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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. A Pheonix Is Reborn

    Only took less than 5 years to realize that the HS and Fleet communities could not meet the demands of the mission, supporting Special Warfare operations. Best part is that as far as tradition and knowledge go, there are a lot of legacy Firehawks in the command that started their careers in HSC-5 and did multiple combat tours so 85 will not be re-inventing the wheel. My one regret is that I can't get the time off from work to attend the renaming ceremony. That said anyone form HA(L)-3, HC-7, HAL-4/5 and HCS-4/5 are welcome, the info was being passed out to everyone beginning late last night. The funny part is how many retirees, myself included, are talking about getting waivers cut to rejoin the unit.
  2. Try this, make a backup copy of your key commands, you will find it in this location by default.... C:Program FilesWings Over *Controls Now down load this file which will reset everything to default.... http://combatace.com/files/file/7317-sfp1wovwoewoi-default-keys/ Read the instructions on the install and re-assign your commands. I had a similar problem a while ago and this is how I solved it. The file will work for Strike Fighters also.
  3. Smee Again

  4. Fatal Sinkhole

    Not a way to go..... http://www.bakersfie.../124301434.html I would love to see the OSHA report on this one, then again maybe not.
  5. A-10?

    LGBs will not lock or track w/o at least a Pave Penny installed on your bird, as I have yet to get the second gen games I don't know if a Pave Spike or Pave Penny is included in the weapons addon packs. FYI, Pave Penny is the small laser desinator mounted on a pylon on the right hand side of the Warthog, under the cockpit, see here..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pave_Penny As a rule of thumb I hardly carry LGB's preferring to use AGM-65 on Triple launchers, you can carry more stores that way, add so rocket pods and CBU's and it's going to be a bad day for someone.
  6. My ordie friends and I still at the thought of some gomer trying to figure out how de-arm a blue colored Mk 76 LDPB. Non,non, non, titi bombs make boucoup boom, you go !
  7. When you find youself in danger, When you're threatened by a stranger, When it looks like you will take a lickin', (puk, puk, puk) There is someone waiting, Who will hurry up and rescue you, Just Call for Super Chicken! (puk, ack!) Fred, if you're afraid you'll have to overlook it, Besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it (puk, ack!) He will drink his super sauce And throw the bad guys for a loss And he will bring them in alive and kickin' (puk, puk, puk) There is one thing you should learn When there is no one else to turn to Call for Super Chicken! (puk, puk, puk) Call for Super Chicken! (puk, ack!)
  8. Anyone like to take stab at making a couple of missions for WoV? I tried last night for about two hours but could not figure out how to even put a start location in let alone anything else. The missions I'm thinking of are CAS and Armed Recce in the Mekong Delta using the OV-10 Bronco or UH-1B Huey. HA(L)-3 and VAL-4 did a lot of flying there and made it Mr Charlies worst nightmare. Start point for the missions would be at Binh Thuy and point of contact anywhere in the Delta. As there was no opposing air power that south and nothing bigger than a .51 MG trying to pick out one or two NVA or VC squads or hitting the right sam pam or hooch would be a challenge in itself, especially with the Green Hell textures installed. There were a lot of Brown Water ops in the Rung Sat Zone but most of the time if your say Viet Nam air combat the first thing most think of are B-52 and Alpha Strikes in the North. I can provide more info to anyone interested in this idea.
  9. Some Pic of My New Project

    Okay, in past I have mentioned that I used to play WH40K. I've "retired" from table top gaming but I found a renewed passion for building models after a 5 year LOA. Here are a few picks of some figures I have been working on. The heads are from MaxMini.eu and are about 7 USD for 10 of them. the rest of the lads are GW plastic. The building was a prop I built for the hobby shop I "lived' in until it closed in 2006. These figures are a 10 hour investment in time and effort, but for being away form this hobby for around 5 or 6 years not too bad, IMHO
  10. Favorite Music Genre?

    Punk/New Wave Big Band/Swing Opera and Classical with J S Bach, Wagner and Handel my favorites. Okay why the wide and psychotic range? I was trained from sixth grade in classical choir, I went through High School in the 70's and developed a hatred for disco, so when the early punk acts were played on Dr Demento I knew that there was still talent out there, not mass produced swill for the masses. As for big band and swing, unless you have seen Count Bassie or Les Brown live you could not begin to understand.
  11. Some Pic of My New Project

    Now for a couple of old figures, First one of my display items for the hobby shop. She's probably one of the first female minis that I ever painted and based. Painting was the hard part, do you know how difficult it is to get the seams of her tights straight? This guy was a real chore, he started off as a Cawdor heavy from the old Necromunda game. After some major body work with my Dremel tool, ( Oy! Off wif his 'ed lads! ) and some resculpting of his clothes, he got a new head from a WHFB sprue and became a grenadier for the IG.
  12. Some Pic of My New Project

    The grey monstrosity and the sand 4x4 are WIP Support Vehicle / Infantry Base kit was a GW Leman Russ, ends were swapped and sides top and rear built up using plastic sheet laminated to the desired thickness. Fenders were tops and bottoms of the Russ's side sponsons. Turret is a Forge World resin piece. Light Scout Vehicle / Desert Converted Ork War Truk Gun is a resin piece from Max Mini. Still needs lots of work to add crew, ammo cans, feed chutes and other details to make it look lived in. Light Scout Vehicle / Fire Support Converted Ork War Truk This was my first major conversion using the then Vehicle Design Rules. I had a three truck fast attack unit configured for max damage, this was the equivalent of 6 heavy weapon teams, really nasty if things worked out well on the table. Driver and commander were bashed with ork lower torso and legs "humie" upper torso and heads and in the drivers case ork arms to steer with as well. The gunner was bashed with plastic legs and the metal upper half of the original Catachan heavy bolter gunner. If I remember I spent about 30 hours on this one. As you can see some parts are broke off and need to be replaced but it still looks good for a ten year old model that was actually used to game with.
  13. Some Pic of My New Project

    Thanks for the Holy S**t comment, I really appreciate it considering that I have not touched a model kit of any type in over five years. At one point I had a display case at the local hobby shop filled with 30 plus Games Workshop vehicle kits. Most were custom builds like my tank recovery vehicle. Sadly most have broken by my step daughter and her friends when they would just toss the boxes they were stored in onto a work bench with no heed to what was inside. I do have a couple of items that are still presentable and I may post pics of them later. As to the images I posted, what you see is an accumulation of skills that had thier beginning when I was 8 years old. From 97-06 I had the money and opportunity to by massive amounts of kits at a single time and build a section of troops or support form my IG army every week. I was also buliding kits for the store as well as terrain items. Most of the terrain disappeared when Riverview closed but they sometimes appear aat the store that I now do business with. It's funny when I get a call that one of my pieces has surfaced and the chump that was trying to sell it has to explain why the bottom of his "work" has "STOLEN FROM RIVERVIEW HOBBY" on the underside as well as my real name, Navy rate (AO1) and the the code number for one of HCS-5's Ordnance shop's tool boxes. One guy was in shock when he turned around and saw me walk in as he was trying to make a barter trade with a piece that I spent two weeks getting it to look just right for photo shoots. One thing you all may notice, I don't paint the eyes of my mini's. That's because at a normal viewing distance they would look like the poor guy is on some kind of really bad mix of speed and acid. Unless the facial features are really defined my routine is paint the face, apply a wash, dry brush first with the primary color and work up with lighter shades and smaller width flat brushes. As much as it pains me to admit, I learned the art of dry brushing from a gamer who does 28mm works of art. I gave up asking other modelers for advice or instruction long ago, to ask a modeler around here how to dry brush gets the reaction that I had asked to have a go with his wife. ( I bet given a choice I would be allowed the go with the old lady.) I may start a blog here on modeling if there is some interest.
  14. Get the newest WE from the Third Wire website Run WE as usual, ie: open the weapon data ini and save it. No result= CHECK THE KB
  15. Osama and His 72 "Virgins"

    After Osama Bin Laden died, he was met at the pearly gates by George Washington, who slapped him across the face and yelled: "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!" Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted: "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed!" James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said: "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!" Thomas Jefferson was next, beat Osama with a long cane and snarled: "It was evil men like you who inspired me to write the Declaration of Independence." The beatings and thrashing continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed their anger on the terrorist Leader. As Osama lay bleeding and in pain, an angel appeared. Bin Laden wept and said: "This is not what you promised me." The angel replied: "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in Heaven. What did you think I said?"
  16. If I recall the event was an Alpha Strike in the early days of the Air War. I saw a still of this in a book on the the Spad and the load looks like Korean vintage 750 pounders. Hard to tell from the angle of the camera. As a side note, the book stated that the toilet had been removed as unserviceable and it was originally mounted as a joke. Someone then decided to go ahead and drop it. There was another squadron that had a Mk 76 lying around the shop and was told to " get rid of it". Due to a shortage of kill stores the Blue Death was loaded so the unit could say the launched with all stations loaded. Somewhere in Viet Nam there is a NVA EOD team still trying to safe that weapon. One more thing concerning Spads and kill stores, a VC convoy one time was sighted on the Ho Chi Mihn Trail and the location was radioed back, the Spad squadrons had very little GP weapons at the time but lots of Depth Charges. They got permission to change fuses from the hydrostatic ones to an electrical one. By the time the Spads hit the convoy the valley was socked in, unless you understand explosives and their effect you need to know this, drop a store with an 70-85% explosive content into a valley, have the shock wave not only reflect not only from the sides but from the cloud cover too and the effect is worse than you could ever imagine. The poor bastards basically killed twice.
  17. We are not sure of your question, could you please explain exactly what you are wanting to do or find one of the forum boards in your native language and post there. (at least the spelling is correct)
  18. The one from the 70's TV show,
  19. Jug, don't feel bad about being out of the loop, I just got back into the TW games and man was it overwhelming to see how far everything had evolved. That said since you are behind me in the curve you must be taken out back and beaten by a tall brunette in a Wonder Woman costume!
  20. One more thing to consider, before that I know it's a game!, that said, was the aircraft ever fitted to carry such weapons? This series out of the box has tried over the years to be historically accurate, modding the loadouts for grins is fine but having a Walleye Mk1 Mod1 hanging off a Fishbed's wing is going to look more than funny_ and not funny like a clown_ but very odd. Add two more factors into the mix, weight the Mod1 was a 250lb class weapon/Mod2 was a 2000lb class that is only the bomb body fins and electronics are extra, and drag, these create a lot of drag on the parent aircraft. Okay stay with me... The Fishbed was developed as a point defense interceptor, it was very fast very agile and could kill almost any threat in it's backyard. The best wast to defeat one was to make the pilot burn so much fuel he would have little engagement time. Throwing missiles on it was no problem, it was made to do that, a couple of dumb bombs or rocket pods? again no problem, Soviet doctrine dictated that all aircraft have some offensive ability, but the A2G weapons used the stock sighting system. Now the fun part, in the game as Wrench stated there is more to slapping the bombs on the stations. Walleye was a TV or Electro-Optically guided weapon,Paveway is Laser guided and you will need another bird or ground controller to carry the designator as the early LGB's mother ships could not carry and guide at the same time, therefore you will need to make the ini changes in the electronics and data config files. That's just the start and since I don't have the KB or any of the Fishbed's ini files open this is coming off the top of my pointed head. I am not trying to put you off of trying your loadout, I just want you to know what you are getting yourself into from the start, if it works and you can carry and kill things on the ground post pics and share the edits so others can duplicate your feats of daring-do. Happy flying and hope you don't crash
  21. I'll look in my load out menu for the WP munitions, I don't use the 2.75's but the PWP incendiary bombs, I can put about 8 in the A-26's bombbay. As for decommed units, HSC-5 is always in my heart as is HAL-5 and HA(L)-3. The weapon is the AN-M-47A3 / A4, leaves a nice puffy cloud of smoke and crispy critters.
  22. If u were gonna buy a game where would u buy it

    Never had a problem with anything I have bought through Amazon.
  23. Come to think about it,every missile I loaded in the Navy left a big plume of smoke, all but Harpoon, and that's because it has a jet engine for propulsion. Maybe we were doing it wrong in real life, I should have edited the rocket motors to make less smoke Spell check..... USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Strafing VC bicycles is just wrong, Willie Pete is more fun, Sin Loy Charlie!
  25. KB- Knowledge Base, the repository of all the knowledge and insight on this forum. As for the smoke trails, the effects are true to the original period that TK replicated in SF. Earlier missiles left big plumes of white smoke upon launch, with every generation the weapon is improved including the motor. Look at pics of an AIM-9B and an AIM-9M, the trails are less smokey.

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