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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Friday night

    Hey, I liked that house! I even had my shipmates go to my favorite house in Fallon to fly my retirement flag over it.No kidding, even the Skipper agreed that it was thae right place for it. Scout, I've been on "leave all week and took my lady to dinner and a movie monday night. Then we went out for Basque food tues. Got a new USB two way headset wed. and she said I deserverd it. ( wonder what that means <_< ) You are right about the beaches in S.D.,thats were we went for our honeymoon. We took a long stroll along the bay over by that place with all the little shops aways down from the Star of India. I think we'll be going back sometime in the fall.
  2. Why is this not surprising?

    I shouldn't weigh in on this, you know how much trouble an AO can cause. I heard the Swiftboat Vets commercial today, and wondered how many of the general voting public will dissmiss it as "spin". I have yet to hear Kerry say anything but vague ideas. I have a rule that I dont support any Democrat from Mass. It seems all Kerry can do is attack the CIC for not jumping up and running for the door on 9-11. I guess he realised how many draft dodging NatGaurd and Reservists vote, so he's been quiet in that front. Hearing Kerry speak is about as motivating as watching a safety training film about VD. I better stop before I'm acused of being narrow minded. IYAOYAS
  3. Yugoslavic advanced trainer available!

    When I was at China Lake all the ordies had to be seat qualed in the F/A-18 and the A-6. I was never comfortable sitting in those things during load preps and stray voltage checks. If had my way I'd de-arm the airbags in my wifes car. Chief, did you see the multimeter gauge that someone,obviously an AE or AT, made for FS9? now we can troubleshoot our aircraft in the game. Whats next? a virtual maintanece control? I saw that plane last night,I plan on downloading it sometime today.
  4. Like I said, I need a new flight sim and not LOMAC,my computer is too slow for it. Any recomendations? fixed or rotary wing it dont mater. I just feel the need to blow S**t up. I am looking at CFS3 and Il-2, how are they? Thanks for any input.
  5. Enola Gay

    I don't doubt the wisdom of Truman giving the go ahead to drop the bombs, everyone except the Japanese knows they started the war. I had an uncle in a POW camp, so by dropping the things he was able to come home alive. Scout I hope that we can catch these IslamaFacists, I hate to think what would happen if they do get it right.
  6. Some thing to pass along

    I got this via email from my old Master Chief, I plan to pass to my sons best friend as he goes to Army Basic in a few days. Pass it along, hopefully to friends and family that are in harms way. THE BASIC RULES: > Keep your head down > Your eyes and ears open > your mouth shut > your powder dry > don't leave anything to chance > Expect the worst and prepare for it > Be grateful for the best > Remember why your there > Its only one more day and a wake up > There's an angel looking after you > and....your family loves you > Pretty much sums everything up.
  7. Some thing to pass along

    Chief, You were at Orlando? When I was on the Sara I would go down there on weekend liberty. [ wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?] I was at San Diego myself, took my wife there when we were on our honeymoon and I got to show her a big vacant lot. Most of RTC was demo'ed and what was left is in bad shape. Here's something else that was sent to me THE BASIC RULE: > "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely > in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, > totally worn out, shouting "...holy s**t...what a ride!" > I think most of us at the end will be able to honestly say that, those that can't, well you missed out.
  8. Enola Gay

    Dutchy, I belive that one of the Aircrew just passed away recently, sorry I dont know what plane or who. What seemed like a good idea at the time had profound consequences for the future. My daughters asked me one day what a fallout shelter was one day. One of the had seen an old sign downtown, and looked at me in disbelief when I told her it's purpose. I truely hope that those will be the only NucWeps that get used.
  9. I am bored!!!!! I need a new flight sim

    Scary, I am lookinf forward to your games release. I've been lurking the Jet Thunder forum, and I like what I am seeing. For the moment I'm going to be flying Il-2.
  10. High Res Mountain Scenery

    Nice looking scenery, have to get some more memory and a better vidcard if I was to install it. Oh well, one can dream.
  11. Kerry's visit to Wendy's

    this guy is trolling, MJ please lock this thread.
  12. Kerry's visit to Wendy's

    By the way, That IYAOYAS, was not ment to be friendly
  13. Kerry's visit to Wendy's

    Any reply that I were to make to this drivel would be pouring gas onto a fire. I never served for the money, I served because it is an honor to protect this country. Case closed, and by the way, I am not trailer trash, I served with honor and upheld my oaths. Trailer trash is what we weed out and send home. But you would know that if you ever were in the service. IYAOYAS !!!!!!!!! The reason I served.
  14. Not impressed.

    Okay, my turn. Creepy, you asked for this.... Military Birth Control After having their 11th child, a U.S. Marine and his wife decided that was enough, as they could not afford a larger house on their housing allowance. So the Marine went to sick call and told the doctor that he and his wife didn't want anymore children. The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that could fix the problem but due to cost-cutting, the base hospital no longer performed that procedure. The Marine could have it done off base, at his own expense, said the doctor, but it could be very expensive. A less costly alternative, said the doctor, was to go home, get a get a cherry bomb, light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to his ear and count to 10. The Marine said to the doctor, "I may not be the smartest man in the world, but I don't see how putting a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me." "Trust me," said the doctor. So, the man went home, lit the cherry bomb, and put it in a beer can. He held the can up to his ear and began to count, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5," at which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs, and resumed counting on his other hand. This procedure also works with most soldiers, some sailors, and a few airmen
  15. Incredible Vietnam Pictures

    Great photo's, makes me kind of miss the flight deck,not!!!!! Thanks for the link, might scan and post some of my Dad's pics from that time period.
  16. Spokane via Roads package

    Top Gun, I just saw the Roads package is being released on disc, sometime this month it appears. I'll have to find the link again, it was one of flightsims sponsers. Get back with it soon.
  17. Hi Eric, Firehawkordy here, still fly SFP1, and I check the forums every day. Glad to have you onboard, might get some life back here now.
  18. still my favorite...whats yours?

    This is mine, it was one of the first plastic kits I built and after I got into the Navy got to see them working during Joint exercises. Love the gloss black paint job...
  19. FSHost Server down for a couple days

    Was wondering what happened, just as long as I get some flight time during my vaction. ;)
  20. Not impressed.

    Creepy, Just for that remark I'm going to kick the s*** out my cousin, just got out af the Corps, and it's going to be your fault. Chief, don't sweat the "0", he's most likely an un-noticed footnote in his units history. Like you, most officers I met were golden, and the ones that weren't were put "in charge" of the ordnance shop. After that they didn't last long. Just be glad it's your wife's girlfriends boyfriend. My 13 year old discovered boys this summer, I've shot three of the testosterone charged mutants with my air-soft so far. Most of the time I just show them the my Navy Expert Pistol and Rifle, that usually cools thier jets. ;) I cant wait till she really starts dating. The source of my grey hair...
  21. Spokane via Roads package

    MJ, used to deploy to Fairchild for Woodland Cougar Exercises. My crew and I used to go to town on liberty. Sprague was a street that we used as a landmark. One day I'm going to go back with my wife and really enjoy Spokane.
  22. Spokane via Roads package

    Hmmm... Now I guess I'll have to get this. Can you get it on disc or is it just a down load? Now to find Sprague Ave. ;)
  23. AFCAD Question

    I tried to re-create the NAVAIRRES ramp at NAWS Pt. Mugu last night, ten spots each for VP-65,VFA-305 and HCS-5, had to expand the ramp to the north. All spots were orientated to the north roughly parallel to the main runway. I loaded it up today and what do I find? Trees on the ramp extension, fuel station square in the middle of a taxiway and the default hangers in the way of some parking. How do I correct this? As there are only two hangers on that ramp, a Butler Hut near VFA-305's line and line shacks at the edge of the ramp one at each hanger. I am trying to get the parking as true as possible as I spent a good part of my carrer on that base and worked on all three flight lines on the Reserve side. Any help would be appreciated.
  24. Problem resolution chart

    Used to have the uncensored version in WC230{ordnance shop} till the political correctness police made us take it down. The ordie process is as follows; Does it work? no- hit it with a hammer. Does it work? no- get a bigger hammer. does it work? no- ship it to AIMD and blame the Aircrew. Fly Navy! Launch the ALPHA strike!
  25. MJ. I have not been able to find let alone log on to the server for the past couple of weeks. It shows on hostspy but my multiplayer page cant find it. And no it's not my firewall and every thing is set to default. Is there another port that I should try?

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