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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Biohaz Server Offline?

    MJ, The server is down again. Not that I've been trying to fly there all the time, but when I've checked FShostspy there is no one there and I don't like to fly alone unless it's a test flight and I dont want you all to see me make smoking holes. I'll be keeping tabs on this, I enjoy multiplayer with the right people and this is a fun group when we are all here.
  2. Biohaz Server Offline?

    Up now, Thanks. ;)
  3. A Tragic Story.

    I see it was a family of Canadian imegrants. I hope the next of kin was informed.
  4. Remember The Shoe Bomber?

    by NvayChief AYE AYE, Chief!
  5. More Cat Pictures

    Chief, Damn fine family you've got there ;) We might be getting another cat in a few days. My wife said that one of the Doc's at work is giving his away and well I dont like to see a homeless kitty. Let you know how it goes.
  6. F/a-18f And E/a-18g Are Out!

    Just released is a skin for VFA-305. Everyone has a a favorite plane and unit, this is one that I was wanting to see. I was in 305 from '91-92 as the SELRES Ordnance LPO. Made two DETs with them,one to NAS Fallon and one to the Nimitz. I wish I could say I had fun there,but ..... Anyway this is at flightsim.com at the moment, part of my past so I guess I'll be downloading it. Heck you know I will!!!!! :D
  7. Ronald Reagan Passed Away

    It didn't really hit that he was gone until I saw the fly-over and and flag draped casket going down Constitution Ave. Thats when I knew the country lost a great man. I remember when Air Force One was a frequent visitor to NAWS Pt. Mugu, we always knew the President was in town. HAL-5 had the honor of escrting his helo to and from his ranch. I was proud to be in the Navy while he was our leader. And I was proud that I voted to put him in that position,twice. I didn't always agree to some of his views and policies, but at least you the country knew where he stood. Fair winds and Following Seas Mr. President.
  8. Maritime Patrol

    I got this P-3C I think at simviation.com, and grabbed the file to put the carriers off the HI. Islands. It took a while but I got the Washington rigged for photos. What do you all think?
  9. Ronald Reagan Passed Away

    :( What a great man he was. President Reagan was the first president I ever voted for. Under his reign the US armed forces were revitalised and we were proud to serve. For all that was said about him in the negative he had a vision and it in time came true. One of my favorite quotes of him was this...."Mr. Gorbachev,tear down this wall." That happened in time, so fast we couldn't fathom it, and when all was said and done it was President Reagans policies that did it. He will be remembered as a great leader.
  10. Dr Demento

    Just curious, anyone else still get demented? I"ve been listening to the Dr. since '74. The local stations wont play him here,but I've found him on the net. STAY DEMENTED!!!
  11. My Girl Done Graduated 8th Grade

    Well my daughter is on her way to high school, now I really get to worry. After she was in the hospital for so long we were worried that she was too far behind. But... she pulled it out of her hat and made a "B" average. Okay, so I'm bragging, but my kid beats on your Honor Student. ;) My little girl...
  12. My Girl Done Graduated 8th Grade

    Weasle, Don't feel old, I've got a twenty-five year old daughter with a three year old grandson. You have a long way to go,but they do grow up fast.
  13. Maritime Patrol

    Top Gun, Do you know of another site that has the S-3? The one at the link you provided is not downloadable. I have the Abacus one but after flying Mr. Sasala's A-6 and C-20 I'd like to try the Viking.
  14. You Might Do This Sunday On A Whim

    Nick, I have wrote a couple of poems, but I dont know how well they are. If I sent one via PM could you take a look and give your opinion? They aren't flight related, I wrote them for someone special to me though.
  15. My Girl Done Graduated 8th Grade

    T-Bone, Short answer, what we thought was appendicitus turned out to be trouble with her thyroid. She's doing fine now and she's glad to be out of middle school.
  16. Usmc And Usn Rules For Gunfighting.

    Chaingun, Not only is that not fair, it's just plain mean. :)
  17. I have several different panels that have some form of RADAR display. How do I get other aircraft to show up? No matter the display setting the sweep rotates or scans but I get no return of either AI, or multiplayer planes. Is there a utility that I need to get it to work? I would be grateful for any ideas. Fly Navy
  18. Question About Tcas And Radar

    Top Gun, Took your advice and registered FSUIPC today, you are right it is a good investment. Now I can track anything within 40 mi. of me. Cant wait to see how it does in MP. Thanks alot. FLY NAVY,
  19. Turning 44 On Sunday

    Well I turn 44 in a few hours and it hit me hard today. I guess it's because I still have shipmates in the Gulf and I cant serve with them. I was feeling low today, but one of my friends here reminded me that I went and did things that every one else missed out on. I also remembered that I had friends all over the world, either on the boards or in the real world with faces to the names. To all my friends, thank you, for putting up with my smart remarks,my hot tempered rants and the things I say without thinking. I was asked how I feel today, well I feel like an 18 year old, anyone know were I can find one? ;)
  20. Question About Tcas And Radar

    Posted by Beer- Rumor has it that he abuses himself with the NATOPS and 4790. :P :D Fly Navy
  21. Dr Demento

    bump, It's sunday and time to get demented.
  22. New Trash Hauler

    There is a new Kawasaki C-1 tactical transport out. Package has two versions, the C-1 and an EC-1 Elint bird. Flies very good and is STOL capable. Try to post some screen shots later. At the following: http://www.fsfreeware.com/dcd/New http://www.flightsim.com Uses the default 737-400 panel and sound. I'm trying to find a better looking panel.
  23. Turning 44 On Sunday

    Thanks Nesher but a kid like you should be ready to take on the world. I know I was when I was that age. Anyway, I think an 18 year old lass would kill me, but it would take a week to get the smile off of my face. ;)
  24. Tillman Probably A Blue-on-blue...

    Might have been fog of war but a tradgedy nonetheless.
  25. Usmc And Usn Rules For Gunfighting.

    Where you been ? And dont say AW work 'cause the real Airdales know you don't :P

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