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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Hey firehawkordy...

    Must have been taken while on DET. That is one well used Helo, you can see the Ordies boot marks on the drop tank when they have to seat them. Hope the FIREHAWKS took good care of you over there. One question, did they paint out the "HCS-5" and "Firehawks" on the unit insignia? You going to the Decommissioning ceremony at N.I. this Dec? I've been told by a Mater Chief that I will be there if it means stuffing me into the trunk of a car. Thanks for the pic, got a good smile from it.
  2. Greatest Military-Based Movie

    Here's some obscure one's allfrom the late '70s early '80s. Boys in Company "C", R. Lee's first movie. This is where he got type cast as a Drill instructor. Go Tell the Spartans The Odd Angry Shot, Australian SAS in Viet Nam The Bedford Incident, Great Cold War naval drama. From the sixties. The Cockleshell Heroes The Dogs Of War
  3. 4th of July Plans?

    I fee for you, pulled duty on the 4th on the '80Med Cruise. At least grab something from the BBQ before crashing out. We'll dedicate the last firework to you and all those who have the Watch.
  4. Were you in a War?

    Cold War. Was on the Saratoga during the Hostage Crisis. Ghost, was the Navy CSAR Unit HCS-5 or 4 ? Just wondering as The Firehawks were my last outfit. (hence the name )
  5. This is Just Plain Wrong!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, I took this shot at the Helicoptor Fly-in down in Los Angeles. This was HCS-5's last public appearance as they will be de-commissioned in Dec. The particular Helo was transferred to the HS community today. Now for the fun stuff, we havent had a caption "contest in a while, so..... "My turn to light something up!"
  6. Eliahu Ashery!

    My prayers and sympathy for this young man and his family.
  7. Hey guys, i'm back

    Welcome back,glad to see you made it in one piece. Wow two years? you got a lot of catching up to do. Looking foreward to your tales of daring-do Seriously, I think we here are all glad you are home.
  8. Intruders Ingress to Target

    "Toss Bombing" is a skill that is going the way of the Tomcat and Intruder as the JDAM and JSOW are used more and more. It was used more to throw a nuke at some one, but heaving two MER's worth of MK82 on Mr Victor Charles' head is better that getting you a** shot off. Oh yeah, please don't mention loading that many MK82's again, it make me twitch.
  9. Hate to Ask This

    Guys, I hate to ask but could you keep my Father in your prayers. He's suffering from a form of brain cancer and it and the treatments are starting to take it's toll. After 30+ years in the Navy this is not the retirement a Chief should have. My family will be gratefull for any spare thought.
  10. Hate to Ask This

    I wish to thank all for the thoughts and kind words. Dad passed last night at 2000 hrs local. He was surrounded by his family and friends and went peascefully. I am trying to arrange an Honor Gaurd from NAWS China Lake for him. After that he'll be sent to NS San Diego for his final cruise. As for me I'm numb and lost. I've lost my friend and mentor, almost every thing I needed to learn to be a Sailor he taught me from a very early age. Thanks again. Chief, US NAVY, Departing.
  11. Hate to Ask This

    Thanks for the kind words, this morning we were informed that he is in the terminal stages and that other than keeping him comfortable nothing else can be done. It's now in Gods hands, but he's ready to go. I knew this day would come, I had hoped that it would be later than sooner. Again thanks for the thoughts it does mean alot.
  12. Chinaman Buys Mig-21F

    Because those are made in China.
  13. Israel remembers her fallen Men and Women

    Shalom my friend, may Israel celebrate many more Independance Days and as time goes by may She have to grieve fewer of her Sons and Daughters.
  14. Brand New F-86

    The newest F-86 for FS2004. Full Virtual 'pit and a lot of paint jobs. First pic is leaving NAS Fallon, second one is crossing the Sierra Nevada Range.
  15. Guns, Guns, GUNS!

    Oh My GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!! You didn't just say that, now you've drawn the attention of the Ordies. As soon as we finish our beers and play this hand we'll be right with you.
  16. Granddaughter is finally here !!!!

    Born 24 MAR 06, 8lbs 1oz, all ten fingers and toes, healthy and hungry. And thats all that matters. Stay tuned for a pic.
  17. WTF? USS Princess Diana

    It'll be the only Ship in the Fleet with a Wet Bar .
  18. Granddaughter is finally here !!!!

    Her name is Jaela Marie, and thanks to all for the kind words. Her parents also thank you all. I'm sure she'll be a looker like her mother and aunts.
  19. Granddaughter is finally here !!!!

    Okay, here's what the rugrat looks like.
  20. Hey guys, i'm back with net

    Welcome back my friend. Congrats on PFC and your pending Sgt's promotion. Glad to hear that you are doing well and everything is relitivly quiet in Israel. One of the kids that grew up in our house is in the Army and in Iraq right at the moment. He called us from the Green Zone last month at the time he was doing good with Sgt's stripes in his future. My own son is in the Marines and will be going there at the end of the year. I pray for you and all the young kids who are in harms way so please take good care of yourself and check in often, friends are few and valuable and you've made many a friend here.
  21. Buck Owens passed away today

    Buck Owens has passed on. I met him when I worked for Beechcraft at Medows Field here in Bakersfield in the mid'80's. He was a class act, and treated everyone he met with respect. That he could remember my name on days that I didnt have my name tag on impressed me, that he asked about the other line rats who werent working, that was amazing. He always had time time to at least say hi and ask how we were doing. Even though I'm not fond of country music, country music and the wolrd lost a real treasure this weekend.
  22. Good News in the Slavens Household

    Bravo Zulu from the Navy side of the Forum. Knowing how hard it was to make AO1, I can only guess how much work your wife put in to make SFC. And yeah, she'll always outrank you.
  23. Geez Chief, dont smile so big, people will think you're having too much fun. Reading this makes me wish that the Air museums at either San Diego or Santa Monica here in Cali would try to have something like this. Looks like a trip to Pensecola is in the future for me. Fly NAVY !!!
  24. Looking back

    The other night I was going through the FS2004 posts looking for a particular link, didnt find it, and I came across my first Noob posts concerning that sim. This was back when MJ ran things and I was very green concerning FS 2004 and Strike fighters. Reading those posts and the answers in return made me realise how valuble everyones knowledge on this forum is. Because of the help I recived back then I was able to start up and keep active my own military VA, teach my new members all that was passed on to me, and show enough competance at the server we fly on that I'm now an administrator there. My success doing these things would never have happened if it were not for Navy Chief, Top Gun, Mad Jeff, and all the others who had the patience to answer my questions, point me to the answers and encouraged me to start flying online. I know I always said thanks for all the help, but to everyone here that has helped me back then, thanks for all the help and the friendship that has been shown. Dont think I'm going anywhere, I just started thinking of all the friends I have here. You guys are stuck with me.
  25. Most Dangerous Bomb in the Fleet

    All the AO's know what I mean. For those who don't, the MK76 had no safety device what-so-ever.

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