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Everything posted by zzzspace

  1. And we wait for it to be unleashed. :D
  2. No, all of the cloud mods he did are like that, he couldn't figure out why the upper cloud layer never seemed to optimise properly.
  3. Sound

    LoMAn 2.0 compatible Lock On sound effects replacement suite is now down-loadable! http://ado.qgl.org/zzz_lockon_sound_effects_ogg.zip (Thanks Ado – “Malletta” for hosting!) NOTE: These are .ogg files so don’t forget to also manually remove the .wav files from the effects folder (as per readme.txt); C:\Program files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds\Effects - zzzspace
  4. Sound

    Hmm ... well, I just submitted a 6.2meg, LoMan 2.0 compatible zip of sounds ... and they really kick butt to!... -- README - lockon sound effects replacement_ogg.txt -- Lock On Sound Effects - A complete replacement collection. ========================================================== Compiled and edited by zzzspace of No.1. Sqd. VAAF "BUSHRANGERS". I have compiled a set of complete replacement sound effect files, to be placed in the below folder in place of the standard Lock On effect files. I recommend you back up the originals before installing these replacements: C:\Program files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds\Effects There are two configuration files as well which must be placed in the following folder; the files "Plane.cfg" and "Sound.cfg" go into this folder: C:\Program files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds -- All files files (with the exception of the .txt one you are currently reading) in the “zzz_lockon_sound_effects_ogg.zip” file, MUST be installed as indicated, or the .ogg files will not work in Lock On. Do NOT leave the standard .wave files in the effects folder because as a default Lock On will preferentially use the .wav files if available, and thereby ignore the new .oggs, so make sure that you have removed and backed up all of the .wav files from the effects folder. These replacement sound files were carefully selected and edited to produce the most complete and highest quality sound effects compilation presently available for Lock On. Every file has been massaged to produce the most bold and authentic set of modern jet combat sounds yet produced. Lock On uses either .wav or .ogg files; or even both types mixed together. I have made these sound effects replacements in .ogg format, because they are both smaller, and contain more higher frequency detail and clarity than the standard installed .wav files of even larger size. These replacement files were not specifically designed as a 'go fast' sound mod 'optimisation' (although they may indeed be faster at execution, they are certainly smaller). They were edited for maximum sonic impact on a high performance PC with a top quality sound system. A lot of effort and testing was put into editing and carefully balancing related sounds in order to achieve maximum sonic authenticity and also the maximum playablility. after all, what's the point of having a sound effect for the airbrake, or jettison, or gear, or flaps, if you can't clearly hear them when you need to? -- These are the Lock On sound options settings I use: MASTER VOLUME = 100% MUSIC = 25% RADIO = 75% ENGINES = 100% MECHANICALS = 100% EFFECTS = 100% WIND = 100% WARNING = 35% COCKPIT = 90% -- NOTE: USUAL DISCLAIMER - Use these files at your own risk. The zip file containing these files, and the files themselves have been checked with the latest update of PC-cillan, and have passed 100% clear of known computer viruses. -- Enjoy! zzzspace No.1. Sqd VAAF BUSHRANGERS. 23/Feb/2004
  5. Highground, of No.4 Sqd. VAAF CAVALIERS, has produced a remarkably detailed and panoramic re-enactment of the intense opening scenes of the classic late 1980's fighter movie, "TOPGUN". This is probably the best sim 'movie' video yet created within a commercial combat flight simulator to date. Awesome work there mate! For his day job Highground serves in the Royal Australian Air Force. Download the movie from the news article links at: www.vaaf.com
  6. Would some one like to (Bio) hazard a guestimate when "Operation Southern Cross" may be good to go? (i.e. nominate an approximate release date +/- a week)
  7. How Long...

    LOL Red: yeah, what does it all mean? ... it keeps me up at night ... Blue: ... huh? ... WTF are you talking about? Red: ... err, ... nothing. Blue: ... ? ... do you want to talk about it? Red: Nope.
  8. Very impressive guys. Loved the muzik too. :D
  9. Actually, STT is a direct and continuous LOCKED track feed, and can update the AMRAAM's datalink continuously until it goes active; where as TWS is only a partial and intermittent 'track' while scanning, which merely PREDICTS where the radar beam should look next time it wants to update where the tracked target now is. i.e. TWS can have large positional errors against a fast manoeuvring opponent and has to scan again to re-acquire the target that was not near to where it was predicted to be. This means that the direct continuous STT radio datalink feed to the AMRAAM will be of much higher quality, very precise, more reliable and current, than compared to the intermittent data feed from a predictive TWS radar track "lock". TWS is really a system which guesses where the opponent is and then checks to see if it was right, and thereby periodically updates the opponent’s location to the missile. So an STT locked mode AMRAAM launch will be more reliable and precise in BVR combat than a TWS ‘locked’ mode AMRAAM launch.
  10. If your TrackIR tracking rate it too fast or overly sensitive to your head movement, then set the “MOTION” tab to these settings and save them. These settings are close to a normal rate of head turn and view change, yet stable when looking at the instruments, but fast enough for snap views and panning out to the sides and above. TrackIR 3.01 “MOTION” tab screen MOTION TYPE = TrackIR Enhanced (Absolute) MOTION PRESET DROP DOWN MENU = Custom CUSTOM MOTION PROFILE RESPONSE CURVE SETTING ---------------- Speed = 3 Edit Point = 0 Speed = 3 Edit Point = 2 Speed = 3 Edit Point = 5 Speed = 7 Edit Point = 10 Speed = 11 Edit Point = 20 Speed = 11 Edit Point = 30 Speed = 11 Edit Point = 40 Speed = 11 Edit Point = 50 ----------------- SMOOTHING = 120 -- A copy of this TrackIR profile is downloadable here: www.geocities.com/zinfinityspace/TrackIR.txt Once down-loaded, change the TrackIR.txt extension to TrackIR.tir then place this file in this folder: C:\Program Files\Naturalpoint\TrackIR Then open this file within TrackIR, and you are ready to fly—enjoy.
  11. I Got It !!!!

    Yep, same here.
  12. For me it's like: Hey, I'm better off. I can actually run the game without any major problems. Personally I think, that flaming in the official boards is OK. At least there's a chance, that the developers actually see the problems. And there are many. The main problem is, that the distributors publish minimum requirements, which are a laughing stock. This way, they want to attract more buyers, but in the long run, they're pissing those people off, who actually believed in those requirements. Yeah, many people have said the same. It is the publisher doing this, not Eagle Dynamics. Just before the game was released Carl Norman himself said that he thought the recommended minimum specs were unrealistically low, and furthermore recommended that people use a much more capable video card than the stated minimum specs.
  13. That is not sufficiently accurate. If you keep calling the tower "inbound", the tower will give you updated headings until you are lined up, then ILS will automatically kick in, and "Approach " will talk you down. Yep, it is lame, but if you do that and follow directions closely you will successfully land even in IFR soup, at night.
  14. F15

    That is weird MrMudd, because I use a system a little better spec than yours and I would not even consider turning heatblur off, because it seems to have absolutely NO impact on FPS. (I noticed the same thing in the demo to)
  15. Yeah ,that's it, when I 'fly' an aircraft in LOMAC if really 'feels' like, and most definately looks like I am flying--that is priceless ... that is unmatched, full stop.
  16. "Their forums are just as self explaining as their game interfaces." -- LOL! Exactly!
  17. You say, "Lomac is a brilliant game, perhaps it just needs a little time to grow on me.", but IL2FB is a fully mature, patched then redeveloped and re-patched again sim. And that sequencial process made it as it is today; truely great. It's not that Lock On has to grow on you, it just has to grow, become fully mature, be patched, then redeveloped, and re-patched again ... it will then be a truly "all time great" combat flight sim. I for one am enjoying Lock On very much, and it is a bit better than I actually expected; but the missions and campaigns lack a convincing structured outlook or goal, nor any really serious tactical and strategic thinking about how to take down the opposite side with all the amazing tools and potential tactics possible. Those sorts of things have yet to be strung together for Lock On. Until then Lock On will remain bit one dimensional--it has not grabbed me yet at that level (as did sims like the classic and very addictive Tornado series). Add to this the present clumsiness and non-ideal lay out of the mission planner, plus no levels of undo if you change your mind, or have made an error; plus the very discouraging 64k file size upper limit for multiplayer mission files ... and it all makes developing the deep potential of Lock On that much more difficult and slower. I hope they intend to review the layout of the mission planner/editor, because options that are commonly used should be much more accessible (and definitely more intuitively findable and self-explanatory!!). What I know is that in a year from now LOMAC will be a much better and smoother sim for most people, and behave significantly differently than how it does today.
  18. If you look at the recent bug fix list for the up coming patch you can see that most of what is being fixed up was not reported on the UBI forums; it appears to be mostly the remnants of late beta testing fix-ups, and a few specific fixes for the more serious (and bitterly complained about at length) bugs in the release, which really detract from Lock On's playability. Work on the patch needed to really polish and sweeten Lock On has probably not even begun yet in ernest.
  19. I love the new color/theme of the BioHaz forums--much clearer than the previous--but why restrict the text to a centered (800 pixel?) column? Looking good anyway. :D
  20. Actually, the game works absolutely fantastic most of the time on a top-end PC, and I see high 20's FPS with EVERYTHING on high, exept the water which I always have on LOW (Can't stand the shiny water; I use a custom sea texture which works much better for supplying all the necessary visual cues) and the "Viewable Distance" set to medium, with 1280x960 resolution and 4x FSAA and 4xAA. (Yes, it is of course a Sapphire ATi RADEON 9800XT 256 meg DDR card) When it gets extremely busy it will sometimes drop very briefly to as low as 13 FPS but the estimated average FPS is around 26 - 27 (which is a higher FPS rate than the U.S. television standard @ 25 FPS!) You need a very new and high performance computer to run Lock On smoothly, and it definitely DOES NOT 'suck'--I've never enjoyed any sim more than this (but holy crap, it costs a fortune to get smooth performance). -- P.S. If Eagle Dynamics would just address/comment/rectify the 64 kilobyte files size limitation in multiplayer I'd be much happier with that aspect to (yep, that's my pet gripe)
  21. Wow! I feel your pain, you sure are keen to be perservering with it given all that. Once the controller is patched, you need to get atleast an ATi9600XT (best performance/value) and install Win XP, and most of your problems will ... well ... will be replaced by entirely new ones ... lol A squad mate was in a very similar position to you (and he was very displeased with both Lock On and his computer and threatened to dump it onto the Freeway!) then he installed XP and an FX5600 Ultra 256meg .... and they all lived happily ever after. ;) :D
  22. Welcome To The New Jet Thunder Forum

    Looking forward to when this one comes to fruition ... will be looking forward to it! Best wishes.
  23. Big Scenario Mission

    See here for a test report of this mission's effect upon top end hardware: http://forums.ubi.com/messages/message_vie...mac_gd&id=zrtja

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