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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Fuel Gauge

    I'm looking for a freeware gauge that will show fuel in pounds so I can report my fuel state in pounds when doing carrier ops. The military VA I'm in are doing boat DETs now and the LSO we have wants fuel state in pounds. The new Prowler panel has one but we need one for the F-18E , F-14 and Rick Sasalas birds.
  2. a new P-3C for FS9 soon!

    Top Gun, I tried to get Stone's P-3 of the ground and it just wouldn't lift off. Even though there are more skins than Sasala's P-3, I'll wait for the G-Max with bait on my breath,errr, baited breath. Marco Spada's panel is good but I think that the one in the oldest P-3 looks better.

    Congrats! Lets hope thats all the bruises you get.
  4. a new P-3C for FS9 soon!

    I saw that about a month ago and have the splash screen installed to remind me that it's comming out soon. It looks as if it'll be a 2005 release date though. The best thing is that it's in VP-9 and VP-47 colors, I used to deploy with Nine and my best friend and his brother both were in Forty-Seven.Hopefully there will be skins for some more units available after release. Since this was announced, Mike Stone has released a P-3 of his own.
  5. U.S. Marine Corp

    Nesher, now see what you've gone and done. I've been being good, not saying a thing but ,well I cant resist. On the carriers we used the Seagoing Bellhops to run the brig and guard the special magazines. I cant say too many mean things as I've got Marines in my familiy and my uncle who was a POW in the Pacific was my hero. Even though he was a Marine. See even an ordie can be nice. Semper Fi guys and IYAOYAS.
  6. Navy Chief is back online!

    Ding-ding. Ding-ding, Navy Chief, arriving......... DING! (Fleet sailors know what this means, Marines too I suppose.)
  7. It just hit me

    Some of you may have seen the addition to my signature this past week. Last week I was informed that one of my best friends in HCS-5 was killed in an auto accident. Mike had done two tours in Iraq and was looking into staying on active duty when he was killed at home. It didnt hit me till just a few minutes ago when I came accross a photo from my retirement. He was not only a good friend but one of my Sideboys at my retirement. Mikes presance in that ceremony was special to me as I worked in two rates in the Navy, Aviation Ordnance and as an Aviation Boatswain's Mate. I was lucky to have Mike represent the AB's. I miss my friend and I and all who knew him are that much poorer this week.
  8. Hazardous Material Data Sheet

    PG, hazard #2 reminds me of my long gone single days in Los Angeles. Four girlfriends, one in the Valley, Hollywood, Long Beach and Venice. One day two came over to bar I hung out at the same time , I saw them in the nick of time and bolted out the side door and up the elevator to my apartment. I was never so glad that it took special keys to get in the lobby and run the lift, but I hid at the girl in Venice Beach's place that weekend. And people wonder why I'm paranoid, thank God I just have to put up with one wife and three daughters.
  9. Arafat is Dead

    Is it me or do you guys find it strange that the alert to the banks in NYC went from Orange to Yellow with the confirmation of Arafat's death. Now the fun begins when the PLO self destruct in a power struggle.
  10. nov 11th

    I have to tell you what happened to me and the other vets at work today. I make no secret about serving my country.Well this was the first time in 16 years that the staff,even the Docs that are from the mid-east, were thanking me and the other Vets and Reservists for our duty. The first time I heard it I was surprised, aftr the third or fourth time I had no idea what to say. So to all that thanked us vets, you are welcome.
  11. Buddy's gone...

    Sorry to hear of your loss PC.
  12. A quick note from Navy Chief.

    Chief, Glad to see you are still around. I have got something going on with FS9 and I'll email you about it. I hope the cats have adjusted to their new home as much as Chief has. And he got a girlfriend on top of all the new trees to mark? One lucky dog. Keep in touch and have fun in your new digs. At least it aint a Goat Locker.
  13. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtan.
  14. The wife...

    I forgot to mention, my very understanding and tolerant wife and I celebrated our fourth aniversery the 28th. I have to say that this four years went by faster than my first four in the Navy, and much more fun. As for the the phone slavery, I cant say that I went through that but my friends have been put through hell by their girlfriends doing that . I have one bud that would be called 20-30 times a day by his ex. He put a stop to it by having my girlfriend answer the phone. I always made sure whoever I was with understood MY rules concerning the phone. Number one, no calls after 2100 unless you are bleeding or in jail. I had reason for that one as my grandparents were in poor health and in thier 80's. Rule number two, dont call me at work, uless you are bleeding or in jail. Anyway all you single guys, enjoy being that way while you can, once you find the right one it's all over.
  15. The wife...

    Just watch out. as soon as you are comfortable and become the ferrel bachelor, some gal will strike. I lasted until the age of 40 before finally getting hitched for real. By that time I was finished with the Navy and trying to raise my girl more or less on my own. So it was time I grew up, sort of, and settled down. Remember, when you least expect it, the female of our species will decide you've had way too much fun and the next thing you know........ you have a ring on your finger and one throughthe nose. And you'll do it willingly.
  16. The wife...

    Mine is very tolerant of my simming and other assorted hobbies. I took her to an aviation museum on our honeymoon and I didn't hear one complaint. Her friends tell her that she shouldn't let me spend as much as I do on games, models and books as I do. She tells them that at least I'm home, and not out carruosing around. Her one complaint is when I start cussing the computer.
  17. ACOTC is getting started and we are looking for staff members. Our goal is to provide training to FS9 pilots, those in Virtual Airlines, Squadrons and those like most of us who fly alone. Most training will be along the lines of Top Gun, Strike Fighters Training School in NAS Fallon, and Red Flag at Nellis. We will provide instructors and ATC/AWACS support, on a seperate server, VA's will only need to provde the Pilots and planes. If you would like to join up as a staff member use this link... http://www.freewebs.com/acotc/index.htm Read the info on the site it'll explain the concept and mission better than I ever could. If you are interested by all means apply, we are looking for ATC, Instrutors and pilots. If you are looking to join a VA, but don't want to just fly from point "A" to point "B", this may be the place for you. We will provide a professional eviroment but will also remember to have fun. I will be posting updates as we grow with a and I'm going to make alot of noise when we are operational.
  18. Old TV Shows

    I was channel surfing this evening and came across The Man From U.N.C.L.E. As I've not seen it in a few (about 30) years I watched it and was amazed at how well it still plays. I guess it was the first or second season as it was in black and white. I know what I'll be watching from now on, no more Ray Romano and Friends reruns. I got a whole new set of old things to watch.
  19. Your prayers are needed

    Cowboy, I am so sorry for the loss, I am at a loss for words after reading both stories on the linkk you posted. I will remember them in my prayers tonight.
  20. Which file extension are you?

    Well hered mine, I don't agree with it and if I get my hands on the SOB that came up with it I'll,I'll................................AAAAAUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It Wont show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I am now a member of a Virtual air combat trainning center and we are looking for to fill staff positions. I have posted the link in the Virtual squadron chat page. Use the link I have provided to see what we are all about. At the moment we are taking baby-steps but we hope to be up and running very soon. I would like to see my friends from here apply, that means you PG Raptor,Chief, Scout, and Falcon. Snackey/Seawolf I really want you to apply for at least a controller slot, you can't let the AO's have all the fun. As I posted elsewhere, we are not looking to steal pilots from established sqaudrons and VA's, but to provide support for training flights. Go here, check it out, and join... http://www.freewebs.com/acotc/index.htm As I'm an ATC controller there I look to seeing you all and telling you where to go.
  22. still my favorite...whats yours?

    Nesher my friend, I found mine here: http://www.flightsim.com There is an upgrade for the textures there too,although I like the ones in the original file. It flies nice and the effects for the exhaust are great. See you in the air sometime.
  23. Another Cancer Battle Lost....

    I'm sorry for your loss Chaingun,but be glad he is at rest now. I know how you feel having seen both grandmothers and my grandfather be taken by cancer. You will be in my prayers tonight.
  24. It's Californias turn!!!

    Well we got our second earthquake in three days, this time 15mi. from my home. It was only a 5.0 so not much shaking but enough to get your attention. So far no damage and no casualties. In the past two hours we've had about fifteen or twenty aftershocks, most are so weak you cant feel them.
  25. My not be online for a while.

    I dont remember you getting submitting a leave chit there Chief. Hope to see you soon shipmate. Good luck on the move.

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