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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. A comment about the retiring of the mighty Tomcat.

    Chief as far as I know the only Tomcats on the West Coast are VX-9's birds at NAWS Pt. Mugu. The Super Hornet is alrady establishing itself at NAS Lemore. I never worked on the F-14 per say, however the first ordnance item I ever worked on was a Tomcats centerline rack. I was an undesignated striker and looking for a rate. I was asked by this old AO chief ,who I'm sorry to sayI've forgotten his name, if I wanted to work at the AO shop in AIMD. I spent my time enjoying the work and I new what I was going to be. If a Tomcat had'nt broke it's rack that weekend I might have become, God help me, a Mech. :P Long live the F-14, the only reason that there are midget AO's. I watched VF-301's ordies give themselves head injuries loading the fuselage racks with BDU-45's . But damn, could that bird carry what they loaded.
  2. The Original Hollywood Squares

    I remember watching Hollywood Squares with my grandfather. It seems that you could get away with more on T.V. back then. The other show that would push the edge of good taste was Match Game. When I see those two shows I have good memories growing up and can still see my grandfather in his chair enjoying life.
  3. cry babies?

    Foo, I understand that the amount of money owed on intrest is more than the princable. The gov't must learn to live within it's means. We cut spending on defense, and wasted the savings on social programs that don't work. I am tired of seeing costs cut at the expense of the troops to give that money to an ilegal alien or a fifth generation welfare recipient who is to stupid and lazy to get a job. We have wasted more money on social reform and welfare than we have on defense. My problem is with the wimp who is suing to get out of his contract, not with how much is spent on the war. Like I said, give the discharge he deserves and make sure he is cut off from any beniffiets. My understanding is that he spent 9 years on active duty. If that is the case, he knew what was involved. Every few years we had to endure a "Rights and Reponsibilies" lecture. One of the things mentioned is this, the military can bring a service member back to active duty up to eight years after his separation from active duty. Even retirement is no shield. Upon my retirement I was transfered to the Fleet Reserve. That means that if my specialty is in critical need I can be called back to active duty up to the age of 60. Dont belive me? ask the guys that had to come back to man the Battleships. One of my friends father was called back to the New Jersy after being out for ten years. Once you sign the contract, you have made a pact with the devil. The military has you for the next 40 years. You may never get yanked back but the possibillity is there.
  4. cry babies?

    Okay, I've been offline for the past few days. I read this the other day and saw about eight shades of red. As most know I served in the Navy for twenty years, on both sides of the fence-active and reserve. During my time in the reserve side, depending on the unit, we were either weekend warriors or on a heavy deployment schedule. Just prior to my retirement, the ID cards for Reservists were changed from red to green. This was so we wern't treated as second class citizens. We were given unlimited access to the Base's facilities. With this came the understanding, we were now equals to the Active Duty side and were expected to carry our share of the load. I saw people pull the "I went into the reserve to keep from fighting" routine during Desert Storm. It was not an acceptable excuse then, it is not one now. My last unit has been rotaing to the big "I" since the beginning. There are only two HCS Squadrons in the Navy, both are in the Reserve side of the house. My shipmates are there now.They are worn out, they are tired. If I could go in one of their places I would, my shipmates need the rest. They let us know how things are going, they understand that theycant just say "I did my deployment , now I'm going home." I dont think it would cross their mind. I know you are all saying whats the point? My point is, the one NatGaurd that is suing is an exception, he is breaking his Oath and his word. I am ashamed that he is from California. His actions are unexcuseable. I say let him out of his enlistment, I'm sure that he can get out via an Article 13, maybe lets see, with a charge of Derilection of duty, with Failure to obey a Lawful Order thrown in? Let him out, just make sure his dicharge reflects the type of lowlife he is. I will admit, our troops are spread thin. We need to give them the equipment to work and survive in a combat zone. We need to increase the billets for all branches, the so-called "Peace Divedend" is an abject failure. Untill Congress realises that and gives our troops the funds and resources they need, we will see more of these "civil suits" in the news. And unfortunately, there will be a Shyster lawyer that will take the case instead of laughing the snot out of his office.
  5. Superior Female Beings.

    Beer, if you don't think women are superior you are nuts. They have half of the money, and ALL the p****, if you have all of that it's only a matter of time before you get all the money.
  6. Because Im a Sailor

    que the crickets
  7. Any one get swiped by that Hurricane?

    Good luck to all who live in it's path. I went through one in 1980 in JacksonvilleFLA. At the time the ship was not seaworthy so we had to stay at NS Mayport and ride it out tied to the pier. I have a close friend in N.C. who I hope is going to be alright, she's inland but the last one dumped alot of rain where she lives.
  8. Joining the Marines?

    Okay, I have to make this very clear. On enlisting, or appliing for a Security Clearance, you will have to sign a "Release of Medical History/Records". This allows the DoD, and the seprate branches to look at your entire medical history. New federal laws are restricve in what can be released, but if you sign a waiver, all is open to investigation. The new regs are called "HIPPA". Dont ask me what it stands for, but I work for the county Medical Center here where I live and EVERYONE from the folk who work in the kitchen to the caregivers have to take annual training in Patient Privacy. I'll say this again, Your background check will be very thorough,They will talk to people you hadn't thought of in years. The older you are, the more folk they talk to. If you have something to hide, THEY WILL find it, it may take time, but if something in your paperwork doesn't look right, they will look deeper. If you are honest and open, you may have a chance to get in, if you lie or hide a secret, the doors will be closed. Please considder all that has been offered to you, even if you are not accepted, there are other ways to serve your country, ones that give good life and job experiance. The PEACE Corps is still a going concern and have a bigger impact on peoples lives than the military. In some cases it is more dangerous and challenging. Service to country is noble, but in many cases we forget the military is not the only path.
  9. More CPO humor.

    Chief, As a First Class Aviation Ordnanceman I have one thing to say, Evil, pure and simple Evil ;) Happy house hunting. Now Launch The ALPHA Strike!!!
  10. A political cartoon.

    I can hear the flametrowers being lit. But it is darn funny and I've sent it out to all my friends
  11. Joining the Marines?

    Take Scout's advice, STAY AWAY from that recruiter. If you are told to lie, that should be a red flag for you. I also commend you in wanting to serve your country,but, a fraudulent enlistment is not the way to start. The best thing to do is go to another recruiter in another branch and be up front. The Marines have the highest standards, so if you are told no or to come back in anther six months, chances are a legit Marine recruiter can't touch you. I hate to burst your bubble but thats how it is. One more thing, if you made an attempt on your life, even if you are accepted your choices will be limited. In the late '90s, Clinton signed into law a bill that made it unlawful to posess a firearm if the following conditions exist: Conviction of domestic violence Any crime, however minor, in which a firearm was used. Attempted suicide Court ordered mental health counseling This law affected both military and law enforcement personel also. My unit had to evaluate all Deadly Force qualified watch standers. This was done throught out the military. Again, I am sorry to give you this info, but better now than getting halfway through training and be sent home.
  12. I need to upgrade my PC's video card, the one's I can afford are DirectX8.0 . Is there a way to upgrade a card to DX 9 ? Also I am running FS2K4 , SFP1 and Simcity Rush Hour,what is the what is the minimum Vid card memory I should get? I appreciate any help on this subject. Thanks
  13. Create your own caption #2

    " Ahh, fill it up, check the oil, and I thought I heard something rattle in the back.
  14. Won't be very active for a while.

    Good luck Chief. I know how you feel about out of towners. We live in the fastest growing city in CA. The west side is where the folks from SoCal move, complete with their gang-banging kids and bad driving habits. We found a house on the east side, near where I grew up. And the best part is, the East Side has a bad rep, so no forigners ;) Hope this is as my wife says, "The last move you make".
  15. Just checked and logged on to the Biohazard server, works fine. As I am taking a well deserved vacation this week I'll be getting alot of flight time. Look forward to seeing all my friends in the skies, I am a member of another server and was flying there,but you get walked on if you use TS, and and they take everything way too seriously. I like flying here because of the friendships I've built. See you in the skies.
  16. Flight Quarters,Flight Quarters,

    I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you, and that is just more paperwork than I care to deal with ;)
  17. Cannibals in the Navy...

    U.S. Marine Corps Oath of Enlistment I, state your name, swear... uuhhhh... high-and-tight... cammies... uhh... ugh... Air Force women... OORAH! So help me Corps. ______________________________ Thumb Print Date (Y/N) And for that last joke, I leave to my cousin the Marine, A LARGE BOOT TO THE HEAD!!!!!!!!
  18. Flight Quarters,Flight Quarters,

    Servers back up, as is Team Speak. Just finnished a nice "Weather Recon" flight over an undisclosed MidEast country. I'll post the shots I took on the flight in a few days.
  19. returned from Training in IDF

    Much to my anger He's going to be a walking sandbag. I tried to get him in the Navy as a Yellow Gear mech, but he chose Army instead. What is sad is that he and his wife just had a kid three weeks ago, and he goes and picks the most dangerous jobs of all. Oh well, looks like more grey hair. As for his parents, the less said the better.
  20. returned from Training in IDF

    By Nesher:
  21. A question

    Scout, As I understand it, We,the U.S., signed an international treaty to to set up monitoring of elections world wide. Being that the the Fla. elections was so poorly done, people who didn't read thier ballot carefully and such, it is only natural that it's our turn to be monitored. I heard today that although we signed the treaty, ten years ago in fact,wonder whose stamp of approval is on that one, congress managed to cut our off our share of the funds. I say we let them come, monitor, and go home. It'll soon be Western Eruropes turn and we can get Jimmy Carter out of the country again. And I'm not trying to start a flame war. Most of the U.N membership signed off on this so sooner or later everyone will have thier elections overseen. I was disgusted by the way the last elction was handled so if this is what will keep it honest so be it. We have sent monitoring teams out alot in the past ten years, so it's only fair that we waste their time here.
  22. Friday night

    Okay thats another sucker punch for my cousin. Creepy everytime you say those things he gets that much more abused. ;)
  23. Why is this not surprising?

    Okay, I read the link you provided. I have to say that it didn't change my mind. What it did do was re-affirm my opinion that he was there just to get his ticket punched. You don't know about Adm. Zumwalt's policies and how they, although made for the best of intetions, degraded the Chains of Command and caused more harm than good. Kerry took advantage of a liberal policy to get an early rotation home, get an early out, and betray his shipmates. I have other reasons for not wanting him in office, one of which is that he wants to raise taxes. President Bush cut our personal taxes and and Kerry wants to take more money out of my pocket. All tax relief Bush has given, Kerry wants to take back. This is true with any Democrat, they want money for all their social programs and expect the middle class to pay for it. I work hard for what pay I get, I resent anyone taking more than their fair share of it. Another reason I dislike Kerry is this, I have yet to hear one solid policy from him. All I hear are vague promises, the term smoke and mirirors comes to mind. If he his nebulous promises do work then he's attacking Bush for not running for the door when the attacks on 9-11 occurred. What was he suuposed to do? I think that you really have to live here a few years to understand why the military dilikes and distrusts a Democratic President. The Dems have a way of looking sweet and innocent and appealing to people with short attention spans and memories. Republicans, because they are still trying to live down Nixon, have a hard time getting the voting public to listen with an open mind. I know and realise that our Presidents have flaws, but I want to have a man in office that I can trust, I can't trust Kerry. I dont think that Bush has all the answers too, but at least he is trying. Kerry brings to the table ideas that have been disproved long ago but still appeal to the left. I can say this about the man Kerry, he did serve his country, but not to completion of his commission, and he served for his own purposes. That said, I would have requested a transfer to another unit than be under his command. Kerry is an elitist, he has no connection with the Voting public. I by the way do listen and read up on anyone who would want to be President. I look at all the facts surrounding the cannidates. When the first Bush ran for re-election I voted for Peroe because of some things said on the campaign trail and that he promised no new taxes and promptly raised them. So dont ever think I am blindly following the pack.
  24. Enola Gay

    Dutchy, as I've said in the past my uncle was a POW in Japan. He didn't speak much of what he endured but to give you an idea of how scarred he was I will tell you a few things. when I was about 6 or 7 I had to stay with him and my aunt. Durring one dinner I didnt like something and refused to eat it, Art suddenly was angry about my wasting food. It wasn't till much later that I understood. Another thing, and this was continued by the whole family, at my uncles house every space that could hold food did. It was this way in every house in the family, that way Uncle Art was assuered that if he was hungry, he could eat. Although my uncle has been gone almost twenty years, we still load the houses up with food. Art was also generous with his food and that was also passed on, if you are hungry at my house you are welcome to what ever I have. My uncle was also a forgiving man. While my aunt and cousin to this day are warry of the Japanese, he was willing to forge freindships with them. Granted this was after a long healing process, but he didn't have the time to waste hating. That was also passed to us. When you say that life was hell for those in the camps and those fighting on the islands you aren't far from wrong. I met more than one former POW and WW II vet from that theatre that would agree with you.
  25. Yugoslavic advanced trainer available!

    Chief. I got the bird and did some test flights. Handles real nice, good response on the stick. The bang seat does work but you have to be in spot plane to see it. After you punch out the plane goes into a spin. I didnt try to see if the controls worked afterwards but it might ve ppossible to recover. Now for the bad, Instruments are in metric, and labled in Slavic. To taxi you need half throttle to get moving, quarter to keep speed. I set my flaps two notches, and on take off rotate when the ASI reaches 120km. Top speed according to FSnav is 360 mph. To turn on the gunsight, hit the Master Arm switch, in VC it is located under the red cover switch to the left of the stick. There are other things on that panel to mess with too, but you know how AO's are about folks messing with our knobs and switches. ;) Landing is really sweet, almost as good as the T-28. Going for another test flight,and get some inflight pics. IYAOYAS

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