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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. F-18 Crash over the Columbia...

    Thoughts with the the aircrews families. Nothing will freeze my blood faster than seeing or hearing about a Class A mishap. I've seen two up close and that was two to many. :(
  2. More to the point, any texture files for USN. If none are availabe then how can I repaint what I have?
  3. Is there a V-22 Ossprey?

    Here's a link to Suclaro: http://www.surclaro.com/ It does require membership but it's free and you get a news letter emailed to you. Check in the 2002 helos files, there you find the V-22 and repaints. There are two compleate files, one for the U.N. and the other for the USMC. This site has alot of old files with new ones added from time to time. For anything current I use the ones you listed. If you pay for a membership to flightsim you can access it any time with out the two hour limit. It was the best money I spent. Fly Navy,
  4. I am bored!!!!! I need a new flight sim

    Okay, I all ready have Srike Fighters, it was the first sim I got, and I just finnished a few rounds of CSF2. I guess my real question is, whether or not are Il-2 or CFS3 worth the money? I just got this computer last year so other than upgrading the memory and video card a new one is out of the question. For some reason my wife is unreasonable on this point. If I do get the most recent patch for CFS2 is that all I need or do I have to get the previous ones also? What about Jet THunder? is it out yet or is there still a wait? As for my computer specs, it's a Dell with a Celeron processer with a speed of 2.20GHz and 256 RAM. The Video controller is what came with the system,but that is the next upgrade. Thanks guys.
  5. Carrier Traps

    Here is a site that has wires at NAS Fallon and NAS Kingville. http://home.comcast.net/~cline9084/navfac/Scenery.htm There are also other NAS's on the site. Hope this helps you. Fly Navy!!
  6. Developer Stuff?

    If you have FS2K4, G-Max is on the first disk. You can use that for your aircraft. Download AFCAD2 for your airports, I dont know about making a fictitous airports but you can mod your stock airports.
  7. gotta love this sheriff!!

    Got a piece of advice, you dont want to live in a tent and wear pink undies? QUIT BEING AN F"ING CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! No sympathy from me, the Sherrif has been doing this for ten+ years, why are these morons so surprised at the conditions?
  8. going for away for 3-4 weeks

    Good luck, I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
  9. Why?

    Hey Chief!, I swear I saw Weasles girlfriend right over there.
  10. Roswell 1947

    I am on the fence about aliens,excpt for the illegle kind, but something did happen back then. If you want to hear about strange things listen to Coast to Coast, used to be with Art Bell but the new guy is good too. Now if you excuse me I have to meet the Mothership. ;)
  11. Manual or control template

    Bugeye, I dont think there is an assignment setting like you want, at least one I am familiar with. I will look in my game settings when I can and let you know.
  12. T-28 Trojan available for FS9

    Chiefs right, wonderful plane to fly. Had a pleasant suprise landing, Made a landing at about 90kts smooth as silk. Heres a shot over Hwy 126 between Ventura and Santa Clarita Ca. The only thing I changed was add a sound file for the P-47. I think it sounds closer to the real thing. As I had to handle the Army's T-28 from Edwards AFB when it made logistics runs to Bakersfield in '85, I can attest that it's enigine is LOUD. I found the sound file at flightsim in the CFS2 misc. section. Happy flying and Fly Navy.
  13. PC, I know everyone is talking about the Cougar and CH Products, but if you want a good HOTAS that wont break you get the Saitek X45. I got one for less than $80 and it's the best stick I've used. Works good in Strike Fighters and FS2k4. It's got enough buttons and switches to program that you hardly need the keyboard. Well thats my 2cents worth.
  14. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Falcon, I'msure that I speak for the Chief too on this, whatever you decide you'll have our support wholeheartedly. Nice to know that you are thinking these things out, but it's still a long ways off and it's summer time. Go enjoy life and worry about who to join later. B)
  15. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    I also wore Purple in my non-rated/non-designated days. Must of been fate that I wore the colors of the nastiest,meanest Rates in the Aviation side of the house. B) But for the record; Purple- AvFuels Red- Ordnance/Crash & Salvage Green- Catapaults & Arresting Gear / Squadron Maitenence Shops Brown- Plane Capts. { these guys are the real owners of the A/C, just dont teel th pilots} Falcon, all this interest in NAVAIR is unhealthy, God forbid you might one day decide to join up. Fly Navy!
  16. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    The first thing I learned on the Sara was... Stay the "F" out of the Blue Tile passageways!! You were right to run like a rabbit, but those knee-knockers are killers on shins. :P
  17. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    So I looked, so you landed a Warthog, so, Okay I'm impressed. As for the C-130, the pilot of that A/C was my skipper on the Saratoga. The only thing they did to the plane was disconnect the anti-skid and moddified the props to reverse pitch while airborne. The FE would reverse the props as they crossed the fantail of the Forrestal, and the pilot would stand on the brakes. All the ship di was steer into the wind and move the wires out of the way. Nice screen shots and great piloting.
  18. Falcon I will be in the air some time thursday. You are welcome to fly alongside. If you have not done so get Team Speak, as it's easier to use voice instead of trying to fly and talk at the same time. Look for me around 1800hrs your time.
  19. Can You Identify THis?

    Don't know what it is but I do know that it was photo-shopped. Look under the fuselage and you can see the tie down chains still on placen ot a good thing when doing a cat-shot. Not bad looking pics though.
  20. @Navy Chief

    Got a question for you. How well does that new OV-10 fly? I looed at the files size and it's alot larger than the origanal that Tim Conrad made. Need a review before I invest the dial-up time to get it. Thanks, Fly Navy!
  21. Monitor wierdness

    one word, Gremlins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A dry post? that's inhumane. No alchol qualifies as substanrd housing in the Navy. I remeber signing a paper in Pearl Harbor stating that I would drink in the barracks. That lasted as long as we could get to the package store.r :D The ordies had the best stocked refridgerator on DET. Seriously, good to see you're getting educated. Take care and dont push the the line too much.
  23. New OV-10

    There is new Bronco at flightsim.com This one in German markings. I'll try to post some screen shots later. I just want to know when a VAL-4 Black Pony will be out.
  24. FSUIPC

    Chief, Each module is an upgrade and each one adds more fetures. Refer to my post on the TCAS. Once I registere my copy the radar dislayed all the AI aircraft.I don't know if it will work in MP but I'm going to try and find out. Any way go to the website and pay the reg. fee, you only have to do it once, it's supposed to be good for all future upgrades. One more thing, only install the newest copy, delete the older one. I got a msg one day telling me that I couldn't have more than one copy installed. Flight deck III bundeled an older copy of FSUIPC that came with the freeware Carriers download. Once you get the key you can tweek the sim a little better than the settings menue. Hope this'll help you. IYAOYAS Fly Navy!
  25. Irani Tomcat Crashed after Training

    Scout is right, the State Dept. and the DOD quite rightly decided that the Radar and AIM-54's were too sensitive to be put in that part of the world. How much the Soviets or ChiComs would have payed for either would have put alot of money in a traitors pocket. I had a bud in the Navy that was literally smuggeled out of there during the coup. He was a TechRep from Lockheed at the time and was to support their P-3's.

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