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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Admit It.....

    Besides Falcon and I and a few others that post in the Sci-Fi board how many others here watch anime or read mangas ? I always wonder because it's a guilty pleasure in my circle of friends. And if you watch or read, what do you watch or read? I'll list some of my stuff, you'll be surprised at it but for all my geekiness I spent 15 out 20 years in the Navy playing with all kinds of destruction. RaXephon Neon Genesis Evangelion Mezzo DSA Gunslinger Girl (I know this irritates Falcon) Both seasons and the OVA Full Metal Panic FMP The Second Raid Solty Rei Desert Punk Innocent Venus Grenadier Eureka 7 Got more but these are the ones that I can sit down and waste an entire weekend with. And you all thought I just spent my spare time threatening my daughters boyfriend
  2. Happy Birthday FalconC45

    Happy b-day bud, hope you made out like a bandit!
  3. Microsoft Flight Sim Discussion

    Been away from the boards for too long it seems. Surprised that I'm not the only active FS "pilot" around here that still uses FS9. I'm running a VA that operates in Central and South America, Lagoon Transport, that operates in slightly less than legitimate manor. The best part is that we operate everything from the Caravan to a L-1011 and helos. Most of the fleet are DeHaviland Twin Otters with a couple of Dash 7's along with CV-580 and 640's. The challenge for us is not the airframes,it's landing in jungle strips with real weather and little to no NAVAIDS, just a GPS map or FS Nav to point the way. If you have not tied online flying you are missing out, that's where the fun is and the REAL interaction with pilots. Okay this is for Rambler, The trick is knowing when to add power on final, make sure you know the max speeds for flaps and gear, I usually add one notch of flap at 250 KIAS and just before turning on final. As I line up I start pulling off the throttle and adding flap so that when I'm at 1 mile I am as dirty as I can get. Depending on you instruments, watch your VSI if you start sinking quickly add power and raise your nose a bit. The trick is to be fast enough to stay aloft but not gain altitude. You'll have to play with the stick and throttle all the way down and your DME (if you have it)and needles are your friends. Along with that it's practice,practice,practice. I started with the King Air and went on the Lear before I was comfortable to do the Heavies. If you do like heavies go here and get the BAC 1-11, full panel, working VC and working APU to power the systems on the ground http://www.dmflightsim.co.uk/bac_1-11.htm This is not a kick the tires and light the fires bird. You have to use the check lists and the panel is all "steam gauges",all first and second generation Jet liner technology.
  4. Happy Birthday Hrntfixr

    Happy B-day!
  5. Speed Racers Voice Passes Away

    http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-07-15/speed-racer-voice-actor-peter-fernandez-passes-away Peter Fernandez, the man who gave Speed his voice passed away today from cancer. A very talented actor and writer in the early days of anime.
  6. Range Time

    Got a call yesterday from a friend who said that I should be up and ready early in the AM to go to the local outdoor range. Well It has been ten years since I set foot on a range or fired a weapon of any kind so I was wary of going. Glad I went, even though my eyesight has gotten bad over the last few years I still can put lead on target, did a little skeet for the first time too, easier than I thought it would be. Now I am home with a bruised shoulder and smelling of gunpowder, a good feeling to be honest. Couple of pics... 9MM Sig Grouping from a Russian bolt action, 100 yards, open sights, bad eyesight
  7. Range Time

    The only real advantage being a lefty has is that growing up back in the day a kid like me would hold their cap guns like their friends, right handed, by the time I got to real fire arms I had become ambidextrous and I can shoot equally well with both hands. This for me means that I don't worry about a disabling injury to me shooting hand, I can switch hands and stance without thinking. I used to use both hands during qualifications in the Navy. Drove the Range Masters nuts. It's the things you don't think about that puts a shooter to disadvantage, opening a door, punching in a code or phone number while holding a pistol, since I learned to use both hands, I still have good control with my weak hand. To Nesher, Yes I have be away for a bit, but I only post when I have something worthwhile. Glad you can do the head shots, with my eyesight these days I don't even try. I always train for center of mass hits, might not be an instant kill, but the mother will know his day is f**ked.
  8. I only have FS 2004 but base on experience with some of the versions of products for that version I would recommend Active Sky and Ultimate Terrain. Active Sky is one of if not the best weather programs out there. I would also consider looking into freeware where ever possible. There are things that are payware quality to be had at no cost. Look at the file library on the Flightsim.com website. Like I said I have 2004 but I have kept an eye on FSX so I have an idea of what to get if I ever turn to the "dark side".
  9. Range Time

    Almost anything stating made in West Germany is rare these days, have a punk album by Die Toten Hosen that on the intro states that it was made in WEST Germany. BTW, that pic of me firing the pistol has already scared the crap out of my baby girls boyfriend.
  10. Range Time

    Not sure, it was a friends that he got used from the German Police, all I know is that it was as comfortable as my issue P226 and just as accurate.
  11. Yes, it's where this movement got started last Friday night. Here's the group link... http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000317706513&ref=profile#!/group.php?gid=130209676991878&v=wall Note I am only a member of this FB group, but like I said earlier, John Finn was an AO and AO's always try to help and honor their own.
  12. AS of this posting the petition has accrued 2866 signatures. It was started last Friday night. Not a bad start for this endeavor. I've seen how many views this has had, but how many members have actually clicked the link and singed the form? At the very least the Navy members should be stepping up, if you did thanks if have not, why? BTW,food for thought, the next name on the list for a Navy warship is John Murtha. Think about it. Dave or Erik, can this be stickyed ?
  13. Happy Birthday Firehawkordy

    Thanks for the wishes, it has been a nice quiet day, just like I enjoy. 50 may old to some but I still think like someone in his 20's. Falcon, I got lots of good anime this year and plan to spend the next day or two watching it. BTW, thanks to whoever put me into the Veterans group. I am honored.
  14. What are you listening to?

    A good mix of Beethoven, Back, Mozart and Vivaldi. With a little Hanel thrown in.
  15. IYAOYAS & RIP Lt. Finn

    This says it all... http://www.sdnn.com/sandiego/2010-05-27/local-county-news/navy-lt-john-finn-oldest-wwii-honor-recipient-dies He was an inspiration to all Naval Aviation Ordnancemen. IYAOYAS
  16. Bell 204 belonging to my new VA Lagoon Transport Ltd., flying support for a Interdiction outpost on the west coast of Columbia Outpost itself Graphics suck but the wife won't let get a new rig until I get her a new truck.
  17. My First Flight Sim

    Hey,I had one of those. It was a lot more fun that the helicopter on the boom toy.
  18. Games comparison

    The F/A-18E Superbug is for Flight Sim 2004 at the moment with an FSX version due out in the near future. If you have the patience to follow the manual it's an intense bird, however, it is a procedures driven model. Failure to set up your FS installation correctly will give you error messages in the cockpit, failure to follow the checklists will catch your engines on fire, don't ask how I know this. That said if you have a lot of experience with MSFS the bird will give you a good flight, just don't expect to blow sh** up in the game as there is no coding for combat in MSFS 2004 or FSX.
  19. combat ace history any1

    Me too, I learned a great many things about Strike Fighters and FS 2004 here. We used to have an active flight sim community long ago but things change. I remember my first online FS 2004 flights were on the BioHazard server. as to how I came to be here, simple I followed the link at Third Wires website. I've been here ever since.
  20. New shoes

    Black fishnets would look sooooo much better, but then I am a dirty old Sailor.
  21. Place your Christmas greetings here!

    Merry Christmas and all that stuff. May my friends and family get what they wished for and the rest what they deserve. Also a little poem... `Twas the night before Christmas out here where I am. Not a creature was stirring, not even Saddam. The stockings were hung in the ready room with care, in hopes that care packages soon would be there. The J.O.'s were snuggled in their racks nice and tight, Wishing to sleep until noon with all their might. I'd just closed my eyes & settled down in my rack we had just completed our most recent night trap. When out on the roof we heard such a clatter that we clambered on deck to see what was the matter. Away to the kneeknocker we flew like a flash, I tripped on my flip-flops and opened quite a gash. The moon was as big as my now swollen knee And we squinted against it's glare upon the sea When, what at 3/4s of a mile should appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. The driver called the ball "Santa Ball - Ho Ho Ho" We watched and we waited as he got a little too low. We knew in a moment that it must be St. Nick Because none of us could fix a low ball that quick. He planted it nicely on the three wire with care And glanced at the LSO's as if with a dare. With a twinkle in his eye he received his debrief When he heard the words "No Grade" he stood in disbelief. "You don't need to be Santa Claus, for I am he, But don't wait too long for something under your tree. After a pass like that on the eve of Christmas Day You'd think that even Santa might get an OK!" He threw his gift sack on his back in a huff Saying "I can't believe the Navy puts up with this stuff." He mellowed a bit as he got down below And started to chuckle, there was even a glow. From ready room to ready room he went lickity split. Filling our stockings and chatting a bit. Telling us of our families and friends far apart How they were keeping us in prayers and close to their hearts. As his sack began to empty, his work here all done, He bounded to the roof and to Catapult One. He rogered the weight board and readied his sleigh, With a push of the button he'd soon be on his way. "Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN! On, COMET! On CUPID! On DONDER and BLITZEN! Pay attention to what you're doing, this is no time to forget, If things don't go perfect, we ALL end up wet! A salute to the Officer, who then touched the deck. We watched Santa's head nearly snap off his neck. But we heard him exclaim as he rose out of sight "I AM GLAD I DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY NIGHT." We thought we had seen the last of the old guy Until the Boss said "Clear him for one more fly by." He came from bow to stern, an impressive sight Yelling "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT." fly navy.
  22. Navy SEALS Charged for Asault?

    If this is what has happened to the US Navy and the military in general I am so glad I retired. Having worked with SEAL Teams in the past through HAL-5/HCS-5 I have nothing but absolute and unconditional respect for the operators. They are by far the the most professional group of young men I ever worked with. One thing FOX News failed to report, one of the Blackwater employees who was killed was Scott Helvenston, a former SEAL. The [insert derogatory epitaph here] should be glad it was only a split lip, imagine what could have happened if it was Blackwater that got him. Anyway I doubt that the bastard was assaulted, more likely he tripped on a bar of soap.

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