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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Usmc And Usn Rules For Gunfighting.

    Jones' Addendum to to Rule#6 Use a 12ga., the sound of it racking alone will make most S**T in thier pants. This was an armed guard qual in Fallon Nev., the shooter is me. Man do I miss those days. A word of warning to those who wish my shipmates harm, The AO's trained ALL personel in our squadron to shoot and kill!!! That means our females too, and most have BAD, BAD, I mean BAD.....PMS. The most dangerous watch stander in the Navy is a lady sailor with PMS and a weapon who just found out here boyfriend cheated on her.
  2. Calling Navychief, Firehawkordy

    What about us AO's ? Thats all I need is more CAD's in more inaccessable places. And don't forget that they'll all need safety wire, to be installed via the smallest,darkest,access panel. Even Kerry's not that dumb, this look's like McNamarra's doing. Oh, don't worry about crud control, most of the time it's the last stop for the squadrons problem children. I think the tool room is sacred ground again. ;)
  3. I'm Activated

    I did and it hurt. :P Semper Fi Zag, let us know how things go.
  4. I'm Activated

    Keep your head down and your powder dry. This keeps up and soon they'll be drafting us retiree's.
  5. Whether You Like Him Or Not...

    Cowboy Todd, I dont think you've been flamed. You in fact started a thread that so far has been civil. Your sense of duty is to be commended. The Chief is right though, I never in twenty years refused an order by my supeiriors. Thats from the 3rd class running a working party to to the Commander in Chief. Everyone I know has had and expressed some form of opinion about every President we served, but that never interfered with the performance of our duties. As I write this I have friends in the Gulf that have a lowered opinion of Pres. Bush, that doesn't mean they will shirk their duties, they just have an opinion,nothing more,nothing less. That we can even say that we dissagree with the current gov't is a gift that should be treasured, and defended.
  6. Dr Demento

    Chief, Yes he did play that one, it's an old favorite of mine. The first time I heard it was my jr. year in high school. My first girlfriends mother worked for Tom T. Hall, but it was before we met, even so when I hear that song I think of her. Also played last sunday was the "Bertha Butt Boogie", "I'm Looking Over My Dead Dog Rover", "We Like Hockey". My wife and kids think I've completely lost it when I listen to the Dr. Different brands of humor I guess. And to Fates I leave a crate of my best whiskey and a......... Rabid Tasmainian Devil stuffed down his pants.
  7. If you can find the new issue of PC Pilot, get it as the cover CD has both Patches. Get the LOMAN and weapons packs, they really make the game.
  8. Pearl Harbor Addon

    Over Mainside. The long building in on Ford Is. is the transit barracks, I actually lived there for thirty days during RIMPAC '96. Thats the wargame that is shown on the Discovery Channels. The dark shape on the waters edge is the ferry landing. Ferry's were used until a bridge was built to connect the Island to Main Side and Pearl City.
  9. Pearl Harbor Addon

    West side of Ford Island
  10. Pearl Harbor Addon

    here's a some shots of Pearl.
  11. Dr Demento

    MJ, Here is the site with the links I use, very funny tonight the musical topic was Drinking. http://www.krellan.com/demento/ Good fuuny five too. I used to listen to him on KMET in L.A. back then he had a weekly top ten. Hope the link helps, don't forget to stay demented.
  12. Documantairy My Lai

    I was disgusted by the actions of a few sadists. I agree with Zagnut, what they did was illeagle, in violation of both the Geneva Convention and the UCMJ. I was taught in boot camp that mistreating a POW was forbidden. I asked my cousin who just got out of the Marines if he had recived training in regard to this, he said he did. It is espcially revolting to him and I as his grandfather, my uncle, was a POW in Japan, and we know how they followed the rules of war. As for "I was following oders", thats not an excuse, it's an indictment. Ask those at Nuremburg how well that excuse played out. Article 93 - Cruelty and maltreatment Article 99--Misbehavior before the enemy Article 113--Misbehavior of sentinel or lookout Article 134--General article Just some of the things they face, here is the website for the full description. http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/mcm/blmcm.htm
  13. Pet Rescue

    Chief, My Cat just reached retirment age, 14 on the 11th. Marty is my best friend, and at he has the run of the house. I just want to know one thing, how can an eight pound cat create a thirty pound catbox? and why is he smiling when I empty it ?
  14. Whether You Like Him Or Not...

    Chief, Everyone knows that we only use non-union labor. Saw the same thing at a Woodland Cougar exercise at Fairchild AFB. We had to share the armory with an ANG squadron from Portland Ore. and they had no idea what flight quaters was. They were working 12&12, staying at a hotel while we were living in an old alert bunker. At least we were fed well, got steak and shrimp three times that Det. ;)
  15. Whether You Like Him Or Not...

    For the record,those are AO's the Prsident is with. And I do know the Aviation Ordnance community does respect the current President.
  16. Whether You Like Him Or Not...

    T-Bone, Are you or were you ever in the US armed forces?, AF folks that I know hate him as much as the rest of us. For some one who was too cowardly to serve, Clinton was very quick to put us in harms way. With the same assinine restrictions that was foisted on us during the Viet Nam war. Look at Somolia, it was his SecDef that determined that armored vehicles were too "agressive". What did that policy result in?, soldiers dragged in the streets, and the ones who sent them there scrambling to cover their butts. No, Clinton is never to be trusted or respected, either one of them. As for USN folk having issues with him, his staff, while visiting one of our aircraft carriers, stole that ship blind. Ahstrays,towels, robes, everything that was missing had to be replaced out of the pockets of the sailors whose responsibilities it was to maintain those spaces. They stole,and expected the E-1's through E-4's to pay for their theft. So yes we have a major problem with him. The AF guys you've talked to must be either very new or very gullible to belive he was good for us. Enough said. GO NAVY!!
  17. Graduating

    Congrats, enjoy your youth while you can. I graduated in '78 and was in the Navy and a father by '79. Remember, there are no refunds on a misspent youth. Get the most you can as quick as you can.
  18. Whether You Like Him Or Not...

    What a joke,respect for that pompas ass? I was in the Navy when he sized power and the first thing he did was slash this country's defenses. The ONLY thing he ever did was make Carter look good. Clinton was a gutless wonder who dodged the draft, renounced his citizenship, and sullyed the office of President. And I'm with the Chief, when I see his pasty face on TV, I want to puke.
  19. Navy Uses Fs9 To Train Nuggets

    Chief I've never know a jg that didn't say no to a Chiefs "request". Most of the Chiefs I knew would make an offer you couldn't refuse. Seriously, I would like to read an interview with Lt.jg Lacy. I doubt that the panels would available for general release, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
  20. Maritime Patrol

    Thanks Top, I think the one I have is by him,but I downloaded the one on the link just in case. Besides, I was looking for some of the other planes that are there.
  21. Maritime Patrol

    One more from the outside. And before anyone says it, I know it's the Chickenhawk and not the Washington. The ships are in different locations in the Islands.
  22. Mp Plane Files

    TG, I'm for this idea, but at least you weren't a Cessna 182 going Mach 1. would it help if we posted the planes we as individuals normaly fly? BTW thanks for the session, I didn't mean to just drop, but I got the Blue Screen of Death" and had to sort it out. See you in the skies.
  23. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    Have a problem with TS, I'm getting an invalid port msg when I try to connect. I cross checked with the other two TS sites and it worked on them. Any one else having this problem?
  24. Hard Landing

    I wish I had a pic for this but none available. On Monday night Kern County Sherrifs Department's surplus OH-58 made an auto rotation near Bakersfield College. The crew got out ok and the helo has some damage to the tail rotor and boom. One of my co-workers who workred on H-1's said she heard a compressor stall and then a loud bang. The Sherrif has been flying helos for 30 years and this is the third incident in that time frame. The last was in the early 90's. Not bad for all those hours in the air. Even the cops arn't imune from the Law of Averages.
  25. Ch-check It Out!

    Only album I bought was Dressed To Ill, and it was a bootleg at that, back in '85. Now my 13 year old daughter informed me tonight that she was getting the new Beastie Boys CD. I'll let her have it as long as I can get the new Blondie release. Deborah Harry is still HOT!!

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