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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. American Females

    I wanted a boy, parents wanted revenge, God gave me Amber. Thats the payback for you being a bb-stacker IYAOYAS!!!!!!!!! Yup, you'er probably right but thank god I wasn't an AW. ;)
  2. A Music Question

    I have a question to the younger posters. Why does rap music exist and why do people buy it? Do you realise that cRap is the most non-creative genre there is? Now these "artists" have gone to far. Cypress Hill has stolen the instumentals to the Clashes "London Bridges". Talk about a sacralige. If any one of these "creative genious's had to come up with something origianal they'd have a meltdown. I have determined that the "c" in rap "music" is silent. And before anyone says I'm too old and and don't understand, I started listening to punk in '77 and hip-hop in '80. And back then, the music and words were new, origanal and made a point. Now its an excuse for any foul-mouthed POS to make easy money. Don't belive me? Listen to Grand Master Flash and the Beasty Boys, then compare them to 50cent and whatever gangbanger thats on the charts now.
  3. Irani Tomcat Crashed after Training

    Thats the one. I remember picking it up one time and finding a helo that I worked on listed. No one at the unit was saying much about the mishap, but it was in there for all the world to see
  4. Irani Tomcat Crashed after Training

    There is an aircraft magazine from England that lists all the mishaps monthly. I guess I'll be buying it again just to see what happed. A long time ago I saw an article stating that the Irannis did indeed reverse-engineered the Tomcat. And I dont recall it stating whether they had outside help. Just because a country's image is of being in the 7th century doesn't mean that they dont have an intelligent workforce. Too bad for the pilots though. But high time airframes and sub standard maintenance and parts will kill just as sure as a bullet.
  5. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    You might see this in my signature at SimHQ, and as a greeting or closure here. IYAOYAS If You Aint Ordnance, You Aint S*** All purpose for ordies and ammo troops, a greeting, farewell, and insult all ine one. Used mostly be Ordies to other Ordies or close friends. B)
  6. A Music Question

    I said country, Bluegrass is in a class by itself. In fact I was looking for a CD of Flatt and Skrugs. How can you not drive fast when listening to Foggy Mountain Breakdown? Like alot of music that I enjoy, I got my first real exposure to Blue Grass via the Dr. Demento Show. Dagger, you want to hear something great? get a hold of "Midnight Special" done by Led Belly {Huddie Ledbetter}, if I remember right, it was recorded in the late twenties,early thirties. Long before CCR. Oh and what I bought was the 1812 Overture. Music with cannons, how can you go wrong? :D
  7. American Females

    Here are a couple of Kalifornia girls. My middle daughter and her best friend. Both are tall and between 5'4"-5'6" and thin compared to most of the other girls the hang out with. This is my tomboy/punk rocker. I wanted a boy, parents wanted revenge, God gave me Amber.
  8. A Music Question

    Probably because the dope smokin' jocks that made my life hell in school listened to Led Zep and Areosmith and Black sabbath. Most of the heavy metal bands played the same chords with different words. Okay I like Ozzy and Sabbath. <_< Thats why I took to punk in '77. The Clash,Sex Pistols, and Ramones are the roots of todays music. I have nothing against heavy metal and Rap, I think as long as the moron majority is focused on those genres Punk, Techno, and Alternitive are safe. BTW, A few years back a study was done on suicide rates in major music markets. Belive it or not, the cities that had a Country music domination had the highest rate of people killing themselves. Not to start something, but an interesting fact.
  9. Manual or control template

    Thunder, if I knew how I would, I'm like NavyChief, I know just enough to break things. This is what I did though, Load the sim, got to settings and open controls-assignments,open buttons keys. There are drop down menues one for the bttons and the other for the controler. Just pick from the event catagory menue and scroll each menue, pick an item and hit change properties, input the button/switch that you want and check okay. I'm sorry that I can't upload a profile, but this a good way to remember what button does what. The X-45 has the individual buttns mapped out onto the units themselves. one more thing, events like braking and thrust reversal require the repeat setting to the far right of the menue to be maxxed out. I hope this helps you out. Fly NAVY!!!
  10. F-18e Super Hornet Update

    Yes the D/L's are free. They are also at flightsim.com and simviation.com Be aware these are big files, the F/A-18E is about 30MB's so plan on some serious time consumption if you have dail up.
  11. Pearl Harbor Addon

    Got a new addon that upgrades NAF Ford Island,PearlHarbor Hi. Puts smallboys in the West Lock, Mainside Pearl and two transiting to sea at Hospital Point. Also adds the Missouri and Utah Memorial. As for buildings, the red and white tower, transit barracks, Base housing with golf course. I'll try to post some shots soon. The only thing I didn't see was the Club. I found it here, http://www.flightsim.com It may show up else where too, but as I paid for access to this sight I make sure I use it. ;) Now to fire up my LCAC and cruise around the bay.
  12. Pearl Harbor Addon

    I have absolutely no idea how or what this post is about. I posted screenies of new scenery. I you have problems with this sim please post in an appropiate manner.
  13. Manual or control template

    here is my setup: stick= View-button A Slew view -hat switch 1 Auto pilot- button B Gear- button C Engine auto stop- Launch button NAV/GPS-hat switch 2 Alt hold- " [up] airspeed hold- " [ down] Brakes- trigger switch Throttle= master batt on/off- hat switch 3 engine auto start- " flaps down increments- " [down] flaps up increments- " [up] re-heat- Aux 1 (this is tricky, click to the first detent to turn it on click to the second and back to the first posit to shut off.It's like resetting a breaker) thrust reversers/prop reverse- button D speed brakes- mouse fire button This is my setup, it works for me, but experiment with it.
  14. Manual or control template

    And if you have a Saitek X-45 you can program most of those commands in to your stick and throttle.
  15. Airline crew lands at wrong airport

    On a lighter note, the passengers luggage got to Rapid City first. I can just hear it,"I'm sorry Mrs Smith, here are your husbands bags,but we kind of lost your husband."
  16. History: private plane into space

    He did it!!! Now NASA is realy going to have to justify it's existance. I would have been out at Mojave this morning as I only live about 60mi from the airport but I had to work. Maybe I'll catch him on the next flight. If anyone gets a chance to goto Mojave's airport take it. Even if you cant get on the grounds a drive along the fence will tur up some interesting sights. Mojave is the civilian equal to Davis-Mothan.
  17. My best friend, "Chief". In bad shape.

    Sorry to hear about Chief. My heart goes out to you, I know how it feels to see a pet in great pain. The treatment for animals has come a long ways from the two choices we used to have. I'll talk to my ex, she worked at a local vet here and I'll see if she can suggest anything.My prayers are with you.
  18. Moses, That link for the Ventrillo update was not working. could you send it to me via PM? I also signed up on Combat Sims while I was there.
  19. Darn right it was short!!! I came in with an E-2C with one throttle working and used up the runway and then some. I got it stopped at the edge of a cliff. I'll try to come on tonight. Fly Navy
  20. 'tis The Season

    This past weekend so dweeb blew himself up making " fireworks ". The local sherrif came out and siezed Det-cord, ammoium-nitrate fertilizer, a millitary detonator, and the equipment for a meth lab. I dont know but I dont think AMFO is an ingreidient for a fire cracker. You can blow up a building with it though. This is part of the story,the stupid local paper makes you register for the whole thing: Sister: Man loved making firecrackers Police and family members were at odds Monday as to whether a Shafter man killed in an explosion at his home Friday night was making fireworks or something far more dangerous. According to the TV, there was no Meth lab but in this case I tend to belive the cops. Any other stories like this out there? The 4th is coming, and there are morons with explosives out there. Seriously now, I spent the better part of my Navy career working with ordnance and the most dangerous and letthal items were pyrotechnics. That includes "safe and sane" fireworks. I now work at a hospital and you dont want to see what they bring in during this time. The one thing I want to impress on all, DONT give a sparkler to a toddler, it's a magnisium flare by anyother name.I like kids but not well done.
  21. Does Anyone?

    Try a search at : http://avsim.com/ http://www.flightsim.com I dont know of any other place that would have it. the is a comatability guide at simviation.com, heres the link: http://simviation.com/fs_compatibility.htm Hope this helps.
  22. A Music Question

    I still say on the eighth day God created Punk. As most of you know I have a 13 year old daughter and right now I get to hear Linkin Park, Mest, the Ataris and whatever she seems to discover. The thing is that I usualy find the new bands first. That brat had the nerve to rip-off my Evanesence CD, now I cant find my CDs I got on my birthday. Anyone that's interested, my cousin has a band called the Whiskey Rebels. They've played on the east caost,I think in GA. and they aint that bad. Check 'em out whiskeyrebels.com Anyway dico sucks, rap causes brain damage, and I want either Debbie Harry or the girl from Evanesence for my next birthday present. ps. Jimmy Hendrix is God. B)
  23. European Championship Soccer

    Just keep the Brits away from the Belgins. And whats this I read over here that the police in one country is letting soccer fans smoke pot because it mellows them out?
  24. A Music Question

    Dutchy, I hated disco in the '70s, my youngest daughter likes it and it still makes my skin crawl, with the exception of Donna Summer. ;) You are probably right, it might be the age thing, but I still won't grow up!
  25. More Cat Pictures

    Bad news about the cat I was going to get. It seems that he was given back to his original owner and the A-hole just tossed it out the back door. Cats gone and I hope it finds a home or a safe place as it was de-clawed. The I ronic thing is that it was a doctor that did this. Oh well, do no harm applies only to people I guess. I know who I wont be going to see for medical treatment.

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