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Everything posted by Slushie

  1. Guys, again, the past few posts have been amazing! And I got a good laugh at "Stupid as Tom Cruise" hahahaha, ouch much. Thanks for the advice and the links to the manuals. Hopefully soon I will have some disposable income due to tax returns, and I'll likely pick those up. Also the posts on stall and spin recovery, are really informative, and I'll be giving them some practice runs. Thanks again everyone, and thanks for all the video views!
  2. Thanks for all the comments and replies guys! @Saisran: Those are some awesome picks. I had to look up a few but I'm glad I did. Quite awesome. @Crusader: Thanks! Its sadly art from Ace Combat 5, but I figured it fit the purpose. Also, thanks for watching my Let's Plays. I don't have a monetized account, so I'm doing this purely for fun and it's even better when others get a kick out of it too.
  3. Ham Fisted...I like that. Couldn't think of the phrase but that's definitely it. And thank you very much for the recommendation! I'll swing by the download sections and get them on my harddisk. I started a new merc campaign in '62 kind of going on with my own story based off the defeat and failure of my last campaign. In this new one, I'm flying the Hunter F6, which is why I was trying to figure out missiles and it. Apparently it's a strict guns and rockets and bombs only fighter, but for an older subsonic jet, even on the hard flight model, I have yet to make it fold up and spin in. It's incredibly stable! A great plane. As I progress or finish a campaign or (more than likely) die I'll start another one, maybe more modern and definitely try out the Tomcat. It's definitely one of my favorites in terms of looks, but I can't say I've ever flown one in SF2 yet. For me, I love these planes based solely on looks F-86 Sabre (Never flown) F-100 Super Sabre (Flown it, turns slow, is heavy and doesn't accelerate but stable for me even on Hard FM) British Electric Lightning F.1-53 something? (Super fast, and an incredible climber but if I tilt the wings and pull back on the cyclic I find myself spiraling in everytime) F-5E Tiger II (Flown in practice more modern more stable but no tests on Hard FM) A-4 Skyhawk (Stable and won't lawn dart me on Hard FM but I lost repeatedly to MiGs) Something something Crusader (Great looking but on Hard FM I think I recall it being slow however stable. Still died to some MiGs.) F-14 Tomcat (Never flown) F-18 Hornet (Never flown) And finally my newly discovered F.6 Hunter which is slightly ugly to me. (Subsonic, but so incredibly fast in turning and stability even on Hard FM it's like cheating) I'm uploading my new campaign video now and I got some kills with that Hunter that I never could've pulled off in the above list. Except maybe in the Tomcat, Hornet, and Tiger II.
  4. Oh Hey Falcon, thanks for the interest in my channel! My user name there is Zomb Lee. Very creative, huh?! Lol. http://www.youtube.c...44?feature=mhee Also to Wrench and MigBuster I really appreciate the help and such. I think basically my problem with seeing the damn ordnance in file for the Hunter even though she can't mount those is because I selected a Mercenary campaign as I am CombatAce's resident merc...and it seems I was getting supplies of Sidewinders and Firestreaks in case I purchase a jet capable of mounting them even though the Hunter couldn't. I'm the biggest derp ever...lol
  5. That's because the RAF used Firestreaks which were essentially the same. However I still have in the base supply window both Sidewinders and Firestreaks available with about 90 or so of each, but no option to mount them on the jet.. It's quite strange. And confusing.
  6. Well me again, double posting even more...I'm curious now. Since my last campaign ended I was going to start a new one flying the Hunter F.6 in '62. Now here's the kicker...in the base's supply I have several sidewinder b's and firestreaks yet on the plane's pylons it only allows me to mount droptanks, bombs, and rocket pods...this is confusing to me because, while I am not familiar with the Hunter F.6 I did read up on it a bit and it is said that the plane could mount those weapons. I'm very curious as to why the base has the supply of them, but the plane has no option to mount them. Any ideas guys? Thanks!
  7. Rom, that's kinda how I modified my HUDDATA.ini although I was not smart enough to think of using hash marks. It keeps it so my plane info and my target info is offscreen yet I can see my gear, flap, speedbrakes ect. dialog and I'm able to noob it out with my target and navigational cones. Anyways... the newest video is up! I talked about it but never got a chance to start an upload as I had to get to my graveyard shift. Also a big thank you to everyone who has helped me out with all kinds of amazing information and video views. It's great! This is an awesome thread and I hope all you guys keep posting here too!
  8. If I removed my slap you across the mouth the enemy is this way you moron cone, I'd definitely be in trouble. I can't even get the genuine realistic flight model down.
  9. If they're anything like me it's because they can't fly for s**t and spin and auger in everytime they attempt a guns pass at a MiG. That's okay, you want a real laugh? Check out chapter 3 of my Let's Play. Spoiler: I'm gunned down mercilessly on a SEAD mission by a Hunter F.4. Why is it that SEAD missions in every off-screen and now on-screen rendition always spell doom for my pilots?! I HATE SEADS!!! And it's never because I can't hit ground targets or AAA gets me or whatever. It's always because magically the AI turn into Aces and annihilate everything. [/Rant] Lawls.
  10. I guess I should've said I leave the enemy on normal...my apologies. I forgot that one in my post. So basicaly, FM=Normal Visual Targeting=Normal HUD Display=Normal (Modded) Enemy AI=Normal the rest is on hard. Sorry...
  11. Crazy! Wow, I guess it's kind of like how they figured the F-4 Phantom didn't need cannons 'cause missiles were the wave of the future and could hit 100% of the time! lol.
  12. @RogerSmith: Basically it seems I have to keep everything on Hard except for Flight Modeling...I'm doing some training now to see if I can figure out the Hard Flight Model. Everything else I leave on hard except for HUD Display which is on normal only because I have modded it to not show enemy info boxes, my plane info box or radar (just enemy target squares and cones and nav cones and I haven't shown this in my new video yet). From there I leave my visual targeting on Normal. So only Flight Model, HUD Display (Modded) and Visual Targeting are normal. I need to stop being a pansy and put my flight model on hard. @MigBuster: I see what you mean as it's the only way. I'm just baffled because it seems like one could bank a cessna faster than one could turn this damn lightning (or other jets for that matter). Doesn't seem right, especially when you have to consider that you're going to be getting into a cannon dogfight with MiGs...how does that work when you gently bank it like you've got eggs in the back? lol
  13. Most of my issue is with the F1 Lightning....it's horrible. You even tilt the wings and it seems to go into a terrible spin.
  14. Hmm, so a new interesting scenario for this wannabe pilot... As I read more of the manual about Strike Fighters 2, I realized Normal is sort of cheating and not quite the normal I was expecting...Normal weapons means double ammo, normal fuel means 1/2 fuel usage, normal flight modeling means, well you can't stall, landing on normal means you can drop it onto the pavement twice as hard as normal...IT'S CHEATING!!! And I'm ashamed to say I've been using it in my Let's Play, although unknowingly. Okay, problem solved...Switch everything up to hard. HA! Okay, so landing, even gun and fuel usage I can deal with, however, in my off-screen tests I can't even turn the damn jets anymore...I just enter a speed stall or flat spin and auger it in. While hilarious the first few times, I'm pretty sure my few viewers would get tired of watching me lawn dart myself into the terrain over and over again. Can anyone suggest some techniques for me so I'm not eating it constantly? Or is it not as shameful as I feel to just keep flight modeling on Normal while I leave the rest on hard?
  15. Hey guys, I've been doing a little bit of searching through the downloads section and I haven't found any other campaigns for mercenaries like in Strike Fighters 2. Basically, I own Strike Fighters 2 and Strike Fighters 2 Europe, and I would love to have a mercenary styled campaign in the European theater of war. Something about having to money manage equipment is addicting for me. I do let's plays on Youtube and I find that having to deal with money adds further challenges and deeper interest for the audience too. However, my ground rule is that if I die in a campaign I have to start over or start a new campaign. While fortunately Strike Fighters 2 offers several different campaigns featuring the mercenaries, the desert setting may get old fast. So this is why I'm interested in finding the same style of campaign, but in a different setting Is this not possible? Is a mod available? I've probably missed it in my searches, and I thank everyone in advance for their help!
  16. That's why I wouldn't ever be a modder. Not only do computer problems and stuff not working the way I need it to cause my short temper to flair up and make me rip my hair out, but you spend a lot of time working and less time playing. And, of course, I have the artistic ability and computer know-how of a dead gerbil...
  17. SupGen and JonathanRL, you guys are gonna make a fighter pilot out of me yet! You realize with this kind of awesome advice and info, my Let's Plays will start to get boring as I won't die in just a few missions and people wont wanna watch! LOL. As for now, as it sit's in the early '60's in my current Let's Play campaign I don't think the Paranians have any missile capable fighter craft. Only encountered Beagles and MiG-17's. However, when they do get them, I'll be concerned because honestly other than a few off-screen missions mainly to adjust control layouts, and familiarize myself with very basic jet operation in-game, everything I've ever done in Strike Fighters 2 has been during the recording of my Let's Play. In other words, it's quite literally a blind playthrough. I don't know anything about jet combat. Before this game I've played Rise of Flight and have banked lots of hours into Flight Simulator X in bush planes. Way too civilian for my own good so I'm going to be cut to ribbons in no time. Especially since I think the F-100(A? The version you receive in the '59 campaign with no radar) isn't equipable with flares or chaff and I have no experience dodging missiles yet. I'm perusing the manual now on Thirdwire's website to learn about supply status too, and if resupplies happen because I noticed in my last mission that our supply levels are at 47%.
  18. Rather, anyone who has tried it hasn't been able to tell us how it went, LMAO! Good articles though, SupGen! I'll have a look at them and try out that technique sometime. So far it's looking like I'm gonna be the hatswitch bandit for awhile.
  19. Ouch! Honestly not worth it as far as I know. While I'm envious of the people who have head tracking cause it looks super smooth and only has to help playability of the Sim, I can't see myself spending that much, especially since I don't make money off of YouTube. I'll be sticking to the old fashioned hatswitch even if it does unfortunately look crappy and may cost me some views. I'm sorry. =/ Hopefully facetracknoir can stop being tempermental lol
  20. I have a lot to learn myself then, as I've yet to get a MiG kill with a 9B in the two missions I've flown. I nailed two of four bombers with the sidewinders and insulted a MiG 17 pilot by sailing several past him with supposedly good tones. You using the late 50's model? I think the Sidewinders improve considerably by the 70's but I'm very likely wrong.
  21. So far it's looking like I might be trying to get FaceTrackNoIR to work. I have it downloaded and it's registering my face but aside from blinding myself with a flashlight to keep my face brightly lit, I'm having trouble getting it to track.
  22. I am quite addicted to the game. As for buying TrackIR I have looked into it in the past because I have flight simulators like FSX, and Rise of Flight so I'd love to own it, but I think I may go for a cheaper version, I forget it's name but because I'm playing on a gaming laptop with a built in webcam, this cheaper knock off seems like it may work because it uses the Webcam to track head movement. Dunno how well it'll work but on my budget I have to be a cheapskate, lol.
  23. Lol! Niiice. Okay well thank you very much, Crusader I appreciate your help. It's good to know that at least they aren't charging anything for those 9B Sidewinders. Only ever got slow moving Beagles with 'em.
  24. Now that's crazy! Okay, also as I type, I'm uploading chapter 2. It's a short video but I believe my commentary volume is a heck of a lot better. The video has about 75 minutes remaining from the time of this post. And a big thank you to everyone who's watched due to this topic. Since posting here in that short time, the single video has gotten more views and comments and likes then stuff I've had up for days. I really appreciate it. It makes my day!
  25. Hate to bump AND double post, but while it's somewhat related I figured I shouldn't start a new topic. Anyways, is it possible to adjust the prices of equipment and planes in mercenary mode? $880 dollars for 8 sidewinders and $35,000 for a whole new jetfighter seems a little, well, cheap. Factor in that there's a limited supply and you'd figure things should cost more. Back in the 60's An F-4 Phantom cost the government around $600,000 or around $6 million in today's money I believe I read somewhere. I finally found and downloaded the .CAT file extractor and such and it looks like there's a bunch of different possibilities through the ini files. Thanks in advance.

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