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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. planed versions hope you are happy with my choice:
  2. There is a version without pylons so far i know?! Will make the parts ready in February, so far you have to wait
  3. I have found the parts in my projects folder, here is a pic of the current parts, the front gun is not included, but creating one doesnt take much time. I can delete or add parts to this mod, so we can create different types of the Mi-8
  4. oh oh, seems i have to find it on my desk and post some pics... all i can say for sure is you have now two more weaponstations on the outer pylons. one version has a mg in the nose and the third version is with additional armor plates on the front. does it sound interesting?! textures used from the orig model, so you can use an already created skin for the parts. Tried to create it as userfriendly as possible.
  5. AIM-7 Sparrow

    the Aim 26 is also for the swiss Mirage, great news for my mod, thanks Volker, outstanding work!!! Isnt there a way to fly the missiles instead of the planes?! ;-)
  6. i have a mod of the orig mi8 with two additional pylons if you are interested.
  7. Im cleaning my Pc 1 time per month from inside, maybe you are right, I will deassemble the whole thing and rebuild it. Maybe is justa connection not so stable as before. Thanks for the advice.
  8. Just to remember FC`s great CF-105 for SF2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj9iESBy7u8 Martin
  9. GJ WIP

    Its british an was called Javelin if im not wrong
  10. AIM-7 Sparrow

    You should release the machine for the pack .. and im not talking about the plane ...
  11. CF-105 Arrow documentation

    MK III with wingtanks MK IV was on a trial before getting Bluescreens of Death!
  12. Seesm its the only way to solve it, will upgrade finaly to Win 7
  13. CF-105 Arrow documentation

  14. CF-105 Arrow documentation

    Its an absolutly sad story, ok if they had an idea about the financial "deficit" of the 35 program, they would never cry about the costs of this beatifull bird. The strange thing is that they had scrapped nearly everything and kept it secret until today. The Arrow was the most advanced and fastest plane on earth in those days and even some years later. You could hunt even the MiG25 down, but it needed still to be invented to be hunt down. The US should realy finance that project and put it into service for the USAF.
  15. World of Tanks

    Auf die Chinese warte ich auch gerade, habe aber einen netten Zeitvertreib gefunden. Eine neue minimaus im Tier IV Bereich. Das Ding ist sooo langsam das man sich fast nicht in Schwierigkeiten bringen kann. Denn die anderen sind schon laengst da und sterben fleissig. Die Kanone mach permanenten Schaden, zwar ist es keine 8,8er aber dafuer fast eine Autocanon. Sehr zielgenau und penetrant. Deine Panzerung durschlaegt fast nichts, kannst dich mit einer Su-85b auf offenem Felde duellieren und der Russe zieht den kuerzeren. Du bist so unauffaellig das dich jeder einfach ignoriert. Hetzer frisst du zum fruehstueck, selbst Stugs zerpflueckst du mit etwas Hilfe und alles andere wo du nicht durchkommst, killt die arty mit dir. Na, erraten was ich meine?! Es ist die Matilda, das Ding ist so penetrant boese fuer den Gegner wenn man mit ihr umgehen kann. Der Weg dahin war steinig, aber das Ding ist der Hammer. dein Vorteil ist, dich nimmt keiner ernst ;)
  16. Our problem is, we knew all the stuff, just look ho long some of us are here. We knew the history of some mods, about who made it, the story behind TMF, the WIP shots .. the own problems during modeling stuff ... and then we have ... the new guys .. fresh from somewhere all over the world .. with no bad intension, just asking for XYZ in a less understandable way. The didnt knew the history of CA or the guys around here, and that we grow to a kind of family here over the years. I had my own problems here at CA and it just happen due to my my missing knowlede about some things. Its just all about being new. if he knew about the WIP F-5 HD project .. he wouldnt asking for a new pit and he has no idea about the amount of work we put into the stuff, all just see the "result" (the one who doesnt model in max) cant judge the endproduct .. thats the stuff i mean ;) We are all old guys refering to internet history and game history, we have some guys who are creating terrains, some are building Ground objects and other building planes and during the time our respect between us grew, we knew each other and damn im happy to be a part of CA history! Welcome Morteza...
  17. Good to hear, hope he will agree with your comunity patch. I realy like this bird and its nice to see someone cares about it. keep it coming
  18. @spinners do you have something in the pipe regarding to the il28? if yes contact me pls i have some ideas. already created the navigators position and someother stuff.
  19. Hi guys, Wrench is releasing the J-7 Series and I have a mod of the current TK MF version here that represents the J-7III. My problem is, I have no idea about the avionics that is used in that "not so old" chinese version. I have read about a HUD. If someone is willing to help me with this project, pls PM me or contact me in this topic. The current status is: - Highres Cockpit textures and MiG-21MF Cockpit - Highres Skin of a silver MiG-21 "reworked" to represent the white scheme of the PLAAF - Ini edits to match the chinese weapons and reworked Loadout.ini - ini edits for the numbers and PLAAF markings Im not a skinner and this project was created for my personal use, but if you like it, I would like to finish it with your help and releasing it to complete the current J-7 series started by TMF and Wrench.
  20. Have recieved your bird and installed. looks promissing will use some stuff of it and will credit it. Iam awaiting soulfreaks skins in the next weeks. Im posting this for those who are interested in this plane.
  21. I have recieved, month or even years ago the latest Skyraider max file. As I tried it out today, I found out I cant work with it how I do it normaly. as an example, If i try to cut a poly ( 4 edges diagonal into half) from one vertice to the other .. it doesnt work with this model. I can cut as hell, but only the first vertice is created on a edge, but the cut isnt there?! Is there a restriction I have forgotten to deselect? Im usualy modding in "edit Poly" mode, hope that info helps. And using Max 9 32bit.

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