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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. World of Tanks

    have compared your stats with mine, seems you are alow tier killer. I love the tigers and the hetzer, still on the way to the M10
  2. Dels is a shy man, never post WIP shots, just a teaser and than Baaaaam! Its here and you can fly it!
  3. World of Tanks

    Im only on tour on the EU server so far, you have good stats!
  4. AIM-7 Sparrow

    Seems you have another job ;) The AGM-88
  5. World of Tanks

    My faves are the Tiger, Tiger 2, Kv-1Sport and Kv1, StugIII definatly the Hetzer, had the highest killratio in it "9" they came as a row of pearls into my sight, one after the other .. damn those idiots! One special Tank for me is the T-28, they are so underestimated and underrated from the other players, that you can rock a match if you play it right! I suck on the french line, damn it was a pain to grind the AMX 40, small litlle fortress, but give me sticks and stones and im more effective than with the standart weapon! Im targeting the Jagdpanther, but the grind in the JPz IV is also a pain. What name do you use ingame?!
  6. AIM-7 Sparrow

    This guy will cost me alot of money i had to spend for a new rig!
  7. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    ja stimmt, war mit meinen Gedanken etwas wo anders, mit den JPEGS könnte es auch am game selbst liegen. Beim rendern in max sieht alles scharf aus, dann erst im Spiel ist es mieserabel
  8. have you checked the readme what cat file is needed ?
  9. Canada formally scraps F-35 deal

    Why comes the CF-105 in a more modern version into my mind?!
  10. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    Sieht echt gut aus, so modern :D Nur das Mapping vor der Scheibe ist etwas verzerrt.
  11. first one was Softimage and Maya.. the most userfriendly progs i have seen ;)
  12. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    Ja genau das Ding hatte ich gemeint, stimmt war der 29fake ;) Danke dir!
  13. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    Its preaty easy to create a single windshield, you need to delete the bars from the previous one, that will not interfere with the mapping, Than form a windshiel, its a job of 10 mins ;) Not to forget the cockpit... there has to be made those changes to. Its far easier than other way round Hattest du nicht das Cockpit? Aber warte mal, es gibt doch schon ein F-4E Cockpit ohne diese Streben, irgendwas mit "Move" Einträgen
  14. All is everything

    yes pls, i take it all, even if you can upload the pdf somewhere, I wouldnt say no
  15. All is everything

    The current camopy is the old one and is a kind of placeholder. The other version "could" be done, seems, that not a to big deal. If someone can provide good reference material, cause the stuff about the different versions is very limited on the internet
  16. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Ja, habe ich, waren zuvor nur edit mesh
  17. Tower.7z

    Thanks for this thing! I love it to see my birds rising into the sky !
  18. All is everything

    If i can solve the prob there will be more details, a opening canopy and the doors for the radar operators ;) The mapping and skin remain the same, only one skin file will be there for the new parts, some parts are integrated into the skin
  19. All is everything

    Yes all is in, even the wire to the vertail, I wanted to create the "door" on the side, but I can cut the model?! Do you have any idea about the editing problem of the planes mesh in max?
  20. All is everything

    You guys are looking for something like that? Bird from Monty, modded by me.... The Radome is a Weapon visible ingame, or should I create one for the model itself? If I cant solve the cutting problem, which is realy serious, I will not be the way I would like to have it.
  21. Morteza, thats the way you can go witz the RWR instrument. Dowload the planes and take a look how its done. About the reciever for the external model you need a 3d modeler.
  22. All is everything

    I have the parts ready and want to integrate them into the model and not as fake pilot. But seems there is a prob with the max file, i cant cut the mesh with with edit poly settings. Only the first vertice is created but not the cut to the next vertice. What is wrong?
  23. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Gibt es bei max eine Einstellung das man ein poly edit object nicht cutten kann wenn man weitere polys hinzufuegen moechte. Ich habe montys skyraider hier seit jahren und wollte etwas dran versuchen. Kann aber nichts cutten nur mit spline geht es etwas begrenzt. Vielleicht ist auch die Max file einfach im Eimer?!
  24. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    Wuerde mich mal interessieren wozu? Aber das geht ohne weitere probleme.

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