portion of potential sales that are now lost to them that were obtained through the direct sales portion, but they also acknowledge that the risk is very low for them and that the game is a proven commodity. So Battlefront will go to their distribution partners (CDV, etc.) and begin to push it into retail. Now even if we don't make any significant improvements to the game from the time it went to Direct to Retail (other than patches) it will still sell as many sales in retail as it ever would have. Of course, if we are fortunate enough to do an expansion pack or an "Admiral's Edition" (or something smile) then perhaps it would be more appealing to retailers, but most often they don't care (they just want "good products"). Now the lifespan of a product in retail is decidedly shorter and within 2-3 months we may want to reduce the price, but because Battlefront has no pressure to lower the price - we don't HAVE TO do that. In other words, the game is still going to be available for purchase on-line at www.battlefront.com during the retail phase, so there really is no pressure for them/us to try and maximize our profits in retail - retail is just "icing on the cake" in their business model). Advantages: Gives us access to the more casual gaming market. Covers customers that were previous hesitant to buy on-line. Additional exposure for the game is possible (which lengthens the "buzz" for DW). Disadvantages: Unlikely for there to be a large printed manual included for the customer. Higher costs of goods (potentially) and distribution costs. Vastly decreased revenues for the developer and publisher (50% less!). SUMMARY: It really is a good idea, guys. For example, Battlefront is still selling their original Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord (released in 2000) in many retailers... Why? Because the retailers still want it! Battlefront doesn't try to push 10,000 units down a retailer's throat during those first two months because they don't have to do that. The retailers feel no risk in at least giving us a chance with a small volume of units and to see how DW does on the shelves. So they find shelf space for it, and if they sell them, great! They can ask for more... All the while, the game is still available on-line, it's growing and getting better (additional content, improvements, community mods, etc.) and those factors make it EVEN MORE "appealing" to the retailers... It really makes a LOT of sense if you think about it. This is a direction that most niche genres are going, guys, it would be my suggestion (for what it's worth) that you warm up to the concept... It's the best chance for developers of less "mainstream" titles to stay in business and continue to make the game that you love to play... yep Any questions let me know... _________________ - Jamie Carlson (Sonalysts Inc.)
  13. Go to F2 view and then press Shift-J
  14. The wife...

    heh, well hang on to her Nick, she sounds ideal. :yes:
  15. DW gets a publisher!!!

    Yep, I hope Eagle Dynamics seriously investigate a publishing deal with BattleFront.com for the next product from their Lock On sim engine after v1.1 is released. For one thing BattleFront.com insist that every sim they sell has a detailed printed manual (500 pages for DW apparently!), and that is going to be AWESOME for Dangerous Water’s playability, market success and player community longevity.
  16. MJ, we need our own Top 25

    And F117A, Tornado, TFX and EF2000 etc., that were all awesome in their day. EDIT: Forgot to mention AV8B, I liberated East Timor a few times in that sucker. :)
  17. heh, now those look like fun. :)
  18. IM NEW

    Hi 000scott000, man I feel for your having to wait until Christmas for Lock On, what a drag huh? Be aware though mate, your new computer should have at least 512 meg of RAM and a fast video system (ATi9700 performance is about the minimum I would be aiming for) and a fast CPU (2.8 Gig or better is good). It'll work ok with lower specs than this but the better the PC you use, the faster and smoother it plays (and the better it looks). Lock On is a year old, and the 1.02 patch optimised it quite a bit, but it still hammers my PC harder than any other sim/game on the market today. Good luck!
  19. Cool!

    Looks great, it would be nice to have the recent posts links that were on the BioHaz homepage, would be good to have them there again.
  20. You forgot to mention Beer that the playable subs will be able to fire sub launched SAMs at P3Cs and MH-60s. That will tend to make things interesting for the sub hunters in the air platforms--dicey business. :yes:
  21. Exclusive new Pics!

    Very sweet DW images, can't wait to get this sim, not long now. Here are screens of the earlier, now three year old (and heavily modded) Sub Command for comparison, the heritage of Dangerous Waters is pretty obvious in these; as you can see, even Sub Command was no ugly duck: HMAS Sheehan: A.I. Oliver-Perry Class FFGs accidentally collide trying to avoid an incoming torpedo: Two new artificial reefs for the fishes:

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