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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday brothers
  2. Osama and Facebook...

    Ding Dong, Candygram, Who? Pizza delivery who? Land Shark!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Happy Birthday Ken!

    Happy Birthday! Here's to another year behind you.
  4. HH-60J Jayhawk

    Thanks for the info, the reason I asked this is that I used to maintain and arm the HH-60H model a few years ago. The Hotel and Juliet models have enough in common in real life that we the maintenance pubs were the same in both birds. I was hoping that the Hotels could be modded, especially since there are questions on making SEAL Teams for the game. The HH-60H's were purpose built for Navy Special Warfare and at one time the only units operating the Hotels were HCS-4 and HCS-5 both Reserve units whose missions were supporting the SEAL Teams and C/SAR. here's a link to HCS-5's last airshow appearance before our Decomm..... http://www.dpdproduc...airgallery.html You'll need to scroll down but you can see that our birds were unique. We did the same C/SAR and SpecWar missions that the AF and Army did with less manpower, fewer airframes and a higher up status. After I retired they did four tours in combat with no loss of Aircrew or aircraft to enemy actions. The thing that most don't know is that the HCS squadrons are direct descendants of HA(L)-3 from Viet Nam. I have to admit that I love the HH-1K above all other birds but the HH-60H is a close second to my heart. I had the pleasure and honor to work in both a HAL and HCS squadron, it really is hard to explain feelings for an airframe, you had to have been there.
  5. Forgot, the proper term is either Jettisoning, "jetting" or "punching off" external stores, fuel tanks are not weapons, not ejecting that's what pilots and aircrew do. And by 3rd gen fighters I mean F/A-18 and similar.
  6. You have to understand that in real life the doctrine for almost all air forces is to punch off the external stores with the exception of A2A weapons. The reason is that until the third gen fighters came online fighter-bombers were either or, either you were a fighter OR you were a bomber, the weight and drag of external stores precluded a maneuvering fight. The game replicates this as close as possible, it may not be convenient in the sim but it's a frustration you have to master or work with.
  7. A book I read.

    Have to check this series out, need something new. Thanks for the heads up BTW, tell Henrietta to quit shooting at me
  8. I don't know if these will work in this game but there are some oil platforms available in Flight Sim 2004, if you want I could look at what I have downloaded for that game and see what the EULA says. Some times you get lucky and the author includes the GMAX of FSDS files in the package. BTW, I'm using this terrain set at the moment and even though you state it's still a beta it is a fun piece of the world to run missions in. I'm also running ops in your Afghanistan 2010 package another work of art.
  9. The Super Bug just went operational in the past 4 years, as for the Tomcat, I know the Delta models were flown not sure about the Bravos, Google can be your friend in this case. The only missions the F-14 flew were Escort, BAR CAP and Intercept, and they didn't have the luck in finding their prey like the F-15 had.
  10. Besides the Mirage Factory pack what other packs work in WoV? Need a gun pod with an M134 mini-gun for an H-60 load out.
  11. WoI Ordnance

    I've got that pack installed to the other games but was under the impression that WoI was incompatible with it. Going to install now. I know the Navy 60's don't mount gun pods, but in HCS-5 the was a running joke that our Command Master Chief, and Honorary Ordnanceman, was going to have the AO's mount forward firing ordnance like we had in the Huey's. That seemed to make a lot of former HS pilots very nervous. Would love to do the gag in the game at least once.
  12. This is part of the petition.... The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to FINN, JOHN WILLIAM Rank and organization: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy. Place and date: Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Territory of Hawaii, 7 December 1941. Entered service at: California. Born: 24 July 1909, Los Angeles, Calif. Citation: For extraordinary heroism distinguished service, and devotion above and beyond the call of duty. During the first attack by Japanese airplanes on the Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, on 7 December 1941, Lt. Finn promptly secured and manned a .50-caliber machinegun mounted on an instruction stand in a completely exposed section of the parking ramp, which was under heavy enemy machinegun strafing fire. Although painfully wounded many times, he continued to man this gun and to return the enemy's fire vigorously and with telling effect throughout the enemy strafing and bombing attacks and with complete disregard for his own personal safety. It was only by specific orders that he was persuaded to leave his post to seek medical attention. Following first aid treatment, although obviously suffering much pain and moving with great difficulty, he returned to the squadron area and actively supervised the rearming of returning planes. His extraordinary heroism and conduct in this action were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. Whereas that Lt. John William Finn was the only Aviation Ordnanceman to receive the Medal of Honor in the history of the Navy. Whereas Lt. John William Finn was an inspiration to the sailors in the Aviation Ordnance field; sailors whose jobs, while significant to projecting air power, is decidedly unglamorous. For the full text and to sign this is the link..... http://www.petitiononline.com/USSLTJWF/petition.html I normally stay on the sidelines on thing like this, however he was an AO and he did earn the Medal of Honor, so a ship of the United States Navy should bear his name.
  13. Update; As far as I have been able to ascertain this bill is still in committee hopefully it will make it to the next stage.
  14. Would anyone be interested in skinning the UH-1B in Seawolf paint? HAL-3 is the progenitor of ALL US Navy CSAR and NSW helo sqadrons ie; HAL- 4 & 5, HC-9, HCS-4 & 5, HSC-84 and soon HSC-85. Since the Seawwolves' fixed wing contemporary, VAL-4, is represented with two very fine skins why shouldn't HAL-3 be also honored? This is what the Seawolves flew..... http://www.seawolf.org/aircraft/p32.gif And this is their history.... http://www.seawolf.org/history.asp As a proud descendant of the Seawolves, HAL-5 and HCS-5, I respectfully make this request.
  15. Forgot the pilot squadron ini edit lines for the Seawolves Black Ponies, this is waht happens when I'm up late and drinking. [squadronxxx] Name=VAL4 DisplayName=VAL-4 Black Ponies Nation=USN [squadronxxx] Name=HAL3 DisplayName=HA(L)-3 Seawolves Nation=USN
  16. Biting the bullet, maybe?

    Storm, I can ask my connection at Razbam about the A-4, Aerosoft has a Falcon for X out and VRS's Super Hornet is available for X as of a few months ago. Have you looked at Flightsim.com's FSX library? I have a weekend planned to reinstall FS9 and install X in a new dedicated HD. Got a 1TB external, hopefully I have enough room for everything now.
  17. I found that in the WoV Air and Ground expansion HA(L)-3 and VAL-4 are both represented. Once in a while in a CAS mission I get sent to to some areas in their AO but not often enough and or near Rung Sat. SPADS are deadly in the expansion. If you don't have I highly recommend it. As for me trying to use an editor, better give a monkey the controls to a real fighter, same result only the monkey is more amusing.
  18. So it's been a week since I started in with the game and I play it at least a couple of hours in the evenings. Just made a copy of WoV, renamed it and installed Brian32's tiles and Stary's Green Hell V2 as well as the mods for them. Add in Dueces effects that I have used from the first time he released them and the Weapons packs, the game just got better. Now all I need to remember is that ONLY era specific aircraft are to be put in the folder. Anything I forgot to add to WoV? Now to get started on the SP1 and WoE, I still need to get WoI.
  19. So, Was I Wrong To Post This....

    on my Face Book page on Good Friday? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1loyjm4SOa0 One of my friends said I was definitely going to Hell for this one
  20. R.I.P. Poly

    When I was in high school there was some expose on the "dangerous" Punk Movement. This was in 1977-78, that was the first time I heard of X-Ray Specs, at the time I started wishing my girlfriend could be like Poly Styrene. Sadly Poly Styrene lost her battle with cancer yesterday. http://www.spinner.c...profile_oneline
  21. WOV Air & Ground War Expansion Pack Gold - Part 1

    F'ing rocks! Very grateful for the inclusion of VAL-4 and HA(L)-3 as I was with HAL-5 which is the direct descendant of the Seawolves. If interested add the following to the squadron ini so these Brown Water units show in the load out menu. [squadronxxx] Name=VAL4 DisplayName=VAL-4 Black Ponies Nation=USN [squadronxxx] Name=HAL3 DisplayName=HA(L)-3 Seawolves Nation=USN
  22. @ Dave, never mind with the paint job, found the Seawolf skin in the WoV Air and Ground expansion along with VAL-4. Thanks for the offer anyway, I may need your services if I the TH-1L can be armed like the 1B. IF it can I'll get post pics of HAL-4 and 5, the Seawolves prodigys. Added these lines to the Squadron ini so the squadrons show up, also changed the A/C's ini so the Navy units are the default.
  23. Well, bit the bullet and I am now the owner of WoI, figured that I might get at least all the base games, saw some interesting mods for WoI the other day. So now it's official, I'm FIrehawkordy and I am a Third Wire addict.
  24. Then I'm a 'holic because I can't afford a new system do to the 2nd gen games justice
  25. First screen of any TW game I've posted in a looong time.... WOV Gold addon, VAL-4 CAS mission.

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