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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Was playing around with a PB4Y Privateer and lined up this shot from the bomb aimers position... Speed 220 IAS, Alt 2500', lined up and a sitting duck.
  2. Bad Day For The Love Boat

    Bombsight is included. You can get it at Simviation... http://www.simviation.com/cgi-bin/syb.cgi?...e=Privateer.zip Have fun with it.
  3. Buccaneer

    Yes, it's FS9 but I'm not sure if it's AlphaSim's or not. I have a freeware one that I love to fly fast and low. Anyone that wants to fly with me and my group, we fly at FS Top Gun, IP for FS and Teamspeak is FSTOPGUN.ORG as I am the lead admin over there we dont worry too much about speed and altitude restrictions Just look for NVY_72, that'll be me.
  4. Who is actual aircrew?

    Be proud of your SAR work, it's under appreciated by almost everyone until they're cold, lost, in the dark and want to go home. As for me, while I never formally went through the schools, I did my share of fun things in HH-1K's and HH-60H's. Ahh, hanging out the door leading Jackrabbits with an M60 , err, don't tell PETA about that part. Got to go on some Mine-EXs in P-3's a few times. To be twenty years younger and five times smarter.
  5. Which Sci-Fi film would you like to see made ?

    The Directors cut of Bladerunner is as close to a remake that should be done, it's only for those that already know the film though. As for me, William Gibson's Neuromance is one that I would like to see. Johnny Nemonic was taken from his short story of the same name, the story was expanded into Neuromancer. Just keep K Reeves out of it. I'm for Snow Crash, just read the book, again, it's so read that the pages are creased and the spine is broke. To make a leap, there was a TV show that was from NZ called "The Tribe" a few years ago, basically it was part Warriors. part Lord of The Flies, and part I Am Ledgend. All with a cast that ranged from about 10 to 17. Funny thing, it worked, and it lasted about five seasons. It would be interesting to see how the pan-demic that wiped out all the adults and set up the story happened or an epilogue a few years after the end of the series. And my pick from Anime to make live action, RahXephon, that would be a mind bender.
  6. Ultimate Avengers (2006)

    The Confeder, ERRRRRRRRRR, Commemorative Air Force has one in flying condition, saw it at KBFL in '95 along with their B-29.
  7. Hey Falcon!

    The Second season of GG is out in Japan and I managed to watch the "fansubs". They are following the manga's Pinocchio arc with this one. You'll have to search it out yourself but if I can find a site, the one I watched from is now a dead link, I'll PM you. Also the manga is up to vol. 6 with 7&8 on the way. If anyone doesn't knowa bout GG heres a link with a good description.... http://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=671
  8. CAPTIN SIMS F-104 is awesome

    Alpha Sims is the one I got, very fun to fly.
  9. What is the best FS9 F-15?

    Ito uses a lot of default gauges, I think that his auto-pilot is the default Lear or B737. If you are brave enough you could always add your own. If I have the time I'll try get it and edit the A/P. IF I do I'll post the cfg entries for you.
  10. New assault rifle

    Not to get off track but the other guy was from Austria too. And Kalifornia Uber Alles is a Dead Kennedy's song making fun of Jerry Brown.
  11. For the Dawn of War fan's

    With all the talk about the new DoW release I decided to get the complete collection and install that, all went fine until I came to adding the second CD key. The installer was asking for five sets of characters and the book only had 4. Sent a message to THQ about my problem Saturday, Monday had a new key in my e-mail. For support THQ is up there in my opinion, I expected a smart-ass cop-out or a lot of hoop jumping but not a new key, sent on a holiday. Not too bad for this day and age.
  12. New assault rifle

    With our Governator it will soon be Kalifornia Uber Alles
  13. New assault rifle

    What the girl or the gun?,or both? I don't know about you guys but I'd have to be REAL sure of my manhood to carry something like that. Then again, who'd be dumb enough to make fun of a man packing a pink piece? ( say that fast)
  14. US NAS's For FS9

    For those of us who "Fly NAVY", this gent, John Stinstrom, has been very busy creating various Naval Air Stations. His latest is NAF El Centro CA. So far the man has released the following; Whidby Island North Island Cecil Field Moffet Field Sigonella Naval Air Station, Sicily, Italy Lakehurst Cold Lake CAFB Wake Island Seymour Johnson AFB Howard AFB As well as scenery libraries for Rwy12 and EZ Scenery. While he may be the one who puts these files together, he has input from various members of the armed forces that provides him with the info needed to be as accurate as possible. If you love to fly naval aircraft these are a must have. I'm waiting for NAS Fallon and a better NAS Lemore at the moment.
  15. I made captain

    Congrats, do you use FS Pax on your flights too? that can make for interesting flying sessions.
  16. Be careful who you point that thing at!

    We flew Captive AGM-88's all the time at when I was at NAWS China Lake so this is feasible. In the first Gulf War our birds were carrying "FuzzBuster" radar detectors to indicate if I remember the radar for the HAWK SAM system, that we gave to Saddam.
  17. How many hours?

    I spend enough for my kids to complain that I dont get out enough, usually 8 to 12 hours a day on the weekend and days off, 4+ any other day.
  18. For the Dawn of War fan's

    As Table Top 40K IG commander I take offense, the IG has the finest flack jackets the planet Guz Daon has to offer. Seriously, I do play IG in miniature and find the vehicle armament options lacking. I hope that this will be changed. BTW, One of my modified Leman Russ MBT's You really can't see the battle damage I added but I built my armor like I would a scale model, painted/weathered/"lived in". I have at last count, 6 Leman Russ,12 Chimera, 2 Salamander, 3 custom gun trucks, 3 Griffon, 3 custom (homemade) Basilisk and enough IG Troopers to scare the S**t out of Horus himself.
  19. Alpha Sim A-6

    It's been too long since I posted anything on FS9, so here goes. Alpha Sim has released the Intruder this past week. The only posts I've seen center on the price, about $70 US for both packs. What I want to know is, am I the only one that is satisfied paying that amount and enjoying my purchase ? The bird has the more common loadouts, the gauges is improved alot, and the sounds are better than the default to the Lear. I found that if I fly within it's limits there are no surprises and I've trapped easier than with the A-6 or Viggie. I'll post some pics later on of this bird. If you ask why I paid out as much as I did it's simple, there are only two other choices, Sasala's and Itto's. Sasala's bird is still good but it's starting to show it's age. While Itto's is more of a step backward's in flight dynamics and no VC. If you have this new Intruder us know what you think. This board has been quiet for too long.
  20. Bleach

    Not that I watched Bleach, but I found the redub of RoboTech better than the original, and yes I'm that old to know the difference. The fact that the new dub of RT was done by ADV's "A" list actors helped a bit. BTW, waiting impatiently for my GG DVD collection to arrive.
  21. Alpha Sim A-6

    Well considering the lack of a quality A-6, Mr Sasala's is starting to show it's age, it was a reasonable price to pay. Alpha Sim has been getting better with each release they issue, more custom gauges unique to the aircraft instead of default items for one. RAZBAM is set to release it's own A-6 soon and I'll be getting that one as well.
  22. Warzone 2100

    Thanks for the link, I never could find the game for PS after I played the Demo.
  23. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    "I think he's a psychotic with a psychopathic personality." Split Second, 1992
  24. Update On My Kid

    As you know he and a friend were the victims of an inbred idiot, well heres the latest, the boy is doing well, the injury to his leg is still painful but he can get around. His new wife is taking care of him. His bud is on sick leave and at home, he'll have to be evaluated when he returns to base to see if he can continue with the Corps. Hopefully he'll get to stay in, and the dummy that did the assault will be put away for a loooong time.

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