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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Son Is Now Deployed

    My son reported in, he's in country and set to move to his AO. Please keep him in your thoughts, as he's going where my adopted son got wounded and as we all know it's still hairy over there. I wish I could say he's a REMF, but he had to a MARINE and a Combat Engineer at that, and there is no rear area in that s_hole.
  2. Flatulants Roll Call

    From what I was told, "women don't fart, their ankles swell and their shoes fly off". :rofl:
  3. How the heck did you come up with that?

    My last squadron assigned was HCS-5 The FIREHAWKS , and my rate was AVIATION ORDNANCEMAN 1st Class, or Ordie. As Ordie is the common spelling and I am far from being common, I changed it to Ordy. Hence FIREHAWKORDY, in honor of the two things in the Navy I'm proud of.
  4. Flatulants Roll Call

    Take one large plug of Redman, add a 12 pack of Bud or San Miguel, allow to cure overnight. Make morning quarters, come to attention and.................................................. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guarenteed to clear a large formation in two whiffs flat. :bad: :bad:
  5. A ride of a lifetime

    According to what I heard on KNX radio the guy is " mentally challenged" so he may not have known not to go in front of the Semi. The local newsman they interviewed said the guy was more upset over losing his soda than with taking the ride. It looks like a true innocent in the wrong place and time.
  6. Anime

    This link will give you an idea of what it is.... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=6159
  7. 331Killerbee

    Here's to KillerBee's return. If it weren't for him and a few others I would have given up on Strike Fighters and WOV a long time ago. Even after I put all my efforts into FS9 KB's lessons helped me out. Fellow Ordie, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Semper Fi and IYAOYAS
  8. Anime

    Area88, complete collection...... http://www.advfilms.com/CatalogFilms_Volumes.asp?ID=2044 All episodes for download $4.99 ea http://www.advuniverse.com/default.php?cPath=38 There is some new anime out that I'm looking forward to seeing, 009-1 and Black Lagoon being two of them. NewType magazine has 009-1 on it's cover disc and there is a new mag out this month, Otaku USA, almost as good as NewType but written for the Gaijin, err, us round eyes. Eureka7 is one of those that you either like or not. When it was on Adult Swim the description never hooked me so I didn't see it when it first aired. I saw the first few on On Demand and by #4 I was wanting more. My only complaint is that the ending was a bit of a let down, but it did leave me wanting more. Hopefully a second series will be made. Just don't include annoying brats this time.
  9. Anime

    Found a "new" one" while on vacation, Eureka7. Pretty good story line, cute girl, giant robots, end of the world with a twist. I guess that it was on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim but I missed it. A friend loaned me the tapes he made and it was the best 10+ hours I ever wasted in a long time. I'm planning on getting the DVD's , at least one a paycheck. The Manga is good also but it's a little different from the anime. Looking at getting Full Metal Panic and FMP The Second Raid next month. One of my friends asked my once why I get as much anime and manga as I do and my reply was ..... Because I can.
  10. Happy Birthday To........

    Thanks guys. Had a great day doing absolutely nothing all day. Saw #1 grandson monday so all in all a good week.
  11. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    Navy, go figure
  12. Roll Call

    IYAOYAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Best Animated Movie

    Well we've gone through comedy, Live Action Sci-Fi , Monty Python ect. So what's your favorite animated film? Mine, and these will date me... Akira Wizards Ghost in the Machine 1 (1980's version) Appleseed (1980's version) Appleseed (new release) Patlabor 1
  14. Yes I am being nosy But

    Better midgets than Circus Clowns. You DON'T want to know about the seltzer water and animal balloon method of combat. Bozo can be one deadly mutha when he needs to.
  15. Best Animated Movie

    I forgot about Heavy Metal. Saw it the nite it opened in a drive-in in South New Jersey. I still have the sound track LP some where around here. When it was re-released in '96 I picked it up as soon as I could.
  16. Fs2k2/4 Faq/downloads Thread

    Oh man, now I have to go through another site for things.
  17. Need I say anything about this guy...?

    Natures way of saying ... YOU!!!!! , OUT OF THE GENE POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My question is , Who the F*** gave him the live rounds? Mom and Dad should be getting charged with bringing in an idiot into the world.
  18. Jet Fighter Movies

    Chick flicks with fighter planes should not count!, ie; Top Gun. In the VFA squadron I was assigned to Top Gun was actually used as a training film, the pilots were required to count how many NATOPS violations Tom Cruise committed while around an aircraft.
  19. Anime

    No, got the original. 2 discs, same as the VHS I got in the late 80's. I know the one you are thinking of, that's the latest incarnation shown on the Anime Network. I'm turning into a fanboy, got to get a life.
  20. Anime

    I just finished Area 88 last nite. The original release from the '80s. English dubbed by ADV so the voice acting is great. For those who've not heard or seen this one I give a brief overview. A Japanese pilot trainee is basically tricked into joining a middle eastern countries foreign legion as a fighter pilot. To go home he has three choices, complete the three years- pay a One Million dollar penalty- go over the hill. The storey revolves around him trying to earn enough to buy his way out of the contract so he can go home to his girl. Thats all I'm saying, you have to watch the DVD to see how it works out. The animation is all hand drawn, no CGI, with some of the best air combat sequences ever. All the planes are based on real birds, no fantasy/sci-fi/transformers here. Good characters, the clothing is dated and it's the usual big-eye/small mouth style of art. the newest bird shown was the F/A-18. I got my hands on a bootleg VHS of this back in '87 with no subtitles and no English dub but I was still entranced by it. Now after all these years I really know what the hell was being said. The artwork and music did a fair job of conveying the basic story but now ...... One more thing, in the box that this DVD was shipped in came a "bonus"? or a mistake. Some how a disc of the first 6 episodes of Robotech got sent to me also. If this was a bonus ADV has got my repeat business, if it was a mistake, well they've got me ready to complete that series next. Now to get Gunsmith Cats.
  21. Man 12 Hours Day Shifts

    You and I have been friends here for a long time so you're right, no contests. I just like to poke sharp sticks at sleeping dragons occasionally. I know all about long shifts, and extreme boredom so it's fun when it happens to some one else. After all the Vets and Active/Reserve guys stay rather tight here, as it should be. Stay bored aned stay safe.
  22. Man 12 Hours Day Shifts

    I'll ask my son in Iraq if a twelve hour shift is long.
  23. Anime

    If anyone wants to see what some of the ladies that do voice work for ADV releases look like get this months Anime Insider. There is some stuff about the Anime Awards. If you want a review of a certain anime check this out.... http://www.themanime.org/reviewlist.php
  24. Anime

    Full Metal Panic, The Second Raid. It just released in the States earlier this year. I've got the uncut Japanese language episodes <subtitled>. It takes place about six months after the last FMP ep24. Have to get the US release, noticed some differences watching the trailer. And I got thick reprint of Gunsmith Cats today. Definately NOT for any one under 18.
  25. Demographic Similarities of Virtual Pilots

    I still want a refund on my mis-spent youth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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