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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Say a prayer today for my shipmate.

    Will do Chief, I hope he does better after his surgery.
  2. CPO wisdom...Then, and Now.....

    Scout I had the same thing happen to me as a 3rd class. instead of the LOA for the good job I did when all the "O's" and Chiefs and LPOs were sent back to home base, I got.... Accused Transfered and Denied a Captains Mast All because a some line rats told our one "lady" that the were going to tell her boyfriend that she was fooling around with me. I got the last laugh as she was cought in the lie, the e-7, I would never sully the good name of Chief with his, was told not to plan on retirement-seems that when you recive a chit reuesting Mast you have to forward it up the chain of Command not trash it- and I got a door opened to me that was closed before. I found out that I had made the Chiefs board the month after I put in for retirement. It should have broke my heart but I saw what they were doing to the Chiefs and I wanted no part of it. For all the CPO's that put their troops first, put up with the politics and still manage to keep their sanity, you have my deepest respect.

    PG, Sorry it took so long to get back to you for freewrare with VC's. I have a few that you might like. Project OpenSky's B757/767, and their CRJ series of jets. If you like warbirds the is a Douglas A-26 at the SimOuthouse. Get any of the OV-10's by Tim Conrad as well as his T-28 they both have VC's that are not bad. The last plane is the Soko Galeb, has a good 2D panel, a VC with funtioning gauges and working ejection seats. Hope this gives you a good selection. If you want a sever that's as much fun as MJ's old one go here... fstg.hopto.org We have a lot of fun just flying and goofing off. Team Speak is on the same IP, PM me for the call sign I use over there, oh yeah Navy Chief shows up there from time to time to.

    What type aircraft are you looking for? I just came across a good single engine turboprop trainer a while back. It's an Embraer 314 and it's a kick. There are also the Navy aircraft by Rick Sasala, they all have VC's and fly well. You can find them at Flightsim. Let me know what you want and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.
  5. Just had to post this joke.

    Just remember, a good ordie knows when to ugly early
  6. Boy joining the Corps

    With all the questions about joining the service and how to get around crimmial records, I thought I'd share this with my friends here. My 14 year olds half brother, who I raised as my own till he was 8, passed the ASVAB and joined the USMC. He called hoem for the first time in a long time and told his sister the news and was worried that I'd be mad he didn't go Navy. I told I 'm never mad for that kind of decsion but imensely proud of him. Once he get his Eagle, Globe and Anchor, I'll be prouder still. Even though he's been out of mine and his sisters house I still see him as my own kid and I'm glad the seed of Honor and Duty me and his Grandfather planted took root.
  7. It was only a matter of time

    Read in the paper today that the average citizen in Bahgdad is getting fedd up with the terrorists over there. It seems that a shopkeeper saw three car loads of masked thugs stop in his neighborhood. As they were getting out of their cars he and his nephews lit them up with AK-47s. Killed three and drove the rest off. Sounds like the ordnary folk are the ones who'll take back the streets untill we can build up the Police and Army over there. As my son is going into the Marines soon, I hope that he wont have to face what our troops are facing now. I know that sounds selfish as I've squadronmates in that area, but I'm just a little more protective of my kids.
  8. Now THIS is a cool patch.

    Great patch, good to see that NAVAIR is going back to the olds days in terms of humor.
  9. Boy joining the Corps

    Not my brother, my daughters brother, my now former step-son. Well not really former, he still calls me Dad and he's still my boy. And I'll pass on the welcome to the brotherhood AFTER he gets his Eagle, Globe and Anchor. As a Sailor I may make fun of you Jarheads but you all still have my respect.
  10. Screen shot looks good, and I am downloading now. Let you all know how it works on my cranky machine.
  11. FLT, Here's the link that was posted in responce to my post at SimHQ, if you are not a member there you should be as the info here and there comliment each other. Anyways, here's the link..... http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...;f=121;t=002496 Hope this helps you and welcome aboard.
  12. Thanks for the info, I'll look into how to change the flight file. You can find the Tornado at AVSIM.com in the Strike fighters pages. THere is also a repaint in the Desert Pink colors from the first Gulf War there.
  13. I have almost the same problem, SFP1 will CTD 2 out of three times when I select the any varient of the Tornado. I have the latest Weapons and Service Packs installed. And I followed the install instructions as I put it in. Anyone out there that can help me and FLT?
  14. What if the USAF had a carrier?

    I dont think it'll work, for one thing the boat'll have to pull in every afternoon at 1600 and dont even think about going out to sea on the weekend! Oh yeah, I dont see the Baskin Robbins ice cream parlor.
  15. Okay, I'm back into Strike Fighters and just got WoV tonite. My question is two part, 1, Are they all inclusive, ie do they include the ordnance all the way back to the earliest releases? I've not downloaded a pack since the third or fourth release. 2, Are they compatable with both SF1 and WoV? I know that there's been a ton of stuff released in the past year and it's time to start getting the best work thats out there.
  16. Weapon packs

    Thanks Buff, I knew my friends would come though. Now to get the B-57 to work in this game too. Hopefully it's the same edit as SFP1.
  17. Thanks for letting us use the server MJ. In case no one recognised the name of one of the new owners, Erik put together and runs West Coast ATC. IMHO it's the best place to fly and there are two servers running 24/7. But I will miss the Biohaz server, as I had alot of fun flying here. Hopefully it will be back in another incarnation. Oh yeah, take good care of yourself MJ
  18. Marine Recruitment Question

    As far as I know a Juvenile record is no longer off limits to a National Agency Check. Just because your record is sealed on your 18th birthday doesnt mean it cant be checked during a DoD investigation Like eveeryone else has said, dont leave anything out, it can only come back to bite you on your a**. Hope we've answered your question and good luck to you.
  19. How do I add downloaded Flt plans?

    Chief, It took a while but I got it solved for you. The file goes into your "My documents/flightsim files" folder. Then start the sim and go to the select flight menu. In box 2 ,Choose A flght",you should see " FlightSim Manager Flight". Select that flight and you should be good to go. Hope this helps out.
  20. My Uncle passed away this morning.

    Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! Chief, you have my prayers and condolences.
  21. Merry Christmas

    Same to you Dutchy, and to all the friends I have made here Merry Christmas and a wonderful and happy New Year.
  22. How do I add downloaded Flt plans?

    Chief, Look in your C:MyDocuments folder. There should be a folder labled Flight Sim Files. They should go in there as thats where your flights generated by the flight planner are located. I'd put one file in and then fire up the sim and look in "Choose a Flight". Hope this helps shipmate.
  23. My simpit is built!

    Now why didn't that work when the Chief came into the shop and said " You guys have to work late"? Glad to see you the family is settling in fine. We have a new kitten who just walked into our lives one day. His name is misfit and I swear he's like some AT's that I've known. Not too bright, but real loveable, even the Leading Cat likes him.
  24. My simpit is built!

    Okay so does the "Bang Seat" work?
  25. New Crewmember...

    Congrats, I trust she's doing better now that shes a few days older. Take it from the father of three, this is the best time to enjoy her. Before she learns to say, NO!!! :)

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