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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Please Spare A Thought...

    Hi guys, I just spent the last 18hrs at the local hospital with my middle daughter. I was told this morning,it's still the 27th here, that my girl was being taken to the ER by ambulance. Not a good way to wake up, I'll tell you that. I was told she had a fever of 104 and in lots of pain. Turned out it was her apendix and it was on the verge of bursting. We got her into surgery and she's doing better now but my nerves are frazzelled. I just got home to an empty house, my wife is with here now for the night and I'm still shaking. So Please remember her in your prayers tonight. I have only three things I hold dear my daughters,wife and grand son. Night all I'm going to try and rest. We both work at the hospital she was treated at so I'll be there before my shift starts like a good dad would.
  2. Please Spare A Thought...

    Thanks guys, She's doing better but the doc wants to keep her until her temp goes down. At least I work at that hospital so I know she's getting the best of care. Another day and she'll be home. Again thanks and blessings to all.
  3. Herrasy!!Blasphamy!!!, Where do I get one? :P
  4. Ruger Is Retired

    Welcome to the civilian ranks Shipmate. Now I ask you, if they didnt screwup your pay would you have been suprised?
  5. Need Help W/ Landing

    Falcon,go to AVSIM and search for " OV-10" four files should list. Get the one with the Marine Corps markings as the Navy painted on doesn't show the panel. Then get the Panel fix at the bottom of the list,you need this to fill in the blanks. One more thing, it doesn't seem to have GPS, so it's really VFR. Or you might want to try my IFR nav. techniique, " I FOllow Roads". If any one can get the Navy version to show the panel let me know how to do it.
  6. Biohaz Server Offline?

    I haven't seen it up on FShostspy in the past two days.Are we going to be up for friday?
  7. Favorite Sayings

    I've got two, Friends may come and go,but enemies accumulate. To make an enemy,do a friend a favor. You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
  8. Need Help W/ Landing

    Falcon, What type are you flying? I finally found an aircraft that I can fly and land easily. I down loaded an OV-10A last weekend. You might want to try and find it. It lands slow, about 95-110 Kts with full flap and some power you can just hang. The panel isn't complete,but there are panels at FSfreeware. B)
  9. I downloaded an OV-10 the other night and I have been playing with it last night and tonight.Fly's great has speed and is agile.The best thing is though, the landing speed without flaps is about 90Knts!!. it stalls at about 70-75knts. I have one problem with it,the panel is missing the airspeed indicator and the GPS wont load. Other than that, it's great. Got it at Fsfreeware. See you all online. B)
  10. Found A Plane That I Love To Fly

    Ouch! Chief, I don't think it's supposed to look like that. :P
  11. Server Back Online

    Just got finnished with a flight. Hawaii is lovely this time of year. :P
  12. Bluenose, If I remember there was the jewelbox,a flier and a manual that didn't help much.
  13. Addon Help

    I want to in stall some addons but the documentation in the booklet is worthless and the manual on screen only mentions addons but not how to install. Is it any thing like Strike Fighters or is it different? If there is a step by step out there I'd like to find it.
  14. No Sound

    Drivers are up to date,the sounds I am refering to are the stock ones.I can fly the A/C,I just dont hear them unless they are props. Thans for everything so far guys.
  15. Cool Show On D-wings

    Seen it!? Hell I was in it. The HH-60H's that were running the SEALs to and fro are from HCS-5 Firehawks.We were based at the airfield at Ford Island. Had our operations armoury and maint.control on the second floor of the firehouse/control tower. I got to see the Marines make the assualt from the H-53's on that building fronm the tower.That was probly the best DET. I ever made. 30 days in paradise and on Uncle Sams dime to boot. :D
  16. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    Dagger, Well said.
  17. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    Oh my God!! Based on the logic of the staples clerk, my landings in FS9 quallify me as a Kamakaze. :P
  18. I saw that effect in an anit-shipping mission,I splased a Mig just after I hit the tanker. I thought the slick was from the boat.
  19. As I was too young to work on or see them in action,do you recall if the Viggie carried external stores other than drop tanks? I know that they had a bomb bay between the engines but I can't remember seeing a photo of the carrying bombs on the wings.
  20. Your Top 10 Games (any Console)

    Medal of Honor PS Medal of Honor,Underground PS Timesplitters2 PS2 SOCOM PS2 DeusEx PS2 Golden Eye N64 Perfect Dark N64 Turok N64 Got other games,but Strike Fighters and FS9 are too much fun.
  21. First Woman Pilot Killed In Iraq

    :( :( :(
  22. Sluf Skins?

    B) Faster than the speed of heat!!! :D :D
  23. What do you want to know?,just ask and all shall be revealed. :D Seriously,PM me or post your questions in the forum and I or somebody will answer.
  24. Chief, I have the same problem.A-7's nose jumps up and down like a low-rider :D Why do I have the feeling like I'm griping a real bird? Anybody have a MAF,so we can do this properly? Two more things, 1] Walleye will not release.Selected/pickle/no release/Deselect/repeated. 2] Asymetrical thrust with the B-57, yaw to starboard,input of left rudder no effect managed to land and found right mainmount brake locked. Hey Chief looks like we need the AO's,Mech's and AMH's to look into this. :D

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