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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Corny Jokes Thread!

    I work in the local hospitals warehouse, the other day I issued for one of the medical instruments five, and this is no S**T, vaginal light bulbs. What I want to know is 1 How do you install them? 2 Does the light go out when she closes her legs? and 3 Can you use one to recharge a glow in the dark condom? :tomato2:
  2. Your thoughts

    Okay, so I'm late to this but here's my 2 cents, first off all the active members know that like most I served in the Navy both active and reserve. It was the reserve units that were constantly preparing for war, notably HAL-5 and HCS-5. To think that you could go into a branch of the armed forces these days and not see combat is laughable. Boy go into the Peace Corps and dig wells and sing Koombia with the natives, you aint cut out for the military and would only get a good troop killed. I have two kids in the military one in the Marines and the other Army. Both have seen combat, the Soldier got wounded and even though they don't like being deployed they go anyway. Why? because that was what was taught to them, duty first. They didn't join to stay out of a fight, they didn't join to get into a fight. They joined, like most of us to serve their country and give something in return for the freedom we enjoy. My kids and the ones I trained in the Navy represent the best we have to offer, joining to learn a trade is fine, joining to learn a trade and doing all you can to avoid combat in time of war is a cowardly and wasteful act. Cowardly because someone else has to do your job, wasteful because a better man could have been trained and his talent used where it would do the best. I have nothing but contempt for anyone who would enlist and then find a spot that is safe when by rights it should be going to a COMBAT VET, not a skate. My kids would have loved a nice restful deployment not getting shot at. I"m lucky, my boys are fine and still in one piece, what about the poor soul that has lost someone in combat that read the original post? How do you justify the phrase "stay out of combat"? If something had happened to Derek or Issac I'd be less than polite with my reply. I'm stopping here before I blow a gasket and get really ugly. :angry2:
  3. A Very Good Video

    Found this on YouTube, has some good footage of HCS-5. Show this to anyone who wants to know what a Reservist does for a living.
  4. Which type of song?

    No, Clash as in Sandinista, as in London Calling, as in the songs White Riot and Tommy Gun, not in the their "sell out" album. The clash as in this..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe_Dkglw9NI This is The Clash, the only band that counts
  5. Which type of song?

  6. Son Is Home Safe and Sound

    My son is home from Iraq, thanks for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Just got off the phone with him, his tour is up everyone in his unit made it back. He also got married and when I asked him if she's a good Marine wife he didn't hesitate to say yes. So I now have my boy home in one piece and a new daughter, today was a good day. I pray that everyone else is a lucky as my son and make it home safe and sound.
  7. Any Good Anime Lately?

    Okay, it's been awhile since anyone posted on their Anime so here's my latest. Elfin Lied , Complete collection. Haven't finished yet so far it's serious on a lot of levels, from the blood and gore killings by Lucy to the reason for Maya's running away from home ( hint, new step-father) This is a very strong series, not for the faint of heart or easily offended. I don't say that lightly either this is one that may never make it to a programming block like Adult Swim because of the amount of cutting to be done to make it palpable to American audiences. Heres a good review of it so you'll know what your getting into. http://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=770 To finish of RahXephon I ordered the movie version of the series. This focuses more on Ayato and Harreka and has a completely different end than the TV series. If you've seen the series this kind of answers questions about their relationship but it's not going to clear up much of anything else. While it's a clearly different show, this is what Neon Genesis could have been. It has the same archetype characters but while Shinji is a angst ridden kid who doesn't want to fight , Ayato willingly pilots the RahXephon because he has a small understanding of what is at stake. To finish this off, I also bought the complete collection of Full Metal Panic. Not much needs to be said about this set, just that I now have it on disc and not on a Tivo hard drive. The first volume of the novels that FMP was based on also came out last month and it did answer some questions regarding Souske. Things to watch on Anime on Demand if you have it: Air TV Red Garden Xenosaga Godanar Innocent Venus Anybody watch or see anything different?
  8. Mecha Model Kits

    I know I'm late with this but try here.... http://www.hlj.com/index.html Very large selection on Mecha and Sci-fi kits.
  9. We're...

    I will not buy this cigarette, it is scratched.
  10. Anime Music Videos

    Here's a couple of my favs http://www.veoh.com/videos/v479536s8zMhNj8 http://www.veoh.com/videos/v4044069znWtH8d and this one is wrong on so many levels http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...irl&search= I don't make 'em folks I only find 'em to watch
  11. Got Word From The Navy

    As most of the members know my dad passed away last year. He wanted to be buried at sea as befits any Sailor. Last week the Navy informed us that he will be placed aboard an out bound ship within the next couple of months. It's taken over a year but he's finally got his Orders. We'll be notified when the boat leaves so we can all go down to San Diego to say good bye. Hopefully he'll be placed at the junction of the international date line and the equator as befits a Shellback. I do feel sorry for the burial detail, his wish was for a simple metal box, my cousin owns an oil-field machine shop had his urn turned from some titanium/steel alloy in the form of a Naval artillery round. We were told that he's been on the Quarter Deck since his arrival at the facility that handles the burials at sea. Seem that there is no rest for a good Chief.
  12. Happy Birthday to....

    Happy B-day, I'm jealous, wish I was 18 again
  13. Need your votes to win a contest, please!

  14. Yes, well thats the kind Philistine pig-ignorance I've come to expect of you non-creative garbage. You, you excrement! you sit on your lothesome spotted behind squeezing blackheads not giving a tinkers cuss about the struggling young pilot. Well I wouldn't be a Freemason now if you got on your hands and knees and begged me! See what you started? I hope you're happy.
  15. Any Good Anime Lately?

    I get a lot of my Manga from Barnes and Noble, usually I'll find something at the local store and then order online for everything that isn't available locally. Try this link, it should take you to the Manga page.... http://browse.barnesandnoble.com/browse/na...fiction&z=y This is for another site that carries Manga, I've not tried it but a couple friends have had no problems.... http://www.tfaw.com/ As for anime I either use B&N or go through ADV when they have a sale. Lots of luck in finding stuff. Right now I'm reading My HIME, not a bad series with lots of volumes to develop the story. The last three series I read were too short, RahXephon (3 volumes), and Tokyo Boys and Girls ( 5 volumes), and Crossroads (7 volumes). And I just got the RahXephon DVD collection today. Have my weekend planned out already.
  16. Any Good Anime Lately?

    Check out this months New Type magazine. Monica Rial, one of ADV's voice actors, has a colum there and this month it was on ADR, automated dub recording, works. There actually is an art to dubbing, ADV and Funimation have actors that are very good at it, Bang Zoom is at the other end. If the dub is really bad I'll just switch to OVA and watch it subbed. BTW, Just finished Gunslinger Girl, kind of sad end to the series but I've heard that there may be a second series in the future. My next waste of time is Mezzo DSA. Something about a girl in an orange body suit kicking butt and taking names. But lets get back on track and keep the thread on the subject. There is a good thread concerning Dubbed vs Subbed at the Otaku USA forum.
  17. Any Good Anime Lately?

    Instead of my usual play one after another episode, I'm actually making this one last. It's sticking close to the manga but it's adding depth to the characters at the same time. As for the lead in NG, yeah he's whinny, but he starts out defeated and for him it goes downhill from there. What makes it work is that the show focuses on the supporting cast more than Shinji. The really tragic one is Asuka, not being able to work as a team mate and then slowly losing it. I think that instead of getting slapped by the girls Misato should really make a man out of him. If you haven't read it yet checkout Neon Genesis, Angelic Days. It's an alternative universe to the classic NG, and Shinji & Asuka do hook up.
  18. What is with the constant need?

    Before Mad Jeff dropped the hammer and banned politics on the forum I was one of the ones who let passion overide reason. Politics and religion are two subjects best avoided in a public forum available to literally the entire world. As for topics devolving, there is not much you can do about that other than try to post a reply to get it on track again. Pointing out links and past topics is like USAFMTL said, it's been discussed, covered and/or dead. I post at SimHQ's FS2004 forum and I lost count on how many post's with the same question about FD4 for example. And this is after I and a couple others did a review on it in the board, I think the count is at five post,same topic and basically the same question too. I'm getting to the point that unless I have something to add I tend to look over the boards and move on. It's not worth the time replying to the same old S@$%. I might start posting in the FS2004 board here again, but you got to admit USAFMTL, it has been dormant for a long time. Maybe a kick in A$$ might be in order.
  19. Who Cares?

    Only if I have money on which 2 Celebs die after the first one, they all go in threes.
  20. Live Earth

    Don't care about any concert series fronted by Al Bore,errr, Gore. I remember a news story about an Earth Day concert in NY's Central park, after it was over the city had to come in and clean up mountains of trash left by the "Lovers of Mother Earth", not to mention the damage to the trees and grass in the park itself. The concerts are only to make people feel good about themselves and do nothing to help. It reminds me of the Roman Empire, give the people bread and circuses and they will stay content.
  21. Thoughts On Barry Bonds Breaking HR Record

    That's been the opinion of many guests and callers on Jim Rome's radio show. That the Commissioner and Hank Aaron have said the won't be in attendance when that "event" happens says volumes.

    Hope that they show the first one made in the '50s. Always thought that that one was the best. I'll be splitting my time between that and watching my new Neon Genesis DVD's. BTW, Gammera is way more cool.
  23. 4th Of July Sale @ ADV

    Their site will tell you better than me, I'm looking at RahXephon or Full Metal Panic this time around, or maybe both http://www.advfilms.com/sale.asp
  24. Caption This

    Funny, it dont complain about a wet spot.
  25. Pick this up last week, not a bad mag. Covers alot of things Anime and Manga included. It's called Otaku USA and it may give New Type some good competition. This is the link... http://otakuusamagazine.com/index.html I'm in the forums as "urzu" , more fitting for that type of board. Check it out, get the Mag, has a disc with anime, none really caught my eye though. The boards are really starting to get lively and friendly, with one of the editors very active and approachable.

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