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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    Kann mich Flo nur anschließen, super Model! Die F-4 ist eines meiner favorites
  2. That would be great!
  3. Looks good, we have so far this bird for the SF1 take a look here: http://combatace.com/files/file/1976-euro-ww246-b-29-superfort/ http://combatace.com/files/file/1498-superfortress-pack-v15/ Maybe you can use something from those packs, dont forget to give credits ;)
  4. After some engagements with the NATO, the Soviets decided to enlarge their training, they need better trained pilots
  5. 3DS Max

    habe gerade nachgesehen, der aktuellste ist der für 2009, gibt noch ältere versionen auch für 2008 und ander eMax versionen, die dürften dann aber mit dem momentanem Patchlevel nicht gehen. source http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm
  6. 3DS Max

    War da nicht etwas mit 2011?! benutze selbst nur 2009?!
  7. 3DS Max

    Ja hey klasse! Den exporter hat tk gleich mitgeliefert, fuer die 2010er version weiss ich nicht, die 2009er klappt ohne probleme. Wenn du fragen haben soltest hast du dir das beste forum ausgesucht, die jungs hier sind klasse und helfen auch bei den bloedestesten fragen, aber doof bleibt der der nicht fragt. In dem sinne welcome here! Falls sich wer wundert wegen der kleinschreibung, ist das resultat von faulheit auf nem smartphone
  8. I need a cockpit for the Ye-152A and M version. @Paladrian could i use your source of the mig21f cockpit for this project? Best regards Martin
  9. I habe asked paladrian a while ago about a modified pit for the152. He reworked one of his and ive got it. But it has some bugs and it could recieve an upgrade. The MiG Ye-152 / 166 is nearing completation. A good training for the rafale upgrade.
  10. Sci-fi game that you might like... and which needs you.

    My first space simulation was xwing after this ive got privateer 2 the darkening. That was the begining of a long search for such a game and i have found the great x series, but damn you need a second life to play it right. You dont need to reply instantly its normal to wait a bit on this forum, but still spending my day here ;)
  11. I woulf be happy with an mig 21 pit source file
  12. World of Tanks

    Sounds good. Ok Teamkillers are there but one in 200 fights. My tanks Vk 3601 Tiger 1 Kv1 Kv1s Su85 My hitrate is only 73% it was higher once. Playing with two german teams
  13. As we have discused it, i would release your stuff. Looks pretty good and we will have a MiG soon with Floggers skins
  14. Sci-fi game that you might like... and which needs you.

    Looks interesting will check it out
  15. Looks good daniel keep it coming
  16. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Ja leider noch nicht gefunden. Habe Heute eine fuer mich neue methode beim mappen gefunden die viel schneller geht als bisher. Werde mich dem spaeter noch annehmen muessen.
  17. there are still people who buy this DLC stuff, good for us maybe we will get something "new" for this series :D or even Series 3
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    @ Florian deine PM Box ist voll
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich denke ich lasse bei erstmal 2 Positionen, werde damit noch etwas spielen, es funktioniert aber soweit, denke du hast es schon bemerkt ;) Dank Florian konnte ich einige Dinge gut lösen
  20. Tu-4 Bull SF-2 pack

    This bird is very cool but needs a small 3d upgrade. I have fake cockpit for itthat fits into this model.
  21. EE Lightning coming down

    Thats the way ketchup was inveted ...
  22. Im working for the nokia company here in germany and we have the new nokia lumia 900 for our private use. After the first month with this win 8 phone i returned to my private galaxy s1. You cant use it as u use the galaxy. Its more predefind, you have no good overview over your apps and programs. No orientation in the main menue. Wired music apps, 2 or more for the one and same thing. You cant adjust the visual layout to your satisfaction. No possibility to create folderstructur or even use this phone as a Usbstick. Its more useless than the iphone. The hardware is very good but the os is useless. Visual a brilliant looking trash but practicly not good developed. Sad fact is that samsung will use win8 in the future. I like the android stuff, it more like the old win xp with a good and understandable structure for pc users. And the mobile strike fighter seems to be a nice time killer. I like the early phantoms and the f100 with four aim 9. :)

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