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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I can connfirm Erics report, to fly Montys Albatros is a joy, you can watch the bird flybye. Move around the sky and land safely with just simulated crosswind, it`s an realy easy and forgiving Aircraft! textures as mentioned are great, 3D work quality is great also! I love the small details, the very good cockpit and czech language in SF2 world :D You guys will be happy when it`s released!!!!
  2. Yes just take a look at the super hornet, it`s an animation ;)
  3. Mh interresting aspect, thanks forthe info lindr2, the idea was to have a variety in the versions, with or with out the window, or without the refuelprobe .. just some ideas ;) Good work so far, thanks!
  4. Lawotschkin La 200

    I like the desing and the plane, those "prototypes" are objects for me to learn more about UV Mapping and other stuff in 3D Max, so Ye-152A,M and La-200A,B,C and Yak-50
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ist garnicht mal so schlecht, habe die Canopy animation hinzugefügt, und ein paar andere Sachen, der Flieger ist solide gemacht und skin ist ach top, also gute Arbeit von Inskye .. joa aber jedem seins ;) Ich mag die PAK FA, nur nicht den Namen!
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Irre ich mich jetzt oder war diese NAcht noch eine PAK FA von Inskye im Downloadbereich?! ich habe eine bei mir auf der Platte nur finden kann ich sie hier nicht mehr?! Wer eine haben will, melden!
  7. Looks fantastic, can it have also the "heavy" looking back of the MF or PFM Mig-21, I htink there is additional fuel stored, so it can use the middle weaponstation for something else than a fueltank ;) Will you create the back windows too? for a rearward view?! look behind the canopy, there are additional windows!
  8. Lawotschkin La 200

  9. MiG-23P (Late)

    Thanks for the fix my friend!
  10. MiG-23P (Late)

    Hi lindr, I have found a small bug in this MiG-23 just take a look at this pic ;) there is a floating 3D object
  11. Lindr2, realy welcomed project! Good work on this, will you create a twoseater? Or even the vertical takeoff MiG-23 prototype with deltawings?! I`m just asking I like prototypes!
  12. @ gepard, do you have the F111 panel only or do u use the whole pit?!
  13. I tried the B-1 panel from the XB-70 but it doesn`t work, the Tu-22 cockpit is to tiny for the panel. So we need a russian pit :-P
  14. Happy Birthday hgbn!

    Happy Birthday Henrik
  15. Lindr2, damn nice job and a cool project! Are there more drawings!? @Gepard, cooler Skin!
  16. Lawotschkin La 200

    Seems here is more interrest in the early soviet jet design than I thought?! The Yak 50 is a beauty!

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