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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Thank you very much for the SF2 versions!!!
  2. Take your time, the stuff you have posted is realy good! Will the MFD`s be "usabel" like the ones in the F-14 pit?! It`s a nice feature, you can set them and adjust it like you neet it. A great step in the right direction!
  3. S-102 / S-103

    Looks great!
  4. There are two LOD exporter for Max released by TW, one for SF1 series and one for SF2, hope I`m right.
  5. The exporter was changed, SF1 can`t read LOD`s from SF2 series, so far I know, maybe there is the prob
  6. Yankee on tour in southern Italy nice weather, good conditions to fly a bit around in my new office mediteran sea
  7. Deus Ex 3

    The first one was the better one, until now, the second had only a better grafic. That`s all
  8. Something I can agree with Iran on...

    For me it`s fine, you can save money for a hairstylist. Just wait until you hair is long enough, walk into the next police station and get a hair cut for free, where is the problem, it`s very student freindly
  9. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    It was a nice game, I worked yesterday at a publicviewing area and it was the first time spain played a good game this WM, but my thoughts are with netherland!!!
  10. Nice story about the heart

    This is abolutly fascinating http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRtU1FDm1VY&feature=related you will find the other 9 parts alos in this link, part after part! haven`t seen them all now only first and last, but will do it this evening. Hope I haven`t postet some **** hope you enjoy it
  11. "Dear Mum"

  12. Interesing Planes

    http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread271252/pg1 But look yourself, there are some nice ideas and concepts!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbyNc3GxMN4 Last time baby ...now you are gone .. but not here!!!
  14. Total War all Series

    So voll gepatched, installiert und aus dem staunen nicht mehr herausgekommen! Das ist ja mal der Hammer!!! Grafik der Einheiten ist super, endlich mal keine Bonbon Farben und alles einen realistischeren touch. Und das Gameplay ist schwieriger geworden.Früher habe ich eine Handvoll Römer vor einer Stadt geparkt und zack gehörte das Kaff mir, Heute habe ich über 500 Legionäre gegen etwas über 150 Spartaner verloren, man war das ein Gemetzel, bin aber mit über 1700 Mann angerückt und die Spartiaten auf dem Dorfplatz eingekesselt und von allen Seiten flankiert, aber die Hopliten sind nicht zu unterschätzen! Moral überragend und Distanzkampf einfach nicht zu toppen! Ich bin begeister!
  15. Yes we have ... eh .. I have :D
  16. Total War all Series

    Ich danke dir, werd das mal durchchecken, denn was mich am meißten gestört hatte, war die bunte Grafik an Rome, aber das Game ist klasse!!!!
  17. schei.... Motherboard

    Jo das kenn ich, die MB`s halten tatsächlich nur 2 Jahre, jurios nur das meine 486er hier schon mehr asl 10jahre hält, das Ding läuft und läuft und läuft .. ka was die seit dem verändert haben! Drück dir die Daumen das alles funzt!
  18. More interesting is the Mirage 5BD, it`s one of the most sexiest Mirage fighters I have ever seen!
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    bin Rome TW fan, was kannst du mir als realismus mod empfehlen? Was farben und Werte angeht?!
  20. Is the F-109 somewhere as WIP? here a interesting F-8A version from NASA
  21. India's C-130J-30s

    Sounds like the same Prestige thing with the F-35...
  22. Take a look on the ordonance weight, if your jet is fully loaded with stuff, it need a bit more speed and runway, sometimes even time to take of. Same with landing, if you still have a lot of fuel, so be carefull in some jets, less is better!
  23. India's C-130J-30s

    Why is there so much politics involved in such decisions?! I see it from the economical point of view, that`s what I`m studying, why to spend money on projects like the A400M if I could spend money at a proved system, it`S cheaper, maintanace is possible in more than only european countries and spare parts are all over the world avaibel. Politics decisions are always filled with a lot of industrial budget.

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