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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    Well I think we found out what I'm good for
  2. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    Combat Ace.... Come For The Downloads Stay for the EELS
  3. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Red Dwarf is my poison, however Star Wars,4-6, is one of my all time favorites. My choice nowadays is a good anime series or movie. You can do more with animation, the trick is finding the right voices for the characters so the story is believable.
  4. Working on the F/A-18 as Aviation Ordnanceman in VFA-305 and then at Station Weapons NAWS China Lake I never loaded a triple rack. The Hornet was always loaded during my time with a single LAU and Maverick. It was also rare that those were loaded for a flight anyway. A good all around load for any mission would be as such, Stations 1 and 9 AIM-9 series Stations 2 and 8 4x Mk80 series bombs, any configuration. Stations 3 and 7 AGM-88 HARM/AGM-45 Shrike (was used until about 1992) Staions 4 and 6 AIM-7/AIM-120/ FLIR and LASER designatior. Staion 5 Drop Tank This is what I used to load other than Mk76 and Mk105 practice bombs, it's also what I take in the strike missions unless it's a pinpoint target.
  5. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I'm like Fates and a lot of other folks. I came with the building Been here since it was Bio Hazard, found the link on the TW site. At the time I was just getting into flight sims and had a S***load of questions for both SFP1 and FS9, the denizens here had the patience to answer every last one of them. I've been away from the TW series for a few years concentrating on FS9 so I missed out on the "Modder Wars" and other fun at SimHQ. While I still post there,SimHQ, from time to time, CA is my main venue to rant, praise, brag and grieve. Oh yeah, I sometimes even make a worthy contribution to a post.
  6. Been messing around with the weapon editor and got the CBU-72 Fuel Air Explosive to do some serious damage. By changing the explosive mass entry to 1500kg it now has the blast wave will now destroy almost anything in a 50 meter radius. Before anyone says that it's not "real" because the CBU is only a 200Kg class weapon consider how a FAE works. The older models releases aproximately 500lbs of etheyline oxide gas and at the proper dispersal point the vapor is ignited, see attached... The result is the effect of a 2000 pound class weapon in a smaller package. Blast and heat do the damage with an overpressure at least 5 times a standard Mk80 series bomb. If anyone is interested I'll post the entry to the weapons ini later on. Right now I'm looking at changing the visual effect so that it looks like the animation. I'll keep everyone informed of what I'm doing.
  7. FAE

    Just an update, I'm still working on the explosive yield, increased to 2500Kg. It's still not taking out heavy structures but soft targets and vehicles are getting seriously hurt. If I'm satisfied with the next round of tests I should have the ini edit posted by next weekend.
  8. Hey Wrench, just thinking, good thing the housing boom went bust in Bako, otherwise you'd be re-tiling the western side of Kern County every week with new housing. Seriously, I am having a blast flying "combat"on my home turf. Even though it's make believe you tend to fight a bit harder for your own home. Think I'll fly a CAS in Van Nuys and then go to DisneyLand
  9. Wrench, the airfields now show up, I put in the Hi Res textures and that seemed to fix the issue. Having a blast with the strike and CAS missions, the A-10 is well suited for this. The AA is deadly even on Normal settings. I just can't find the SA-5 file but no matter, the default SAMs are just as deadly.
  10. Wrench, the runways and taxiways are not showing up, at least in Fresno and Bakersfield. Speaking of Bakersfield, thanks for putting a target near my house, there goes the property values.
  11. Joining U.S. Navy as a foreigner

    If you are in Italy proper try talking to someone at NSA Naples (Napoli) there is also NAS Sigonella in Sicily. They should have the answers you need. As for foreign nationals one of our Air Dept officers was German, he said he was turned down by the Luftwaffe because his English wasn't good enough for them. Hope you are able to join the best Navy in the world.
  12. Anybody know how to get FRAPS working in any TW game? I get the framerate when in the menu but nothing while actually running a mission. It would be nice to get gun camera footage in MP once in a while. What I really need it for is to capture "testing" when I try a weapon mod. That way I have a record of the damage done.
  13. I wonder what Stiglr would say to me trying to cram 2000Kg of explosive into a 200Kg bomb body, knowing his anal retentive nature for accuracy. Dave, I think it's time to unleash the Ordnance Mafia
  14. This how you enforce the blockade...
  15. It would give a new meaning to the term "drive-by shooting". As I live in Bakersfield I wonder what kind of air defense is going to be implemented. Most likely a couple of rednecks with shotguns north of the Kern River and some Homeboys with Saturday night specials on the Eastside where I live.
  16. FAE

    Hopefully, but remember, a FAE's destructive effect is in it's blast. The best examples I can give are a grain elevator explosion in which fine grain dust in suspension is somehow ignited. The dust burns so rapidly that the expanding conflagration bursts the grain silo if it is completely or partially sealed, the gasses can't escape fast enough to vent safely. Example number two would be a leak in a Gasoline container where the vapor collects in a confined space and is ignited. One cup of gasoline vapor is equal to several sticks of industrial grade dynamite. Napalm on the other hand depends entirely on the effects of heat and flame. To make the napalm effect a larger area you would need to adjust some entries in the Weapon editor and use an unfinned canister. You want the fire bomb to either tumble or spin laterally to case the most damage. Once I get the FAE to where I feel it has enough power I'll look into the increasing the yield of the napalm stores. BTW, Stary I really enjoy the hell out of your improved explosions packs. They make a lot of difference in the game especially in low light or bad weather conditions.
  17. The Person Below Me

    True, but who's going to tell me to shut up? I'm big, half crazed and very drunk by that point. The person below me enjoys Spam sausage eggs baked beans and Spam.
  18. Fav cooking/chef show

    Good Eats and when I can catch them reruns of the Galloping Gourmet, when I was young I never realized the Graham Kerr was S***faced on most of his shows, I just thought he was a funny cook.
  19. IYAOYAS! Could one of you gents add this to KB's post regarding the Ordie Shack info? It's the online Aviation Ordnanceman 3&2 rate training manual for the Navy. Good stuff there. Thanks and IYAOYAS
  20. It's because I spent the majority of my 20 years in the Navy as an Aviation Ordnanceman.AS the older guys know I have great respect for Ordies and Ammo Troops no matter the service or country. There is what I call the "Ordnance Mafia" on this forum, you'll see it in action if an Ordie perceives an insult to a fellow Ordie or Ammo Troop. As to the link to the training pub, other than minor differences the info is good for all US services, NATO and other US customers.
  21. http://www.tpub.com/content/aviation/14023/ Forgot to post it, something about a VO Debrief
  22. Okay, so I really didn't leave the CA Forum, just the Strike Fighters series, but it's still good to be back to the first computer game that involved me in a community. I really appreciate all the replies to my posts, they have helped get me back to speed and I'm able to pass on the info to others that I play online with. I also make sure they know the only place to get the mods and such are here and they have to be a member to do that, so hopefully this swells our ranks that much more. I haven't been active in so long that I feel guilty about it. I miss the days of passing info to the guys working on the first Weapons pack and helping beta on of the early mods I still have it somewhere But I digress. If anyone needs a crash test dummy, I still have the same low end Dell so I could run anything to see what the bare minimum will work. I feel I should give something since I was gone so long. Anyway, thanks for warm welcome home, if anyone should need help just ask me and I still have info for the older weapons locked up in my head.
  23. Which pack? Weapons 2.52 or Bunyap's one from 2006. They are both on the downloads section in this section.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=340 if you add these, make sure you get the latest Weapon Editor from Third Wire. To use it read the Knowledge Base. There are a couple of threads concerning it and how to add the mods. Even an old timer like me had to go over the KB to make sure I did everything right. Also read the install instructions to make sure the files work.
  24. 1 Wasn't there an OV-10 in the works or available a while back? That would be a great FAC or CAS/CSAR bird to fly. 2 I've seen a thread concerning the Cobra but it's not in the Downloads, where can I find it? 3 What A-1 in the down loads should I get? I've been away from the game for a while and lost track of the latest updates.
  25. Thanks Wrench, I'll email capun for access. I hope he recognizes my board name I need a few of the boats on his also besides the Snake. Speaking of which, anyone have a good link for the A Team AH-1G?, the one in the repaint section is dead.

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