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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Repaint of the UH-1B

    Since I have gotten the basics of repainting down I thought I'd do something for my HAL-5 squadron mates. HALs 4 and 5 were the last dedicated Huey Gunship squadrons in the US Navy being dis-established in 1988. We flew the HH-1K and our primary missions were and still are with HSC-84, SEAL Team support and Combat Search and Rescue. We trace our roots to the Seadragons and Seawolves of the Viet Nam war and continue the work they started. That said, we were a small part of Naval Air and simply put, overlooked by anyone with a camera and a pen. I decided that since FS9 had no HH-1K one day I'd rectify the wrong done us. Allow me to unveil the Hi and Lo-vis paints for Lynn Rodgers' UH-1B Huey,HH-1K NW305 of HAL-5, The second shot has the original Huey in the background. The base package and the repaints are here at the moment, depending on the response I'll post the repaints elsewhere, maybe even here Please note that these are not true K model Hueys but close enough for gov't work. http://www.fstopgun.net/download_center/ Next up is an UH-1B/C of HA(L)-3 the Seawolves.
  2. Just what it says, what sci-fi film would benefit from a total ground up redo? You know the ones that we watched when we were kids or young adults and when you see them one Saturday afternoon you realize that they didn't age well. Here's a few Logan's Run, lose the disco sound track, invest some serious money and try to follow the a little more closely. Colossus, The Forbin Project Andromeda Strain Farinheight 451 Zardoz (look it up).
  3. Axis Inversion?

    If you paid for the registration of FSUIPC you can do that and more thru the FSUIPC module. If you have no clue to what I'm talking about go here..... http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html Make sure you get the correct version the one for FSX will not work in FS9 and vice versa. What this is is basically is a way to let third party hard and software "talk" to FS9.
  4. What is wrong with the USAF?

    USAFMTL, this is the last thing I'll add to your thread, I promise. I've been retired for ten years this Sept., in that time I've attended retirements for both friends and my favorite unit. All agree that it was time to go when it stopped being fun. The question I asked about staying around for your full twenty wasn't for you, and it wasn't for me. It was for the folks on the outside and the kids just getting started. This is why I asked, knowing why you joined is easy, why you stay is easy, knowing when to leave- thats the hard part. The most difficult thing I ever signed in the Navy wasn't the Contract or the Re-up papers, it was that damned piece of paper that said "I'm done". I left at the right time for me, everyone leaves at the right time for them, that you still have the opportunity to keep your hand in is another winning reason. Every reason you listed is the right one and nothing is more important than family. And you're right, after listing everything in your reply to me, you win, and that's what matters in the end.
  5. WTF Is Going on in Chcago?

    This is different from the normal gun violence how? This is Chi-town, land of Capone and corruption.
  6. What is wrong with the USAF?

    I understand your feelings toward your branch of service and I meant no disrespect, at least towards you. What ever branch a person serves in becomes an extension of family, no mater what, and I forgot that. I do mean what I said about the A-10 guys however, the ones we worked with were pros. I still have one of the spent 30mm shell cases that their Ammo Troops gave us as souvenirs. My question to you is this... Can you stick it out to your full 20 without losing your mind or are you going as soon as you can? I'd hate to see you or anyone for that matter lose benefits that they worked so hard to enjoy. Politicians come and go, good leaders and trainers are rare and valuable assets and remembered far beyond their tenure. As my late father would tell me when I'd get fed up with the bull, " Don't let the bastards get you down."
  7. What is wrong with the USAF?

    Once I saw the "Cable TV Squadron" sign front of a building at Hickham Field what little respect for the AF vanished. My mom is a Navy wife, a Chief's wife at that and when my son called to say that he had joined the Marines moms reply was "thank God it's not the Air Force". The AF's problem is they take themselves too seriously, less than 70 years of tradition as an independent service means you are still toddlers compared to 230+ years for the Navy, more if you count the linage to the Royal Navy. I will give the AF this, when we needed CAS for a CSAR mission the Hog drivers were guardian Angels for our helos. The political game has infected all branches, I'm glad I retired when I did.
  8. One of My Boys On Leave

    This'll be brief, my son's best friend, the one who lived in my garage just rolled in to the house. Best surprise this year. He's fine and standing tall. I finally got him the Johnny Walker I had promised him a wile back. He told me that the advice that I had given him about getting extra armor on his M2 saved him from some real hurt. He told me that less than a week after he put some extra plate on the side, they took a hit from a 155mm IED. The added stuff helped tak ethe blast and he's here today. Thank God for small favors and kids the actually listen. I want to tell all you Vets out there, anything that you learned, even if it's anecdotal, can save a troop. Pass on your knowledge, those of us who were "peacetime" Vets, what was told to us by the guys from Viet Nam and before, that knowledge was entrusted to us to help our younger brethren. We have a duty to teach, even in retirement, the kids. Both my boys have said the same thing, they listened to me and others and it helped them survive. I'll get off my soapbox now, time to spend with the kid. Consider my words, and the boys says thanks for the good thoughts.
  9. One of My Boys On Leave

    Found out the Troop is reporting to Ft Irwin at the end of the week. We've been going through his gear and deciding what he should take as he's accumulated so much s***. He had to re-up for this posting but he's ready to train Soldiers and pass on his knowledge and experience.
  10. how many of you were even born...

    I grew up with the original Joe. My friends and I would spend hours in the back yard playing with them. For Xmas a few years ago I received a 12" GI Joe wearing ABF flight deck gear. Family got it because I was a Grape on the Sara. It's still in the box. Not going to lose this one. Now that my best friend and I are older and the money we are able to buy back some of our memories and childhood. I'm still trying to get a refund on my mis-spent youth however.
  11. FSX worked, now not

    Sparko, you're trying to run FSuX, the "u" is silent. Sorry for the smart remark, I have no fix for you but you gave me another reason to stay 2k4.
  12. name that...eh...whatever

    It's a Badger http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/
  13. Two Navy Safety Films

    This'll make a lot of us especially Navy and Marine aviation types feel our age. Where were you when you saw the first one? I was at NATTC Millington in 1979 just starting my career as a degener.....Umm Sailor. The second one is more up to date with the times, but the old ones are sometimes better.
  14. Repaint of The OV-10

    Well after seeing how most everyone I know has done repaints I thought I'd give it a try. I found a freeware program called Paint.net that is like a stripped down Photoshop. I asked some questions from one of my online friends and linking the paint.net program to FS Repaint I did this... A questionably acquired Bronco.... What you can do with some spray paint and a forged bill of sale And this is the artwork source I have a few more birds to deface, I mean repaint, and I hope you don't mind if I show them off.
  15. "Bad Landing"

    Lucky pilot, and lucky flight deck crew. This could have gone seriously wrong had that bird smashed into the pack on the bow. Having worked on the roof myself, seeing that brought back some bad memories.
  16. SHACK!

  17. Well, I took the Test today......

    Best of luck to you. I remember taking the 2nd Class exam for AO three times before making it. Thank God for PNA points. Seriously, good luck and I hope you make first increment.
  18. I'm a newbie come to FS 2004

    The quick answer to your problem is practice, the long answer depends on what plane you are using. The technique is used was to make a long approach, 10 miles for a Boeing/4miles for the smaller birds and make a gradual descent. For every good landing I would make I would tighten up the pattern until I can do 2.3-3 mile finals to an aircraft carrier in almost any kind of Navy bird. The one thing you need to learn is your planes stall speed when it is dirty, flaps out/gear down, and keep your airspeed a few knots above that. Check your kneeboard to see if you have reference speeds listed, know those will help you know when to extend flaps and drop the gear. Other than that , like I said earlier, just practice. Like I used to say way back when, I'm getting better at this game, I'm crashing closer to the runway.
  19. Some News From My Son

    Actually two things, 1 He picks up Cpl in April, let you all know when he does. 2 He and his bride have a baby on the way. All things considered, he's done well for himself and continues the family tradition that one member serves at nearly all times. He keeps up doing good I may even forgive him for being a Marine. Have I mentioned that I'm proud that he's my son?
  20. Some News From My Son

    He's still hurting a bit but he's getting better. When I talked to him he was going to the rec area to play some football. The inbred that hit him and his friend has some serious charges to face as is his wife. For the time being things are the back burner because of the manhunt for the marine that killed the young lady Marine and then dropped of the face of the earth. As for my kids bud, he's back on light duty and taking things one day at a time. Keep him in your thoughts that he can return to full duty status and at least finish his hitch. Both lads asked that I pass on their thanks for the thoughts and prayers that were sent out, not only while they were recovering but also while they were deployed. From the heart, we may not know one another from Adam away from CA, we may pass each other on the street with no recognition, but CA is like an extended family and that everyone spares a prayer or thought for one another or their kin is truly amazing and appreciated.
  21. Blast hits military recruiting station

    Hey dip-S***'s, it's like 2008, not 1968. The last time some one tried it was the Weathermen and they were alot better at it than you were. See Johnny, don't you feel inadequate with your premature detonation problem? Any side bets that he has the same problem with his sister?
  22. What Did You Have For Dinner

    Ham and mother-errrrr, Ham and Lima beans tonight. I'll be glad when the wife starts working the day shift again.
  23. What Did You Have For Dinner

    Sounds like ARAMARK runs your kitchen like over at the hospital where my wife and I work. I had chicken cup-o-noodles, with tabasco and and soy sauce, and a Pepsi. Yummmmmmm.
  24. NOW TWO A-6's

    I've no shots of this, yet. What I can say is that it's half the price as Alphasims but also you have less load options and paint jobs. That said, there is no point in comparing the two. RAZBAM's is lighter on the frames offers the EA-6A and KA-6D and it's designed to fly from the VC. You also don't have to configure your fuel and armament weights to reflect what you are carrying. I have both AS and RAZBAM'S birds, I like them both for different reasons. What I recommend is this, if you are new to flight sims take the RAZBAM, you wont have any unpleasant experiences an flight operations are for the most part easy. If you have some time under your belt and want to get a feeling of flying a loaded cement truck at low level and high speeds, get Alpha Sims, just setting up to land on the boat can be sheer terror. Like I said, I have both, and I use them both online, with no problems, so pick one or both, I guarantee you'll have fun.

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