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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Schweeet!!! Got Mine!

    Happy you got this one, I try to use BioHaz's server but it get's lonely when you are the only one flying. Let me know when you can fly and I'll try to meet up with you. Check flightsim.com for some really good addons. I went ahead and bought a membership, for the price it was worth it as I can access the site any time. Chief, I'll be flying a lot in the next week, first vacatiion in three years, woohoo!!!
  2. Scenery Won't Show

    I was looking in my textures folders and some of them wont show. The preview window tells me "Drawing Failed", is there something like a CODEC that I need? I would like to see some thing more than an empty ramp.
  3. Scenery Won't Show

    The NASTEX zip from Virtual Navy, and some of the Textures that came stock with the sim. I messed around with some of the display settings but it still seems empty for some reason. Oh well, at least my sound problem is gone I can live with this if I have to.
  4. What Car We Drive......

    I forgot that I had this, My cousin's Xmas present to his wife, all original factory fresh, well as fresh as you can get after forty or so years. B)
  5. Happy Birthday Snapple2993

    Happy birthday Snap, Dont let them get to you, we're just jealous that we aint 21 again. Then again, how did we live to get this old? I'll drink a nice cold Fosters in your honor.
  6. Cheating In Video Games

    Here's my thought on cheating online, Most of these "gamers" think that online play give them the protection of anonymity and distance. If you cant see me then it's safe to cheat,how you going to find me? I tried online gaming when I first got my computer, and was trashed by cheats and "win at any cost" players everytime. I prefer to just have fun on the FS9 servers now. Here's something I and my friends realised about cheats, I play table top games also, like Warhammer 40K. We have found that any type of gamer falls into two categories; 1] The one who just likes to play useually has a life beyond playing games. Has a wife or girlfreind that lets him enjoy his self, has a job in that he likes and has some control of his life. 2] The Cheat, lives with mom, hates his job if he has one, no social skills, no girlfriend or if one is the dominant party{yes dear} hasn't had a date in years, has absolutely no control of his life. The only thing he feels he can control is whatever game he plays, by any means. I love catching cheats when playing at the local hobby shop, the look on their face is priceless when they are told they are now banned from playing for one month. It's even better when they come back and no one will play against them. There are cheats every where,some are easier to catch and ban. Cheaters are the reason we get the looks when we talk about whatever game we play.
  7. Lmao...

  8. A True Story....

    To quote an old SNL parady; "The Navy, it's not job, it's $96.35 a week." The wierdest thing that happened on one of my watches was in Pearl Harbor. I had to stay at our Maint Control space at the end of RIMPAC. It was on the second deck of the old fire station/control tower on Ford Island. As we had weapons in the makeshift armory I had my trusty .45 and settled in for the night. About 2 am. this sailor comes throught the spaces and I challenged him. He looked right through me and kept on his way, passing through the closed door to the stairwell and heads. I went after him but he was nowhere to be found. I told one of the other AO's about it and he said he saw the same guy. Later we found out that to ar three of the other watchstanders had the same expiriance. All I know is that Ford Island is one spooky place late at night.
  9. A True Story....

    Cheif, We had an ASDO that got bored on mid watch, 2330-0330 to every ony else, and went out with BB-gun and sniped the Mud Ducks sleeping on the canal next to the Hanger. The CMC caught him and wrote him up. When asked why his response was that "they were Commies diguised as Mud Ducks" and he had saved the squadron by killing ten of them.
  10. What Car We Drive......

    A red '93 Mitsubishi Eclipse. When I got it Amber was five and she wanted a car that was fast and red. By then it was the two of us and the T-bird had over 150,000 mi. and two motors. In another month I'm looking at a Gallant, my wife say I'm too old for anything smaller and faster. My other car is a Neon,make that the wife's car.
  11. The Other "chief" In Our House.

    Why does a three pound cat sound like a fifteen pound bowling ball at about midnight? And you have more than one? Actually Chief I have my one old Tomcat Marty. He's going to be fourteen in May. He's an insde cat who sleeps twenty hours a day. I once had a cat that had a strong bond to me. She drove the family up the wall when I left for boot camp. My siter took this photo of her and it went with me to all my duty stations. Had her for nineteen years and was crushed when I lost her. Oh yeah, all the Sailors and Marines will love her name... Four Oh. B)
  12. The Weather

    68 degrees? it's 79 right now and just starting to cooldown. I think the high here was 82. But sunshine, and the girls in the accounting offices are wearing short skirts. Think I'll go ride my bike down along the river tomorrow after work. It's going to be hot and clear all week. Now where are my cuttoffs and Hawaiian shirts?
  13. Today Is My B-day

    Nesher , happy birthday, and may you have many more. I wish all the luck in the world and I second what CowboyTodd said , BE CAREFUL OUT THERE. Friends are hard to find and harder still to keep.
  14. I Need To Vent.

    Cowboy I feel your pain. My first "real" job was at a local pizza parlor which wasn't bad to work at in the '70s as the kids still had the fear of dad in them. After I left active duty where did I go back to work? yep the same place, only now the families the ate there saw the staff as baby sitters. It has only gotten worse. My wife and I made sure the kids were on their best behavior when we go out. She was a waitress so we are more sypathetic to the workers in a restruant. Sorry you have to put up with the crap the little darlings dish out, and there is not much I could suggest for revenge that didn't involve mayhem and pain. Hang in there, at least you'll know how not to let your kids act in a nice place. Why is it the more money a person has the bigger the pain in the a** they are?
  15. A Test

    This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. Please don't answer it without giving it some serious thought. By giving an honest answer you will be able to test where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, where you will have to make a decision one way or the other. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Please scroll down slowly and consider each line - this is important for the test to work accurately. You're in Florida...In Miami, to be exact... There is great chaos going on around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods. There are huge masses of water all over you. You are a CNN photographer and you are in the middle of this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot very impressive photos. There are houses and people floating around you, disappearing into the water. Nature is showing all its destructive power and is ripping everything away with it. Suddenly you see a woman in the water, she is fighting for her life, trying not to be taken away by the masses of water and mud. You move closer. Somehow the woman looks familiar. Suddenly you know who it is - it's Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take her away, forever. You have two options. You can try to save her or you can take the best photo of your life. So -- you can try to save the life of Hillary Clinton, or you can shoot a Pulitzer prize winning photo, a unique photo displaying the death of one of the world's most powerful women. And here's the question (please give consideration and then an honest answer): > > > > > > Would you select color film, or would you rather go with the simplicity of classic black and white ?
  16. Did Anyone See "passion Of The Christ"?

    No, I just read the Book, and I know how it turns out. Those Nuns back in grade school made sure we knew. "I used to be Catholic, now I'm an American." George Carlin, Class Clown Album
  17. The Pres Was Here !!!

    President Bush made a stop here in Bakersfield today. Nice that he started his campaign here in the middle of Kalifornya, as our Governor would say, as this area is a conservitive bastion. Due to post 9/11 Air Force One now flies a very fast approach. I mean where the C-17 last night made a high slow approach , AF 1 came in fast and low the gear came down about 3mi from the airport. I never seen a 747 move like that and as low as it was. Anyway, he came, he talked, and he left. All is right with the world. God I love election years.
  18. If You're Thinking Of Moving...

    I would rather sleep in U-haul.
  19. Gun Footage...this Is Graphic Be Warned.

    I've got the vid a few weeks ago and if I remeber it was posted on SimHQ and promptly got locked out. War is hell, and it may seem brutal that our crews do this but it is three less terrorists alive. If you look close the second one was trying to break out either a SAM or RPG that they had cached. Remember, these A-holes lost all protection from the rules of war the minute they shot down a helo marked with RED CROSSES. These are also the ones who would have killed thier own countrymen for being either in the new military,police or a different religious sect. It might be dirty, but thats what war is, and you don't shoot to wound,you kill, until the other side loses the will to fight. Besides it's kind of hard to wound a man with a 30mm cannon. 'nuf said.
  20. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    Hmmm... Strike Fighters SP One FS9 CFS2 Sim CIty Harbinger Civilisation III I have too many sites to name, but Biohazcentral,and SimHQ are the first ones I check.
  21. Need Prayers...

    You've got mine also my friend. All the best, remember, everything happens for a reason, sometimes to make us humble and other times to make us strong.
  22. The good news is that his prostate in fine!
  23. I know this is beating a dead horse, but where is there server? Lately I've been flying at Netwings. Nice bunch of people there,but only room for 15 at a time. It also uses Ventrillo not Teamspeak. I have both so it's no problem, is there anyway we could get these on the server when it comes back up? Not that I making demands MJ, just begging loudly. ;) See you all in the air soon.
  24. Which Mos Would You Pick?

    Exactly, Fates I could not have said it better. Zagnut, Get all the schooling you can,it's free and even if you never use all of it you may be able to teach you kids or grandchildren something one day.
  25. Which Mos Would You Pick?

    Zagnut, Even though I was in the Navy, try Medic. I work in hospital now and I know first hand that we have a severe shortage af Rn, LVN, CNA, Resiptory tech. Any knowledge you gain in the service will have impact on the outside. I wish you well in what ever field you choose. You are doing something that I wish I still could be a part of.

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