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Everything posted by zzzspace

  1. Now those are sweet, looks like they changed the missile smoke as well.
  2. zzzspace v6.2 Sound Pack zzzspace V6.2 for Lock On 1.02 (28 Mb zip - LOMAN 2.1 compatible) Description: Version 6.2 is a COMPLETE REPLACEMENT of all sound effects within Lock On—install via LOMAN. Incremental improvements to engines, missiles and comms in this pack. Other mirror sites are very welcome to mirror this sound effects pack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is recommended the following Lock On audio slider settings be used in order to hear these sounds at their best: MASTER VOLUME = 100% MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85%
  3. Thanks guys, it's heartening to hear you are enjoying the result as much as I like to tinker with it. :)
  4. zzzspace v6.1 Sound Pack zzzspace V6.1 Sound Pac (29 meg LOMAN zip) Description: Version 6.1 is a COMPLETE REPLACEMENT of all sound effects within Lock On—install using the LOMAN installer. Other mirror sites are very welcome to mirror this sound effects pack--enjoy. -- Changes in this pack and mainly: Major changes to radio comms loop; it’s now 33 mins long and uses entirely new recordings (mostly from recent ‘Red Flag’ exercises) and has many international accents and also female pilots included. Tedious looping artefacts removed from the v6.0 engine sounds (annoying during long missions, hearing the more obvious repeats cycling through). Much better missile launching sounds in this version, and a tweak to the missile engine sound. Tanks and vehicles and machine gun tweaked Plus a dozen or so less obvious refinements which you may or may not notice, for example, the dry thrust engine sound in the pit when supersonic is a little louder now once the burners are shut off, it doesn’t suddenly go completely quiet etc. regards, zzzspace ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.1 is designed to work ONLY with Lock On1.02 Use the following Lock On audio slider settings in order to hear these sounds at their best: MASTER VOLUME = 100% MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85%
  5. zzzspace v6.0 Sound Pack [ EDIT by GhostDog. Link removed - file is now available in the Biohaz download section] Description: Version 6.0 is a COMPLETE REPLACEMENT of all sound effects within Lock On—install it via LOMAN. Other mirror sites are very welcome to mirror this sound effects pack--enjoy. -- I thought v5.1 would be my last sound pack, but I recently discovered a new way to combine engine and flight effect sounds within Lock On so I am releasing a new sound pack, version 6.0, which incorporates this as well as many new high quality jet engine sound samples. This pack has the highest quality sounds so far assembled for any modern air combat flight sim, and is what I had hoped would be possible when I first began making sound-packs for Lock On, about 6 months ago. I've also created two sound demonstration tracks with which to show-off the exceptional ‘sound-scape’ and audio quality contained within the pack. You’ll find these tracks in the folder; …Lock On\Missions\Tracks\Demo I’ve made a concerted effort to authentically replicate the engine sound of an F-15C within version 6.0 (and to greatly inprove all the jet sounds) so be sure to set my recommended audio slider settings, then turn up the volume as high as you dare and start the included track named “zzz_f-15c_soundemo.trk”. This track depicts the best audio ever within a civil jet combat 'sim'. Special appreciation and acknowledgment to Andrew Hicks for his high-quality ‘Avalon 2003’ recordings of USAF F-15C demonstration flights. ANDREW HICKS USAF F-15C AVALON 2003 regards, zzzspace ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 6.0 is designed to work with Lock On1.02 It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED the following Lock On audio slider settings be used in order to hear these sounds at their best: MASTER VOLUME = 100% MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85%
  6. A thorough initial 'look under the hood' again Paralyzer. ;) Thanks for the perfect score mate,I'm glad you are enjoying it; having both excellent sound and the amazing graphics in Lock On makes it a real pleasure to fly for me. I remember playing Microprose F-117A NightHawk on an Intel286 in about 1990, through a little internal cardboard PC speaker (a really horrendous tinny continuous high-pitched screeeeaaach!!!) and a real F-111 did a low-level flyby past my window ... and you can’t help but hope that one day the PC flight sims will have sound and graphics like that. It's still not like an actual fighter jet in action but v6.0 is much closer that any of my previous sound packs and I don't know if I can better it within Lock On. The F4+BMS sound engine looks very promising though, but the F4 crowd are so ‘up themselves’ about ‘realism’ that I don’t know that it’s worth the effort to improve the sounds in that sim (although it is screaming out for it!). I'm getting more and more addicted to Lock On action these days, despite the on-going frustration of buggy mission planning tools and essentially no documentation. Lock On brings things that previous jet sims didn't have, or didn't do well, and that is its saving grace, else I'd be flying F4x and IL2x. Anyway, just sharing what I use, glad you enjoy it mate—cheers! @ GhostDog, thanks mate, BioHaz is THE Lock On support site for me. :D
  7. Thanks Paralyzer, these will give your Kilspch speakers a work out--have fun! :D
  8. Thought I might share around with the community what I’m presently using within Lock On 1.02 for sound these days. This new pack uses many different sounds to version 5.0. Many main engine and flight sounds were extracted from new high-quality audio recordings of jets in flight, or rolling on runway or taxiways. Most of the sounds in this pack have been thoroughly edited or retouched to some extent, to enhance the sonic 'realism', detail and clarity of the pack; both in and out of the cockpit. VERSION 5.1 for LOCK ON 1.02: [Edit by GhostDog : Link removed - file updated in the Biohaz downloads] DESCRIPTION: zzzspace's version 5.1 sound pack is 100% compatible with Lock On 1.02 and is a complete replacement of all the sound effects within Lock On—install using the LOMAN utility. Other mirror sites are welcome to host this V5.01 sound effects pack as well--enjoy. regards, zzzspace -- These sounds are NOT designed to work properly with any earlier version of Lock On than version 1.02. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that these Lock On sound slider settings be used, in order to hear these sounds as they were designed and intended: MASTER VOLUME = 100% (or to whatever setting works best to balance in with any voice comms program you may use) MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85% cheers peeps!
  9. Thanks guys, and cheers GhostDog, BioHaz provide a great service to the community and it is much appreciated, if not always recognised. Keep up the good work.
  10. Hey, great stuff! Getting a bandwidth limit exceeded messsage though.
  11. Version 5.0 - for Lock On 1.02 GhostDog, could you please replace the version now online with this newest version and update its descrption text as well--thanks for everything mate! [Edit by GhostDog] Description: Version 5.0 sound pack is the only version available that is 100% compatible with Lock On 1.02 It contains several other optional mods of mine as well. Other mirror sites are welcome to also host this V5.0 effects pack--enjoy. regards to all, zzzspace PLEASE READ WHILE DOWNLOADING - README TEXT --------------------------------- Version 5.0 Effect Pack --------------------------------- LOCK ON MODERN AIR COMBAT .WAV SOUND EFFECTS REPLACEMENTS FOR LOCK ON - VERSION 1.02 by zzzspace 18th June 2004 ============================================================== These sounds are NOT designed to work properly with any earlier version of Lock On. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that these Lock On sound slider settings be used, in order to hear these sounds as they were designed and intended: MASTER VOLUME = 100% (or to whatever setting works best to balance in with any voice comms program you may use) MUSIC = 20% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85% [NOTE: Don’t forget your voice comms program has a volume slider as well for adjustments] ABOUT THIS PACK: These are replacement sound effects and texture add-ons to be installed using the LOMAN utility (manual installation instructions are not supplied and will not be given). This is not just a sound effects replacement pack, but is also a re-configuration of Lock On's sound image in terms of the distances, angles and intensities at which sounds are heard. It also incorporates a number of other optional mods. IF YOU EXPERIENCE SOUND GLITCHES: This pack is NOT designed for use on lower spec PC’s; however, there is an included "Sound_10km.cfg" file which is an alternative sound configuration with a 10km audible sound-bubble, for use with lower spec PC on-motherboard sound systems. It is only to be used if are having trouble with the usual 25km audible range of this sound pack. To use this alternative config file, delete the file Sound .cfg to be found in the folder; C:\Program files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds Then rename Sound_10km.cfg to Sound.cfg (NOTE: Capital "S" in Sound.cfg). -- RADIO CHATTER This sound pack incorporates low-level background cockpit radio chatter. This chatter can be removed by manually deleting the file CockpitSystems.wav found in the folder; C:\Program files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds\Effects Then just rename the file CockpitSystemsALTERNATIVE.wav to CockpitSystems.wav and you are done. -- DEMO TRACK & DEMO MISSION: This pack also contains a battle track and mission demo: zzz_Sounds_Demo.trk zzzspace_sound_test_mission.mis -- HIGH CONTRAST LIFT LINES: My newest reflectionless high-contrast lift-lines and scratchless canopy mod is also released for the first time within this pack. They can be optionally installed or un-installed using LOMAN 2.1 -- SEA TEXTURE: I’ve also included my alternative sea texture called, sea-256m.BMP If you wish to use it, you can MANUALLY extract it from the zip and place it into the folder; C:\Program files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Bazar\TempTextures Then set Lock On to LOW water setting within Lock On’s options to enable it. -- DISCLAIMER: Use of these files is AT YOUR OWN RISK--backup first! This zip file has been checked with the latest update of PC-cillan and passed clear of all documanted computer virus. Enjoy Lock On community! zzzspace 18th-June-2004 PS. Cheers to VAAF and special thanks to Ado (Malletta) for primary hosting of this effects pack. Big thank you to Eagle Dynamics for Lock On 1.02
  12. High Contrast Liftlines



    High Contrast Canopy Lift Lines - for Lock On: Modern Air Combat(Based on and modified from originals supplied by Soulsurfer25 http://www.soulsurfer25.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/liftlines.zip)zzzspace www.vaaf.com Virtual Australian Air Force--These high contrast lift-lines are intended for use in day or night, any season, any terrain and any weather conditions. They provide enhanced SA by using colours that have been tested with all Lock On conditions. Some colours wor
  13. zzzspace Soundpack ver. 4.1



    ZZZspace soundpack ver 4.1 - Only for LoMac ver. 1.00 and 1.01!This version contains new engine sounds, new afterburner, new explosions and other assorted combat sounds. It also features a detailed combined ACM, CAP and CAS 15 minute cockpit audio loop of in-flight background radio chatter—thanks to ‘EagleDeer’ for his prompting, resources, idea and inspiration for that one.Loman compatible.*Disclaimer: Install at your own risk - Biohaz will not be held responsible for any harm done due to use of these files*
  14. Yeah, the volume from the wingman is too loud, but that is just the way Lock On handles the sounds from all exterior objects, i.e. any sound that is replicated is also doubled in volume during playback. With one engine you get volume level x but with two, you get x + x ... so when you have another jet beside you the sounds are all double ... and unfortunately, this volume doubling is heard inside the cockpit as well  ... so when you have 4 jets in close formation ... scheech! ... way too loud! You don't notice this so much from the standard sounds that come with Lock On, because they were very quiet and muffled (dulled down) to begin with. In order to get all the other sounds and views to work with proper dynamics, loud wingmen is the result, there's no way to get around it (unless E.D. did another patch and worked in a way to isolate the other aircraft sounds, so that you only hear the sounds from your aircraft—but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one happening anytime soon, if ever). To compensate, I set the wingmen to always fly open formation, which is much more realistic anyway (or I vector them to the next waypoint, and I fly above them, which works better tactically anyway). But at the airfield it's pretty loud with another jet (or 4) near you. Sorry guys, it can't be helped, for the time being.
  15. I just wanted to let you know that there will be a new sound effect pack released in a day or two that will be 100% compatible with Lock On version 1.02. I have had a quick look at it and it's a simple adjustment to make the current v4.1 pack fully compatible with Lock On 1.02. I just need a day or two to test it and make sure all is right with it etc., then will post it up here in BioHaz for download. Can you please do the honours again GhostDog? Cheers mate! Could someone also please inform peeps at UBI forum; there was a question posted about it a little while ago: http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...606&m=396100074
  16. G'day DayGlow, please to hear you are liking the packs. :D The Sound.cfg file allows you to alter internal sound levels with the volume parameter (do not exceed Volume = 2.7; if you use those parameters for your tweaking, you may get lock ups from it). I've stopped using those internal volume controls though because I noticed they were causing odd things to occur. I now only edit sound levels in the file itself (using my .ogg originals, not the derived .wav files from the pack itself). Most of the reason why there is a big difference between standard sounds and my pack is because the standard sounds are quite muffled, quiet and unclear, so taking some top end off the sounds might do it for you to (?). I've not even played Strike Fighters yet. :( Just haven't had the time, maybe I 'll get it soon and look into it. I've tweaked F4 BMS 2.0 externals a bit though, but not seriously yet. I hope this new pack works well for you DayGlow, give it a go in Stereo with DirectX hardware acceleration enabled—it cooks! ;) Have fun!
  17. Update after 24 hrs… still a work in progress. I’ve completed combining all of the sounds from the current version 4.1 of the sound pack with the new avionics sounds from the 1.02 patch. There are a total of 14 avionics sounds in all within this pack (5 new ones from 1.02) and they all have to be checked for proper balance and to be clearly audible in use (but not annoyingly so on long missions). It’s all working and sounds great, but I haven’t had time to test it thoroughly to make sure all the 130 sounds are functioning properly. I would not normally need to test it all in detail, but the 1.02 patch made significant changes to the Lock On sound engine’s behaviour. I found that when I combined my Sound.cfg from version 4.1 (with the necessary new avionics added of course) I found that the sound engine is now operating a bit differently to previous. It’s not quite so simple to just combine them, so I’ve had to change a few settings in the Sound.cfg to get it all working sweet again, which means I have to now test it all (and adjust … and test again, etc.), in a number of missions before release. The good news is that the Lock On sound engine stereo imaging now works—it’s not Dolby 5.1 Surround by any means, but it does add a whole new level of sound image to Lock On—though there are still some pops and crackles present, particularly when missiles hit aircraft (but some pops and crackles are also present in other recent f/sims and shooters). So I want to make sure this pack’s sounds are ideal for use with this stereo imaging, which I’m sure many people will use once they hear it working with this sound pack. I’ve observed no loss of frames per second using it, even within the most complex missions I’ve constructed for testing purposes. I’ve noted the request from DayGlow in UBI forum about a non-chatter version of the pack. The chatter will still be retained with this version, but I’ll also include an alternative file that has no radio chatter within it and instructions in the LOMAN readme information window on how to remove the chatter file and use this alternative instead. I hope to have it all done and ready for download here from BioHaz by the end of Friday (unless circumstances prevent this occurring by that time). zzzspace -- P.S. You need to enable DirectX hardware acceleration for the stereo effect to be heard—remember, each PC setup is different, so mileage may vary.
  18. zzzspace LOMAC Sound Effects version 4.1 GhostDog, could you please upload, or replace the version now online within the BioHaz’s LOMAC file downloads—I love you guys. :D [ EDIT by GhostDog ] Description: This version 4.1 update to the pack contains new high quality missile launch sounds from actual missile firings, incremental refinement to engines, as well as to many ground-war battle sounds and genuine tank and artillery gun firing sounds. The in-flight background radio chatter has been edited and also reduced a little in volume so as to be less distracting during missions. Helicopter sound now has the appropriate turbine engine sound included. Other mirror sites are welcome to host this pack as well--enjoy. zzz -- P.S. Regarding sound levels; I have noted the occasional complaints voiced about cockpit volume levels. I’m a little tired of repeating this to the people who pay no attention; you can aim for one of three possible options when building a sound pack for Lock On: 1. Internal cockpit sound that is very similar to the real thing. 2. External sounds that are very similar to the real thing 3. A high quality compromise between those two irreconcilable and conflicting ideals. This sound pack is designed along the lines of option 3. If you believe that your in-cockpit sound is too loud, then I ask you; ‘loud’ … WITH RESPECT TO WHAT EXACTLY??? I can only see two practical and reasonable issues that would make any sense to this nebulous complaining of cockpit sounds seeming “too loud”; 1. You might feel the avionics warnings are a bit hard to hear easily because other sounds are swamping them a little … in which case, turn up the ‘Warnings’ slider within Lock On’s audio options (indeed, that’s precisely why I designed this pack with the “Warnings” volume slider pegged at 50%!) 2. Or else, you might have some difficulty hearing voice comms clearly in multiplay … which any experienced m/p flier knows can be caused by a number of completely unrelated factors, such as the quality of the microphones being used, speaker quality, equalisation, transmitting environment, the compression codec being used, or even the particular voice program being utilised. But those factors have absolutely nothing to do with the cockpit sound volume levels of the sound pack itself—do they? But let’s say for argument sake that none of these are the cause of the difficulty one is experiencing in hearing voice comms clearly; in which case, the available solutions are EXTREMELY SIMPLE. You can either turn up your volume slider within your VOICE COMMS program, or else, you can turn down the LOCK ON MASTER VOLUME SLIDER, which is found at the top of LOMAC’s AUDIO OPTIONS screen—this is in fact why Lock On has a master volume slider … ok? You, and you alone have total control over the cockpit sound levels which you experience—it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the sound pack. So please, no more tedious pointless complaining about your personal cockpit volume levels, USE YOUR BRAIN, and spend half an hour or so to set up and test out sound levels, then note them down, and you will have no further problems with your cockpit sound level settings. Too easy! ;) :D The following settings are volume settings which I STRONGLY RECOMMEND for use with this sound pack. I suggest you FIRST try altering other volume sliders, as described above, BEFORE moving away from the recommended settings. If you still aren’t a happy little chappy after this, … then tough luck Snoopy! :D MASTER VOLUME = 100% (or whatever setting works best to balance with your voice comms) MUSIC = 25% RADIO = 35% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 50% COCKPIT = 85% Cheers peeps!
  19. Final version of zzzspace’s Lock On sound effects replacement pack - version 4.0. Germ111, could you please upload this to the BioHaz file archive—thank you. 19 meg LOMAN 2.0 zip file http://ado.qgl.org/zzzspace_V4_Lock_On_Sou...eplacements.zip This version contains new engine sounds, new afterburner, new explosions and other assorted combat sounds. It also features a detailed combined ACM, CAP and CAS 15 minute cockpit audio loop of in-flight background radio chatter—thanks to ‘EagleDeer’ for his prompting, resources, idea and inspiration for that one. Have fun! zzz -- P.S. Other Lock On mirror sites are welcome to host as well.
  20. Sounds intriguing Snacky; forcing myself to suppress unbridled expectations. We all hope it will get a direct hit the ‘sweet spot’ with 1.02. Lock On and ED deserve to get there.
  21. Little correction; *HAS* "... so much going for it. ..."
  22. Yeah, a lot of merit in those points Bard, the one thing F-117A and Tornado 1 and 2 and TFX-EF2000 series had, was fantastic game play. You could play them for a month and love every moment. It goes without saying, I love Lock On’s good points, but the A.I. behaviour when it comes to actually planning and executing a mission plan, DESTROYS my enjoyment of Lock On game play ... game play? ... what game play? There seems to be a pronounced and generally unacknowledged lack of it. The missions and 'campaigns' seem to inevitably degenerate in to a mish-mash of ad-hoc chaos, and that is very disappointing to someone who has played many fine sims where not only did things work, and detailed game planning was possible, but it also operated beautifully in practice. If it were not for that major snafu I'd be rapt with Lock On (because I know the other serious bugs and issues are being fixed, so I don't mind waiting as I can see its going to get there, in those areas), but as it stands, I border on disappointment and disillusionment with Lock On in almost every planned mission I attempt to fly to plan. Makes you feel like pulling your hair out to see the state of the A.I.’s behaviours, and no one seems to want to bite the bullet and say it will be remedied either, even partially. So this is a stand out example of what not to do. We have a very good mission planner and editor, which allows you great precision construction of very detailed missions in time and space, plus full tactical development ( and potentially stragegic development in a campaign); it's all IN THERE, just waiting to work properly--they got that part right--but I don't know what they were envisioning in constructing the A.I. logics to actually NOT fly the missions planned! … Unbelievable. :( That is what I hope no following sim developer ever considers repeating. So what's the most important thing in planner and editor? ... THE ACTUAL PLANNED GAMEPLAY ITSELF. -- Disclaimer: Bard, please don't take this to mean I agree with other various views, nor tenacity of continually expressing them--I'm sure you realise I generally don't concur.
  23. Well, it is in some ways much easier to get the average new game to work today, its not like ten years ago when in order to use some of the best sims around, you had to really mess about and learn esoteric op sys config stuff just to get them to run, plus load up the peripheral drivers it required … in the right order … and also not exceed tight available memory ... and that was all part of the bleeding-edge simming experience, getting the darn thing to even work ... what a relief it was after a month of trying, to finally get it to run first time! Those were the days when detailed installation instructions and readme.txt contents had to be taken very seriously. Much easier now though. :)
  24. All that's occurring overtime is a pervasive, ever increasing expectation that developers should increasingly provide unachievable 'reality'. Remember Jet Fighter II, or Microprose F-117A? ... great 'sim' games from 15 years ago (they seemed 'realistic' to my ignorance at the time), I'm sure many do remember them, I played those to death and had lots of fun for very few dollars. No one TOLD me they were poorly coded, poorly modelled or the fight model stank, or the graphics sucked and the sound was pathetic ... I just enjoyed what I bought and there were many 'sims' I bought which really were terrible rubbish (and I forgot most of them), and I didn't need anyone to TELL me that either. Didn't need an expert to give me it broken down into what's 'wrong', or should be done 'better' and patched up. Likewise, I don't need anyone to preach to me the pros and cons of a sim I play now--nobody needs that so please don't bother, I'm not interested. If I keep playing a sim it has to be pretty good to hold my interest, regardless of whatever warts it has, and in 15 years I'll still remember them fondly for what it did, not what was 'wrong'. Unfortunately today, simply enjoying a sim and making the most of what you bought (emphasis on simply), and not just resorting to being a 'smart-guy' critic, is much less popular ... the sim seems to become secondary to expressing dissent and contention. LOL … pretty wierd, whatever!
  25. Is it just me, or are others under the impression that Ramstein is the author of the "copy & pasted post" ;) :P Surely not, that would mean they were just doing the rounds of LOMAC forums and needlessly stirring ... why would someone bother to do that?

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