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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Hey Chief, I was online last night with the Biohaz server, but you are right when I sign on no one is there. Had a great flight though,pinkie launch out of Fallon to N.Island. First time I've done it,with real weather no less,great!!! Look for me I'm in an S-3 most of the time. B)
  2. Sluf Skins?

    What does he mean that "Navy thingmie"? At least we can fit our name on the side of our planes. :D :D
  3. Owie

    You really have too ask? If I didn't have to work in the morning,I'd still be drinking. :D :D
  4. Use the weapon editor,it has all the abreviations in there.
  5. I go better than an uninstall,I use the shredder utillity in my Norton A/V. Call me paranoid but I'd rather rip it out by the roots than have have something crop up later. <_<
  6. Fates,please ,not so loud,I have a han,headache.
  7. Need Help W/ Taxing

    Boltz, Yes I checked all the above,I get the wheel rumble and landing chirp plus the sound for the recipricating engines.All I get is a "pop" when ATC broadcasts.I did get an error msg. when I tried to play certain sounds in Media player,but being Microsoft, it's unid'ed and thefore no help available. Oh well, I figure it out sooner or later. Happy flights and hope your taxi'n gets better.
  8. Need Help W/ Taxing

    Boltz, I have my settings at default. As I'm learning to use this Sim I have it set to medium difficulty. I just use a little twitch here and there and try to keep my speed down. My problem right now is that I have no jet engine sounds or ATC voices playing. I get an unknown error in WMA and I just d/l'ed the most recent codecs. Help anyone?
  9. Need Help W/ Taxing

    Hey Boltz, I have an X45 also and the secret to the rudder is a light touch on the rocker,just enough to get the nose to move. Falcon if your problem is speed just move your thottle until you get moving then back off.You might have to add more power on a long stretch but it will keep you speed managable.I learned that back when I had the very first version of FS for the Commodore 64. Yeah it's been that long since I had any kind of PC. <_< By all means get the X45 it's worth the price and makes flying that much more fun.
  10. Ea-6b Prowler, Off Of The Jfk

    Okay,now I know what to do with the extra twenty bucks in my pocket. :D Looks like CARQUALS are in my future. Too bad its not the Sara.But I do have a soft spot in my head,err, heart for carriers. Going to go flying now,Cheif as soon as I get comfortable with this Sim I'll let you know. Launch the Alert Bird!!! B)
  11. Addon Help

    Thanks Boltz, the A/C I down loaded didn't have a read me but I moved a folder that was in a folder,so it works fine.Fingers crossed on the next ones,but will A/C made for 2002 work as well?
  12. What'd Ya'll Get For X-mas?

    Got FS2004,XIII,and X45 for my PC. SOCOM2 for my play station, and an Airfix F-4J with VF-31/USS Saratoga. And the best gift, one of my favorite cousins took terminal leave from the Marines and walked in the house Christmas Day. Hope everyone got what they wanted.
  13. Okay, my wife said I have to make a decision and pick just one. I already have two combat sims. So I what should I get, FS 2004 or LOMAC? :)
  14. First Flight

    I just finished my first flight in FS2004!! Just a short hop from Bakersfield to Fresno. Just have to get used to the controls but the King Air was a big change from the B-57 and A-7 I fly in Strike Fghters. One question,it was very quiet, is there any engine sound during the flight? I think I'm really going to have fun with this. B)
  15. Is this a newer version of the atmosphere Mod you just released? Looks awsome,the mod you were kind enough to send me is still looking good,especially since I got the Sun fixed. B)
  16. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    :D :D :D :D :D :D Well it's Christmas and I got the flightsim I asked for.I got FS2004 after reading what everyone was kind enough to post,thank one and all.It's all loaded up and registered and good to go. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to fly a cross country.Lets see what a King Air can do. :P :P B)
  17. Run To Subsim!!!

    From Seawolf; Forgive him Santa Barbara,for the young lad knows not what he says. :D At least we AO's have a Patron Saint. And belive it, we need all the help we can get. :D :D Merry Xmas Seawolf.
  18. Merry Christmas To All...

    Merry Christmas Chief. Have a happy and safe holiday,and best wishes to all our troops. Next I vow to be nice to the Seagoing Bellhops.
  19. Photo And Note From The Gulf

    This was sent to me via the "Jungle Telegraph",ie;forwarded e-mail, from a friend and shipmate in The gulf.I'm omitting his name but I'll post the body of the letter. I think that all the Sailors here will get a kick out of the photo. Hey Boss, I figured it's been awhile since I've checked in, so here ya' go... Everything over here is going well. We are staying very busy, doing some really good, succesful missions, so that makes things better. For the most part, things are all working out pretty good. They were talking about moving the maintenance effort to where we are, but have since decided to leave them down in the HAS. That's a good thing. After making the move up here from Kuwait, going through another move was not exactly what people were looking forward to. Since the DHL bird got hit (it's still out on the side of the runway), mail is not coming or going. I guess it's one of those things about being stuck in a war zone or something like that. Everything else is going pretty good. The Air Farce chow hall has finally opened up for lunch, so that's making things a little easier. Their chow is just OK. The Army's over on this side is way better and the Army's on the other side is way, way better. But, what the heck, at least it's not MREs. The weather is starting to cool down a lot over here. Getting ready to just get damn cold flying at night. It was 45 degrees when we launched last night, and there isn't any flying around with doors closed out here. So far, thermals, gloves and balacalva are doing the trick, but it's not going to be long 'till it's thermals, sweat bottoms and flight jacket. Big weather front movig in tonight and they are expecting up to an inch and a half of rain later tonight through tomorrow. We'll see how this works out, as far as the tent livin' goes. Might find ourselves ripping everything out and building a raised floor (unlike the tents down at Salem, when they put these in, they didn't put down decks.). Hope things are going alright back there. Has the start of the fiscal year waiting game started? I'm gonna head down to the HAS and get some stuff done with the maintainers. Please pass my regards to everyone. Take care,
  20. Run To Subsim!!!

    If this has the capability for several players on one platform, I want to know one thing.On the P-3 who's going to take the gargbage bag off the A/C after the flight? P-3 Aircrew know what I mean.
  21. Incentive Rides

    I remember being called back to the Arm/DeArm area at NAWS China Lake because an F-18 got a bird strike on take off. It hit a crow,a big "F'ing" crow were the inboard pylon,Sta.7, met the wing. My crew and I had to download two Mk.82's,the VER, and remove the pylon. Fortunatly the pilot kept his cool and managed to do an aborted take off and return to the ramp. The best part was that the tin benders had to go to work for a change and clean bird out from inside the wing.
  22. Photo And Note From The Gulf

    Falcon Six Two, As far as I know it's not PhotoShopped. What you see is how I recived it,personally I think this what happens with too much time and spray paint. :D All the photos are raw, ie; no editing or special effects added. I was told that it the guys dont have much time in the place they check and post their E-mail so I doubt it . I'm sure some one there could verify it. As I said this was sent via the jungle telegraph. :)
  23. Run To Subsim!!!

    Did somebody mention ASW?,Seahawks?,P-3's??? :P Have to check this out,thanks!
  24. Incentive Rides

    As far as I know the Navy stopped giving backseat rides in the early '80s. Used to be you could get one,maybe,if you re-enlisted.I asked for that on my first re-up and was politely told that VX-4 doesn't give rides anymore,so I got one in a P-3 instead. <_< The rides were stopped for the reasons the Chief mentioned plus the safety factor. Just look at what happens when a fully trained crew gets in trouble,now add a wrench turner or a civilian. Can you say PR disaster? To paraphrase a line from Top Gun, FE is writing checks that he can't cash. Launch the ALPHA Strike!!
  25. Dhl Bird Bahgdad Int'l Airport

    Here's the DHL A/C that got hit. Shot was taken from an HH-60H from HCS-5

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