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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Server

    Same here, I've tried so many times I lost count over the last two months. Before I log on to somewhere else I try here first and always the same, the server cant be found. And no it's not my firewall either.
  2. New Abacus FS9 addon, Oct. 28th

    ALPHA STRIKE! ALPHA STRIKE! ALPHA STRIKE! ALPHA STRIKE! Too bad it's just the Connie, wish they had thrown in the Sara. Chief,looks like you got your wish for an older carrier.
  3. on a lighter note

    Heard this this morning. The DoD is trying to prevent service members from using the services of "working girls", through the UCMJ. Looks like I retired at a good time. Seriously, I knew more guys who got sick from Ladies Night at the E club than going to the local house of ill repute. As an LPO I didn't care what my guys did on their off time as long as they got their work done. Within reason of course, I never condoned drug use or excessive drinking. Makes you wonder, what was okay and accepted when I went in, is now illegle and immoral. Things change alot in twenty years. below: When Ordies go bad.
  4. on a lighter note

    Scout, I got married tw years after I retired. Although there were the ocasional live in girlfriends I stayed single until I was mature enough to get married. And even though I never married either daughters mom, I made sure that they were well taken care of. My youngest I raised with the help of my parents and sisters. Her mom walk on us. My detracters can say what they want, but my kids ALWAYS came first. As for the UCMJ; Sodomy Adultry Rape Carnal Knowlege These are the articles on the books now. I never knew anyone seeing the CO for either of the above. However, they are there and I guess they are used.
  5. John Kerry GAME???

    Same, been staying away from the Napalm and matches. You know that we Ordnancemen are the shy and retiring types ;)
  6. A Navy Chief joke.

    Chief, Do you remember Don Rickles' show, COP Sharkey? I knew and worked for Chiefs like that. They were the rudest intolerent men I have ever met and what I learned from them was invaluble, because if you belonged to them you were taken good care of. Even if you didn't know it at the time.
  7. John Kerry GAME???

    Foo, I spent alot of time in the Navy, I'm not going to wait in any freakin line. And I'm too F'ing cheap to spend $5, let alone $79.99 for a crappy video game. I am not above satire on our political system, the problem is that most of the "satire" on Bush is not funny and just plain mean. What SNL did to both Ford and Carter were classic, after Reagan was in office SNL started to get mean and nasty. Even the attempts at Clinton were bordering on disrespect. Dont get me wrong I disliked Clinton with a passion,but thereis funny and there is mean. Most political "humor" is mean.
  8. John Kerry GAME???

    Iheard that Kerry's character is hard to play. It seems that it changes it's position without warning every 30 seconds.
  9. Thanks to my friends

    To all my friends that sent thier prayers for my girl, thanks. She had her surgery yesterday and I just got her home. The doc said that she'll be better now that the abnormal thyroid glands are gone. I spent the night in her room on two chairs, lucky a sailor can sleep anywhere. I will tell all that her symptoms went undiagnosed for a few years. If you have a kid with joint pain or is constantly hurting, or very tired, have the doctor check for Hyper-para-thyroid. There are four glands and together they regulate the calcium in the body. Too much and it's bad for the kidney or liver. I'm not trying to scare anyone but she was treated for symptoms and not checked for the cause. Anyway she's doing fine and feeling much better, again thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
  10. Johnny Ramone died

    Only one origianal Ramone is left. I was lucky enough to see them at CBGB in 80/81 and they came thru my town on their farewell tour in '95. My ears rang for two days after, it was worth it too. I first heard them in the summer of '77, on the Dr.Demento show. He was the only one to give them national air time. Now every one and their brother follow the road that Joey,Johnny,DeeDee, and Tommy Ramone laid down. Without the Ramones there may never have been alot of todays acts. Even in interviews the new artists list the Ramones, Sex Pistols and the Clash as their influence. HEY HO, LET'S GO!!!!!!
  11. Thanks to my friends

    Thanks all. She's up and underfoot right now, and her friends are here at the moment and acting like a typical 14 year old. Tuesday night I spent in hospital with her and it was sleep for an hour and wake look at her and sleep for anther hour , and do it all over. She's charging her friends a dollar to see her incision. Sounds like something my kid'll do. Got to go hug her again, so see ya'll later.
  12. a question about FD3

    There are some canned flights in FD3, HOWEVER, you need to get the upgrade from Abacus for the ship to show. If you try to load a flight without it you will find yourself in the water.
  13. Not another war!!

    Nesher, it's when you dont expect it that God calls you home. It wouldnt surprise my if our AWACS had a major systems failure during an IDF strike. You know that our equipment is supplied by the lowest bidder.
  14. Not another war!!

    Dutchy, The threat of anonther war in the mid-east will always be there. That Iran will be next is as good as the flip of a coin. If they are open about using the atom for peaceful purposes that's well and fine, but they had better have there program like glass, transparent and nothing hidden. That the EU is voicing concern means that they realise the threat that Iran could pose. If the Iranian Gov't is shown that a weapons program wont be tolorated by the EU and other Blocs, preferably ones that the US have limited involvment in, they might get the message. Tehran wants to end it's isolation and they are doing it with baby steps. Now is the time for them to be adult and accept the norms and morals of the rest of the world. One of wich is, you dont build a Nuke program until you can be trusted. Lets hope the EU keeps the pressure up on Tehran.
  15. Offroading

    As the title says offroading, I found a file at flightsim.com that I found to be fun. Made for FS98 and modded fo CFS it works well enough in FS9. The file is called "closecom" and it contains a Hummer and a Jeep. The both have a 2D panel and a VC. Both are great to cruise the local airfield or take a drive downtown. As I have the scenery for NAS Fallon and the SAM sites in Dixie Valley, I can check out the range at ground level and get a better view of the flightline. I'll post some shots when I get a chance. As for performance I can get the Hummer up to about 65-70 mph. Just put in a Merlin sound package so I hope it'll sound better than a C172.
  16. Offroading

    Last of the flight line photos, the Agressor line, note the flight line safety violation, GSE in the safety diamond. The model might be promitive but if you are inside who cares? There is a Hummer model done in GMAX that just came out, I really have to learn to use the GMAX program that came with FS9.
  17. Offroading

    Hornets nest, looking out the right hand window
  18. Offroading

    Fighter country, on the real air station this is the arming area, know as the Revets. If I can figure out how to do it, I'm going to model some of the NAS's that I was at as close to the real thing as possible.
  19. Offroading

    Okay, a few screen shots to give you an idea of how different the point of view is, these were taken on the range at Dixie Valley and NAS Fallon. The scenery is fron the Virtual Navy's scenery page. If you want to see your NAS's come to life add these. http://home.comcast.net/~cline9084/navfac/Scenery.htm
  20. attn: Navychief

    Nick, Sorry to hear about your cat, it sounds like a bacterial infection of some type. You might try this until you get her to the vet, get a good anti-bacterial hand soap and gently wash the affected areas. Keep an eye on them as she can make it worse by sratching in those spots. Try to clean any open sores with peroxide, just apply with a cotton ball or swab. If she is wearing a flea collar remove that as it can cause the hair to fall out occasionally. Best of luck with her, and tell you wife not to worry, if she is in good health and well cared for this should work out fine.
  21. Offroading

    PG, I think this is the same Hummer. I was just curious and tried it out and found it works. The guns and crew wont show but thats fine with me. I found it at flightsim.com and the file name is closecom.zip Like I said I 'm going to get some screen shots some time soon.
  22. Mortgage insurance.

    (here's my chance to give advice to a Chief ;) ) By all means at least investigate it. Like fates I have my insurance's built in to my mortgage. Have a lawyer look over everything. There used to be a guy on the radio who gave that bit of advice out often. The reason was if you were going to spend thousands on a home a lawyers fee is a good investment. After listening to horror stories about things happenning after buying a house I had our paperwork and I mean all of it looked over. My lawyer even cought a couple of things and got them fixed before I signed off on the house. Best of luck on the move.
  23. BUFF available

    New B-52 at flightsim and AVSIM. Starting to D/L it in a few. I let ya'll know how well it flies.
  24. BUFF available

    One more, Ingress to Dixe Valley, NV. Firing Decoy Flares from the ALE-39 dispenser. I found the flare effect at the Simouthouse I think. Easy to install, just read the "read me", and you should have no problems. This shot was during a MP session so sorry about the quality.
  25. BUFF available

    On the ground at KBFL my home airfield, Medows Field, Ca. Chute is released from the plane at around 20-25 kts ground speed. The separation is too fast to get a shot.

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