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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. What's Up With The Brits??

    Dutchy, So ist das Leben! Es ist fur eine gute Sache. I can speak a little and read less. Just enough to embarrass myself. Cheers ;)
  2. What's Up With The Brits??

    Oh yeah, I forgot, my son and my former stepson are both talking to the recruiters. As my family has a long tradition for military service,somtimes on both sides at the same time I think, I am worried about what my kids will face. And being protested is not a great morale builder. I also am in contact with my buds who are still in, some out in Iraq and that gives me more grey hair. I hate to say this but I would trade everything I own to be there with my friends,not for any macho or bull "s" reason, but because they are my friends.
  3. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    Ok, I'll give the Airforce a break as I was at Fairchild AFB for an excercise one year. You guys are better fed, in twenty years in the Navy both on active and reserve duty I saw steak exactly FIVE times. Three of those times was at Fairchild.With shrimp too. And you guys have better working hours. The AFRES SAR unit from Portland worked 12 and 12, HCS-5 the sqaudron I was in worked flight quarters. That is get there at about six in the morning, and leave two hours after the birds come home,somtimes after midnight. I got you beat though, I'm qualed on five airframes and two of those dont fly any more. And no, I'd do it all over again,just wish they served more steak.
  4. What's Up With The Brits??

    Dutchy, I am an American of Welsh/German/Italian/Spanish descent. What I ment was that Germany overran most of Europe and could very well have succeeded if not for the U.S. and others. I bear you no ill will and save that remark for those arrogant enough to forget their history. it was not my intention to insult those on this forum as we all seem to be reading from the same page and book. I worked for a man here in Calif. that was in the Dutch underground at age 15, I dont wish what he and his country had to endure on anyone. I now work in a teaching hospital where the are students from all over the world here so it's not that I'm an isolated buffoon. I am sorry for any offense taken or percievied, but I am very proud of my country and will defend it any way I can,sometimes without thinking first.
  5. What's Up With The Brits??

    Hey guys, the best thing to say to any Euro, especialy the Fr**s, is Sprechen ze deutch? when they say no tell them you are welcome. Dont the brits remember a chap named Champerlin who sold almost all of europe down the river? Like Seawolf I like the Brits, when I was in the Med that's all I dated in Spain. Whats funny is while our long time "allies" B***h and moan the former Warsaw Pact countries are beating our door down. I say we close everything down in those countries whose citizens dont need us any more and move east. Just think how they would be hurting without our greenbacks in their economy.
  6. This is great for flying in really S****y weather. It just makes me want the A-6 all the more. Thanks Dagger for letting me be one of the first to try it and help out. It really sets a mood . B)
  7. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    I saw that old SNL parody when it first came out in 1979, the POOW in V4 had it going when my partner and I came into the office to sign the fuels roving watch log. It was funnier now than it was then only because we were doing all that they had shown. I would kill to get a copy of that now. ;)
  8. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    Snapple, You could make it to CDR or Capt. if you stay in for your twenty. And good luck if you do join. BTW, JAG in my opinion is just CHiPs at sea, not too many JAG officers are aviators too.
  9. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    Seawolf you forgot one, Stand in living room window with a brck hanging from your neck, every time an automobile passes call your father.
  10. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    Weasel, We are all brothers,some older and with more tradition, but sibling rivalry is just fun and games. Until someone gets hurt of course, then it's slap nutz funny :P
  11. This is looking out standing. What missile are you using? The Perry's fired RIM-78's, that is the Standard ARM used as a SAM. Hope this helps and not confuses.
  12. Beer Good looking small boy. Any chance of a download?
  13. Dagger, As you have helped me in the past, I'd like to return the favor. Yes I'd like to try out the new clouds, PM me for my email addy.
  14. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    I tried to think of a funny and witty reply, but being an ordnanceman anything I could think of was just crude and offensive. Better to let the jr. birdmen have their fun. Join the Navy, learn a trade. Join the Air Force, work on one system for the next twenty years.
  15. A-7, A-10, and the new Euro Terrain. I agree with what fates said there id no bad addons, just find the ones that interest you the most.
  16. Favorite Movie

    For war Pics Boys in Company C The Beast, yeah I know it's about the Russians in Afganistan but it's better than Platoon. The Odd Angry Shot SciFi Blade Runner Sceamers Split Second and for my absoulte favorite... Monty Python and The Holy Grail. ne, ne, ne,
  17. Retirement

    Welcome to the club Fast Eagel, the worst part now is deciding what to wear today.
  18. Drinking Alone....

    I never drink alone, my friends Jack Daniels and Johney Walker are always with me.
  19. More Naval Aviation Artwork

    No matter what the leaft says, I loved being under President Reagans watch. He was the first President I ever voted for. The man had a goal and he gave us the money and tools to do our job. HAL-5 used to fly cover for him went he would come home to CA. That was until the Jarheads made noise about us infringing on their territory. At least nobody bot close to his Helo while being esorted by two or three Gunships.
  20. My Old Squadron On Wings Channel Today

    Didn't get NAS Cecil Field,but I was down the road at NS Mayport. I wonder what that looks like now. Being on the left coast I've seen NS Long Beach and RTC San Diego get razed to the ground. I took my wife through what was left of the boot camp and it was a strange feeling. At the time they were setting up for the San Diego grand prix. Last I heard a tribe of indians were trying to get the land down there for a casino. I heard Moffet Field is a ghost town too.All those developers a just drooling to that property.
  21. My New Job With Homeland Security (pic)

    Cheif- Better an AME with an AA mount than an AD with a shotgun. And Seawolf, I once issued an armed gaurd card, signed by the CO himself, to our Command Master Chief authorizing him to carry and use a Mk1Mod1 Bean Shooter. He had a good laugh about it, and was my best man at my wedding. If the AO's "F" with you, we must like you.
  22. A-7b Released

    Good job, I downloaded it friday night and flew it most of saturday night. Now to get the tanks in stalled, wait thats not the ordies job, call the mechs.
  23. My New Job With Homeland Security (pic)

    Seawolf, You know the rules, Never, ever, give an AW a gun!! Looks like a 3" 38cal dual purpose gun. Played on those things when my Father was on the USS Platte [AO-24]. As for homeland security, thanks Shipmate.
  24. Museum

    Oh yeah, The A-5 had a regular wing, the F-111 and F-14 are the only swing wing tacticle aircraft the US operates. But you are right, they do go fast. ;)
  25. Museum

    Archer, If you could have seen the Skywarrior and "Willy Fudd" in 1980 it would have made you cry. They were basket cases in a hanger at N.S. Phillidelphia, the E-1 had had a fire in the cockpit so hot it melted the side side and overhead plexiglass. The Intrepid was no beauty either, being mothballed for about ten years. At least now she has a purpose to educate and remember.

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