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Everything posted by zzzspace

  1. I tried to post this to the UBI forum; but it is in such a state of dysfunction that I could not even get it to post; so I'm posting it here so that perhaps some one might answer it, because UBI LOMAC forum is effectively inopperable. Here is the post's text: -- The entirely predictable is of course occurring: i.e. "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired /messages/message_view-topic.asp, line 121" This UBI LOMAC forum has become practically unusable! It is sssooooo sssssslllllloooooooooowwwwwww!! ... it continually gives errors, regularly stalls entirely, and even when you persist with all this, and make a reply to a post, it then generates a whole new level of frustrating error messages, which effectively prevents you from posting to it! (other people I communicate with are reporting the same thing) It has been getting worse each day, to the point where for me, it is practically UNUSABLE--and I'm pretty persistent--even for simply loading and reading content. There were plenty of indications that this would occur as soon as LOMAC was released, and yet the much needed upcoming UBI LOMAC forum upgrade was left until it was FAR to late! A few people, more than six weeks ago (including myself), posted that this was almost surely going to happen unless the forum was overhauled. I'm now forced to rely on other LOMAC related general forums (such as BioHaz etc.) for important LOMAC related information, because the UBI general forum is effectively completely buggered for practical usage; which should not be the case! I use the UBI forums as my primary source for gathering important information with which to help sort out various issues for our m/p squads and members, but all of the constant errors and unbearable slowness (if it works at all) means it is no longer practical to use for that purpose. So my question is; how long is left until the forum software is replaced? P.S. And yes, I had major trouble getting this one posted as well … this is post attempt #23 ... I wonder if this one will work??? ... eventually it might ... i.e. "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired /messages/Includes/display_common_ubi.asp, line 1506" ---- I eventually gave up after failed posting attempt #24 ...
  2. That would be fine by me ... lol .. this is a great site, pity is is a bit on the quiet side at the moment, but that will change soon enough.
  3. Lock On

    The last I heard (from Shepski yesterday) testers are using beta 13 now ... one has got to be bit of a silly tool to prematurely and ardently rubbish LOMAC per sec, based upon flimsy and relative personal impressions gained from a mere limited extract of a pretty damned good fun and very functional, thank you very much, beta 5! Maybe I'm just too easily pleased, and should wise-up/wake-up, and realise that I've been completely duped by ED and UBI? ... BAH!! .... I played the Kamenka A10 mission with my trusty but somewhat battle adverse wingie yesterday, and had the most fun in that silly beta 5 to date; and I can't wait to explore the possibilities further over the coming days and weeks ... and it cost me ... WAIT FOR IT! .... NIX!!! … not a sausage mate! lol :D Yep, I’m pretty damned disappointed with LOMAC … … and I’m not going to by it either! … humph …. ROFL!!!
  4. Vertigo...

    I love the look of the highly reflective water but there is no scale or depth of field perception whilst dogfighting over it. You can’t judge how high you are via looking out of the canopy during a dogfight, so you can easily end up striking the water if fighting vertically (where the MIG29 does better). Also, the water’s horizon is often too hard to visually discern, so a sense of ones aspect and orientation, relative to it is missing, leading to regular losses of situational awareness. It needs long wavelength swells included, plus their shadows, with a few white caps mapped in to break up the mirror-like be-calmed effect and to give a better sense of height scaling, and ones relative proximity to its surface. I love what you’ve done but a few more refinements and tweaks will make all the difference to its visual appeal and practical utility.

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