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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Photo And Note From The Gulf

    This was sent to me via the "Jungle Telegraph",ie;forwarded e-mail, from a friend and shipmate in The gulf.I'm omitting his name but I'll post the body of the letter. Sorry for the double post,got one photo though. Hawker, if you are near the Navy's flight line could you stop in and wish HCS-5 a merry Xmas for me?
  2. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    Thanks Dagger. :D
  3. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    Thanks for the help.I made up my mind and it's going to be...........................................FS2004. As much as I like blowing things up I do have fond memories of the first Flight Simulator way back when and when I saw the sreenies that Navychief posted,well that clinched it. Thank you for your help and opinions,Merry Christmas . Mad Jeff you may lock this if you want. :)
  4. Twelve Bugs Of Christmas

  5. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all, Have a happy and wonderful holliday season. :D :D
  6. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

  7. Vr-46 C-9 Flight

    I'd like to go there too,but for a different reason.My uncle Art was taken prisoner by the Japanese there,he survived the camps but didn't say much about what he went through.I guess it'd be a pilgrimage of sorts.
  8. Vr-46 C-9 Flight

    Chief, yeah I rode in the "Lawn Dart" from Pt.Mugu to North Island and Fallon. I'll tell you one thing, they are alot more comfotable than a C-5 or 141 HAL-5 and HCS-5 got to ride those things. Gov't SST's; Slow Shakey& Trembling Launch the Alpha Strike
  9. Do You Miss The Old Forum??

    MJ, could never get into the old forum, so I like this just fine. :D
  10. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    The Vatican supported Il Duce too, why is it that tyrants and dictators get a pass while those who try to do right are villified? And before someone flames me, I' a craddle catholic,as is most of my family.A craddle Catholic is some one who is born raised in the religion,now I'm "no religious preferance". I try to learn about all of them. :)
  11. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Saddam should be so lucky, with any luck he'll be displayed like Mussollini. Did you hear that one of his daughters was complaing about the way he was displayed?
  12. Vr-46 C-9 Flight

    Please don't say you were in a Coffee,Tea,or Me squadron :P :D
  13. Capun I hope the gunners are a littel dumber, I have the one from Beers site and one will get lucky and hit me with a SAM or AAA about half the time. I'm bidding my time for a P-3 and AGM-84's :D
  14. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Kerry served too, in the Navy, with the SEALs. That doesn't mean I'm voting for him.And I have an idea what he stands for.
  15. Callsign Origins

    Seawolf said; You really liked those things? :o And Bug Juice? :o Even an AO has enough sense to avoid that stuff unless we are really,really,relly hungry ;) On the Sara the bug juice always had JP-5 in it. The only thing I liked from mid-rats was if they served omlettes,yumm. I did have two callsigns when I was in the Navy, the first was Sleaze, something to do with houses of ill repute in Fallon and my choicr of female company. The second was AO1 Fat B*****d, before the Austin Powers movie. I was always at the gedunk and had some form of food and Pepsi with me. :D
  16. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Well FE we are all waiting, I do not like it that I fell for your BS about the reasons for retirement.I at one point felt sympathetic for you,however,had I read your reasons more carefuly I would have seen through you. MY BUST.Before you pull this again and you will,try being a man and really joining the armed forces. WE are calling you out FE, be a man about it and present your credentials or give your appology.
  17. For Beer

    Beer, From one P-3 guy to another. VP-65 1982-83 VP-0919 1983-86/1988-91
  18. Blonde Joke....

    I thought it was gifted
  19. Helo Aviation Websites

    Heres a couple; Bluehawks of HAL-5 Naval Helicopter Historical Socity
  20. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Snapple, Pre-law huh? that explains alot No the US should not try him and niether should any power or body outside of Iraq. That includes the U.N. Let his own people try him and show him for what he is. Killing him outright would just matyr the slime, and giving him a long sentance will only inspire his followers to committ acts of terror to get him released. No better he be judged by the Iraqui people and hope they discredit him totally.
  21. Challenge Coins,whose Got 'em

    Okay whose got one,and no this is not for drinks :D
  22. Challenge Coins,whose Got 'em

    USAFMTL, Here's my other one,given to me by my shop on retirement.
  23. Challenge Coins,whose Got 'em

    Flip side <_<
  24. Callsign Origins

    Dont get me started on Sum 41. My kid was playing some video about growing up in the '70s. It was stuck in my small brain all day today Actually it's better than most stuff I've heard.
  25. Blonde Joke....

    Just read it to my semi-blonde wife, man can she hit hard.

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