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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. I Found A Purpose For YouTube

    Try here.... http://www.tfaw.com/Profile/Gunsmith-Cats-...Vol.-4___278610 Also Barnes & Noble online should have it too.
  2. I Found A Purpose For YouTube

    Wrong place, wrong time. Watch the anime and see what I mean.
  3. OK Firehawkordy....

    Thanks for the greetings and well wishes gents. I raise a glass to all of my friends here tonight. Also, once again I'm humbled and honored to have the members of Combat Ace as friends. One thing I need to clear up, the resident Marine Ordie here is 331 Killerbee, I'm the resident Naval Ordnanceman. Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for the Corps as my son is a Marine Combat Engineer, but I am first and always a Sailor like my old man.
  4. Sports Bra Sale at Walmart

    Oh sure this is semi-okay, but you wear one pair of panties on your head and your Commanding Officer brands you a pervert
  5. I Found A Purpose For YouTube

    This is from Dark Horse Comics..... http://www.darkhorse.com/Books/16-363/Guns...-Burst-Volume-4 Looks like it will be out in September. My Memorial Day weekend was quiet, as I get older thats how I like my long weekends now. As for Funimation, they are getting more titles almost every quarter. The best thing about them is that they are also in Texas and have access to the same voice talent that ADV has so if they pick up a follow up to one of ADV's properties continuity of actors is in most cases maintained.
  6. Avsim gone?!

    AVSIM is back online, however the library is not at the moment. They have managed to recover 90% of the files with full recovery of FS9/FSX. With any luck they'll be full up by the weekend.
  7. I Found A Purpose For YouTube

    ADV has not said anything about continuing the manga, that whole side of their house is pretty much dark. As for the DVD's, Funimation has the rights to both seasons now. ADV f'ed up some how last year and lost every license they had announced at the San Diego ComicCon in 2007. That was close to 100 titles with Funimation picking up a good part of them. I'll let you know when anything is released.
  8. My life is a soap opera

    I, sir, am offended at your being offended. serverandenforcer, do you really want to hook up with someone that has the capabilities to stalk you from "x"thousand feet and put a Hellfire into your bedroom window if she finds that you have a "guest" staying overnight?
  9. I Found A Purpose For YouTube

    The manga is better with more time to develop the characters. Unfortunately ADV dropped the ball big time and has only released the first six volumes. At this time there are 10 volumes released in Japan but the only way you can read them is via an internet site that has online, read unofficial, translations. The story in the manga is gearing up for a major show down and the girls are just plain wearing out. As for the second season, I will still get it when it's released in the states. I agree somewhat with Falcon's assessment of the lack life in the eyes and some bad animation in spots but I watched most of the fan subs so it will be nice to hear the dubs. As far as I can tell the actresses that did the dubbing for the first season are returning for season two. I think an OVA is in the works too and the plan is to release both to the US at at near the same time.
  10. The Person Below Me

    True, I prefer Ham and Mother fu..... , Lima beans. The person below me would rather slam his gonads in a car door than see the new Star Trek movie.
  11. Another little simmer has entered Combatace

    Congrats 10 pounds? my sympathies to mom.
  12. Avsim gone?!

    Some good news, according to the AVSIM Forums the site MAY be back up this weekend. Check link I posted earlier for updates. One thing that is disturbing, in the first 48hrs the community was tripping on their dicks trying to donate, now some guys are trying to claim Tom is scamming. While I haven't hit the donate button, tight paychecks, I believe that AVSIM is on the up and up. Like the way these idiots kick someone while they're down.
  13. A little range time in an AS365... And I found this in an Alpha Sim H-53 repaint....
  14. Avsim gone?!

    I was going to post this last week but I figured that the news was well and truly out. my bust. Here is the link to the Temporary AVSIM Forums..... http://linux.myalbemarle.org/forums/index.php And I concur with Typhoid, hackers should be decimated, survivors forced to repair what they f'ed up and their ranks decimated again.
  15. RIP Major Donald Thompson

  16. Sir...........

    Oh damn, Spaceballs! There goes the planet!
  17. Somali Pirates Attack USN Ship

    I heard that pitching left handed usually takes care of Pirates.
  18. Somali Pirates Attack USN Ship

    I read on Fox News that the pirates are getting info on their prey via spies locaed in the UK among other places. Supposedly they get intel as to the type of cargo, crew nationalities, and sometimes the ship's layout.
  19. Sir...........

    And his name is Major Asshole. What's the matter Col. Sanders, chicken?
  20. Sir...........

    [prior to the Alien puppet] "Oh no, not again!"
  21. Sir...........

    Great, I'm surrounded by Assholes!
  22. What did you do in World War II daddy?

    My uncle Art was taken by the Japanese on Wake Island in 1942. He wound up in the Japanese home islands, until the nukes saved him too. He never talked much about what he went through until he learned that I was being assigned to HAL-5, then he had a lot of advice and wisdom for me. We found out shortly before he passed away that he and some others were introduced to the Recon Marines at Camp Pendelton as their forerunners. When I told my son about his great-uncle he was very quite for a bit , then he said that he would try hard to live up to that family legacy. I also worked for a older gent at Meadows Field in the '80's that had been in the Dutch Underground during the war. He had some amazing stories to tell. I remember him asking what I had done as a teenager, I replied "going to school, he answered back "killing Germans". That left a big impression on me. He also gave me lot's of advice in unconventional warfare, now days it would be called terrorism, but back then it was freedom fighting. One time some Army pilots parked in his space, I got the job of telling them to move their car. I was also told "tell them the next time they park there I'll blow their car, you know I know how to do it." After explaining to the Army guys about him and his threat they never used his space again.
  23. Somali Pirates Attack USN Ship

    In answer as to how the pirates get on board a ship that size, most have a platform and accommodation ladder somewhere on the vessel. here is a typical arrangement.... http://www.flickr.com/photos/sierra2u/3227844319/sizes/l/ The Jacobs ladder usually is pulled up while underway but the accommodation ladder is usually fixed in position, so all the bad guys have to do is to snag that access point.
  24. Somali Pirates Attack USN Ship

    The thought of a military ammo ship in the hands of pirates is scary, at least they were able to out run the f***s. I say to hell with world opinion and kill every last one of them.
  25. Silly Question

    I thought I saw ManRam with it last night, but you'll have to wait 50 games before he can give it back.

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