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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-35 to replace JASDF F-4Ejs

    Wouldn`t be the best choice for japan to buy the PAK FA?! Its a stealth plane, cheaper than the F-35 Cashhole and could be upgraded with Israels Avionics and western weapons :) Woohoo .. was it as step to far ...
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Flo!!!!! tease hier nicht rum ja!
  3. Nuevo simulador-Juego "Realtime"

    That should be the "new" Operation Flashpoint/Armed Assault
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja cool! Fehlt nur noch der CH-53 :yes: Den habe ich in irgend einem anderem Forum gesehen.
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich musste das Schlauchboot erstmal googlen, kannte es nicht Sieht aber klasse aus! Kann man vllt auch als Startpunkt nutzen für den Seaking
  6. Does someone work on this bird? Or any nice pics, I used only Google, but maybe someone has a nice book as PDF, would be cool. Hope nobody is making a KUB
  7. Im not satisfied with the model, I find every time i start max a new part to optimise, to redo or just change and rebuild it completly .. so the mapping is instantly useless until its finished ...
  8. Hey I thought its funny I could wait till Dec 2012 .. but that wouldnt help anyone
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Habe den "I Like" Button gedrückt ;)
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey Otto http://combatace.com/topic/40165-blacks-projects-su-33ubsu-25-wip-and-more/page__st__220__gopid__542772#entry542772 klar geht was mit den frogs :D Oder hast du wen anders?
  11. Su-17-22 is in Volkers hands, Su-25 still WIP
  12. F-35 to replace JASDF F-4Ejs

    What realy is interesting about the F-35 discussion is, that other countries like israel, demand a two seat version. Are there any plans for this?! We know only the A,B,C version the others are speculativ.
  13. @ Jug I think constructive critic is welcomed by Centurio. He is a good modeler, did a great job on the Mig-25 pit and on the plane itself. Sometimes there are parts on a model, which dont want to act like you want ;)
  14. Hey Centurio, Im a big fan of your work, but the Canopyframe is still not right, sorry to say this Your front glass looks to triangulate in comparison with the pics of the real bird I have linked. best regards
  15. Hey Torno, those are great news and models! I think we are all impressed by this detail love, thanks you for this great work! Still crossing my fingers for a twoseater :-P
  16. That looks great Zur, could you please post a pic with a wired smoothed area around the guns, would realy help me out! Do you plan to smooth the intake also? I know its just WIP but sometimes I can learn from another 3D artist ;) thank you in advance.
  17. Cutting stuff is the sum of all fears for poly modelers! Damn the smoothing is always gone, and you have no idea what gone wrong! Have to cut some gun bays but .. damn "I don`t like it"
  18. Good work Centurio! Never knew you were working for arma also, pls check those pics, the canopy/frontglass doesnt seem to have the right shape. I first thought its the angle of the shot. looking forward to this (the mig also :-P)
  19. Great Work!!!! Hey Cocas, I would kill for a 5BD version!!! I have converted the Kfir TC7 into a 5 BD, but still not same ;) created a new nose and new parts for the vertail.
  20. Suche inoffizielle Informationen über russische Waffen

    Das fing doch schon früh an, als sie damals mit ihren Shermans rüberschiften und sich wunderten was die deutschen tanks für "Telefonmasten" als Geschütze hatten :-) ...
  21. But your result looks great! Especialy the russian pits
  22. a cockpit tutorial, will be also good for the one who want to start modeling planes

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