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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    Clockwork Orange. Set in the near future Social-political commentary Cure is worse than the disease What is not shown is more disturbing than what is I saw this in a theater 30 DEC 93, even after 30 years this movie still made the audience nervous. I also ammend my comment about Don Steele, yes the voice of KRTH and was really good but I preferred the DJ's from the mighty KMET over all others.
  2. Anime

    I've not seen Gunsliner Girl in anime but I just finished the Manga. Like you said the story line starts slow but sucks you right in. My anime indulgence at the moment is Divergence Eve, good Sci-Fi line and well drawn characters (anime girls) and great voice acting. After that it would have to be all 3 Full Metal Panic series. Once again, great but implausible story line, well done characters, action-giant robots-explosions-embarrassing situations, you can see it on the Anime Channel. Two other series I like are Jinki Extend and Coyote Ragtime. If you have the Anime Channel On Demand check out the 1st annual Anime Awards. If you wanted to see what the actors that provide the voices look like this is your chance. Some have faces that belong on radio, but the Ladies from ADV studios look like the characters they voice. Best anime movie is a no brainer.... AKIRA
  3. Demographic Similarities of Virtual Pilots

    I've noticed the same thing in reviewing the ages on applications to my VA. You have a group between 13 and 18 that want to tear up the skies and cant afford the lessons to fly for real, a large gap from 19 to 25/26, and then players evenly spaced from about 27 on up. I think that as the youngsters discover girls and start to drive that flight sim, for that matter almost all games go by the wayside as they start life. Once you are in your late 20's and above you get secure in your future, you have a wife of significant other and maybe a kid or two. You cant go run around anymore, you have very little money for funstuff, but you have a PC and a joystick. Well you fly the world, talk via Teamspeak to many people and the wife knows where you are at at all times. Flight sim becomes more social as you get into it, not a bad thing considering that unless you have wads of money or join the military this is the only way for folks to experiance the world. Regarding Combat sims, where else can a grown, "mature", individual act like a kid and not have to worry about looking foolish? And it's cheaper than Air Combat USA and like operations.
  4. Blazing Saddles Movie Quotes

    We shall now pray for the deliverance of our new sheriff, I'll now read from the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and DUCK!!!!!!
  5. Other Flight Sim Sites

    Flightsim.com AVSIM.com Simviation.com SimHQ And I'm a Server and Forum admin for FSTopGun.net. This was the first forum that I felt comfortable posting on back when Mad Jeff ran the place so this is still very much like home.
  6. History of the World Part 1 quotes

    Torqemada: We've broken their fingers, we've blistered their buns, nothin' is working, send in the Nuns!
  7. Blazing Saddles Movie Quotes

    Bart: Candygram for Mongo, Candygram for Mongo, Mongo: Me Mongo Bart: Sing please Mongo: Mongo like candy...... BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Bart: The bitch was inventing the Candygram, I probably wont get credit. Dom: What are you people doing here? This is a closed set! Taggart: Piss on you, I'm working for Mel Brooks! ( Draws back his fist) Dom: Not in the face!
  8. Monty Python Quotes

    I DON'T LIKE SPAMMM!!!!!!!!! Do you have anything without Spam? Well there spam egg baked bean and spam, there's not much spam in that.
  9. Spaceballs Quotes

    1st Ape What's that coming out of her nose? 2nd Ape Spaceballs ?! 1st Ape Oh Sh**, the goes the planet.
  10. Spaceballs Quotes

    Yogurt!, I hate Yogurt, especially strawberry. Scene in the diner, "Oh no, not again!"
  11. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    Forgot one, Death Race 2000. The only recognizable name at the time was the " Real Don Steele", a mediocre radio DJ in Los Angeles at the time. If you ever get to see this look for some future big name actors just starting out.
  12. My new son...

    :clapping: Congrats
  13. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    Narrowed it down to three... Tank Girl Judge Dredd The Fifth Element The amount of inside jokes know to Sci-Fi fans in these three is gold.
  14. One more thing, there was a book series written for the scale modeler called Detail and Scale. There was a volume devoted to the A-6. In the back of these books are load charts for it's ordnance. It's worth the time to look for these to figure a proper load out.
  15. I you want I can ask some of my AO buds about the mines. About the only ones I remember seeing were Mk36 DST's, basicly a Mk82 Snakeye with a different fuzing system. I remember seeing the AGM-45 on one station and an AGM-78 on the opposite wing. I never saw any AIM-9's carried operationally in my 20 years of NAVAIR. Even though I'm not as active with Strike Fighters as I once was feel free to ask about ordnance that the Navy carried. I'll always try to help out.
  16. Airshow This Weekend

    Anyone in California should try to make this if you have a chance. Minter Field Warbirds in Action airshow at Minter Field, Shafter California. It's about 15 miles north of Bakersfield off of Hwy 99. I wont make it as I promised my daughter that we'd go to L.A. to see a Star Wars museum exhibit that day. The birds featured this year are AC-47 Mig15 AD-4 Skyraider F-86 An flight demo team flying the Delphin will also be there. As I said I wont make it, but I hope some of you will, and please take pictures. For someone who loves aviation as I do, I love my girl even more, however, maybe I can swing a stop at the Museum of Flight at Santa Monica. If I do I'll post some pics.
  17. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Johnny, what do you make of this? I can make broche, or a flower, or a pterydactil. To the Tower! Rapunzel, Rapunzel!
  18. Spaceballs Quotes

    It's MegaMaid sir, she's gone from suck to blow.
  19. Monty Python Quotes

    Are you insinuating something? Oh no, no, no, yes. Well..... You'er a man of the world squire, I mean, you've done it. What exactly do you mean? I mean you've, slept with a lady, Yes? What's it like?
  20. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
  21. My Favorite Caddyshack Quotes......

    Hey Wang, stop taking pictures, it's a parking lot!
  22. Monty Python Quotes

    "Wait til Biggus Dickus hears about this."
  23. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Looks like I picked the wrong time to quit sniffing glue.
  24. Warhammer 40K

    One more thing, if never seen Turn Signals On A Land Raider before try this link... http://tsoalr.com/view.php?date=2003-09-01 If you ever played WH40K you'll instantly get it. I marked the first page, you'll understand why.
  25. Warhammer 40K

    Used to work part time at friends Game/Hobby shop a few years back. When I first saw the GW figures, being a "serious" modeler, I made a lot of jokes. His wife said that if I was so good I should paint a few. I did and got hooked into that hobby. When I realized that what I could do with the armor models and the figures well.... I've got an Imperial Guard army of that can go from a small platoon to a company of at least 2500 points. Based around an old Necromunda gang the I started off with. One Land Raider for a command track, I know but that'll teach the Astartes to leave the keys in the ignition. Eight Chimmera APCs Six Leman Russ MBT Three Griffion heavy mortars Three Basilisk SPG Two Salamander Scout tracks Three Gun trucks And enough Troops to scare the hell out of any opponent Just dont get me started on whats on my shelf that needs to be built yet. Heres a couple of shots of a Leman Russ for those who don't know.

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