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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Missions Warscheinlichkeit in Camapagne

    Mh ich glaub wir meinen etwas anderes.. Ich kann die F-16z.B. nur im Jahr 2003 fliegen .. nicht davor.. nicht dahinter, man konnte doch bei SF1 in der Flight ini glaube ich die Epoche einfach mal erweitern, sonst hatte es den selben effekt wie bei SF2. Nur ich find nicht mehr den Ort wo man das machen kann???
  2. Missions Warscheinlichkeit in Camapagne

    Was ich mal fragen wollte, ich finde die flight.ini nicht, da dort man die Jahreszahlen einstellen kann. So kann ich manche flieger momentan nur in einem bestimmtem Jahr fliegen.
  3. reminds me of the german ww2 glidebomb design.. great work volker ;)
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja klar, ich schaff das leider nicht in so einem straffem zeitplan, dabei ist das doch alles nur ein hobby ich habe mehr als nur einen job ich bin nicht der (fließband italiener) .. sorry
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    War in Hamburg eine Zeitlang geschäftlich unterwegs, Cockpit ist in der Mache, mapping ist noch nicht ganz fertig, fehlt nicht mehr viel. Nur die Zeit ist etwas mau
  6. just send me a PM we can work it internal out together if you like ;)
  7. Do you use my KD for SF1 as base? I have the 3D parts nearly finished, I needed only the ini edits. Nice to see someone is working on it ;)
  8. The question is what versions do you plan/have finished and how can we work together. I plan to release the K and KD version for SF2 soon, after this you can use the skin but give the ceator credits ;) what do you say ? I have also the U,UD and some other versions in the pipe
  9. Do you know that I have still some versions of the tu-22 in the pipe ;) even a high res skin created by a CA member
  10. May I ask if you plan the twoseater version too?
  11. looks fantastic now we need to improve the plane :-P
  12. Great news, can`t wait ;) Have you new screens for us?
  13. A-1 and P-51 collide at RAF Duxford (Video)

    Its a difference if your wing is damaged or your tailsection ;) You realy need your tailsection more than a part of your wing.
  14. What do you need for the 2.0 version??? any 3D help?
  15. trocha nostalgie (Avia B-35)

    Looks fantastic with the bump mapping, absoltly great work!!! Seems this bird is very famous, I have found it even for il2, may I post those pics here? Its another game and engine it was build with the il2 specificaions. What I see is the retractable gear on the il2 version?! Were those two different versions?
  16. haha great! We should open a Screenshot topic for chics in uniforms!!! Admins!!!!
  17. Any Sudden Strike Fans around?

    Have youguys tried "Blitzkrieg", its like sudden strike but in 3D, I like blitzkrieg 1 more than two, cause 2 is more like C&C.
  18. Yak-Yak

    Great news, those birds need realy a new skin. Maybe you will skin one day my La-200
  19. Take your Time Eric, it`s nothing urgend ;)
  20. Great that is exactly the way I was looking for. Take your time, I haven`t expected any result for the next weeks ;) You are fast.
  21. I would suggest a higher resolution skin, one clean like fresh from the factory and one with a "used" look, like your Super Bug skin. A bit dirty ;) Something with nice details, labels and stuff like this. I know you are not Santa ;) But asking doesnt hurt Something like a modern Falcon skin or modern F-15skin also from a F-15e <--- for the ground attack version, or a desert viper skin for both birds ;) And what could be interesting are the prototype skins

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