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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Deutsch-Sprachkurs

    Ok der Ausländer versteht nur Bahnhof ....
  2. Have to check it, that`s the only prob "I" have with this beauty .. an amazing pease of work!
  3. Deutsch-Sprachkurs

    Hey das funzt ja wirklich Danke
  4. When I end the mission in the air, or beeing shot down, all is fine, but when I land I get a CTD after hitting ESC?!
  5. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    me gusto mucho la servesa Ah ok, thanks, was only an observation. I had this problem too with my Su`s it`s not so easy to have the right measures
  6. DX 9, have to upgrade to Win 7 but had some issues with my HDD`s they seem to refuse microsoft products ...
  7. Thanks Stary and Dave, it`s a longer time I was into SF2, I reset it and was wondering about the all seeing Eye effect I thought it was something with the Alpha layer. Ok I can life with it.. So far Stary, excelent work!!!!!
  8. Ah sorry I forgot, I use it in SF2 merged, if you like I can take a picture, I can see them trough clouds, but not all, seems only specific trees and they seem to be "bi transparent" You can see them but also see the next tree trough the first, as example when you are sitting on the runway and looking around
  9. Die Fahne am Auto

    Wie geil ist das denn, habe aber auch schon solche gesehn, das frisst doch ungemein viel Sprit, kommt der denn mitdem Luftwiederstand überhaupt noch vorwärts?
  10. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Mh your Humvees looking always a bit stretcht ?! Is it the resolution or the model itself ?
  11. Die Fahne am Auto

    Leider nicht zu bekommen, obwohl das total genial wäre, fahre einen dunkelgrünen MX-5 und dann dazu die japanischenkriegsflagen auf den Spiegeln!!! Habe schon so ein Ding in sehr groß im Kofferraum, wenn es darum geht Flage zeigen zu müssen :D
  12. I have read the bok "Vipers in the Storm" by ... forgot the name, a very nice book writen by a F-16 pilot during his Mav training and using it later in combat. Just look out for this book, it `s ok but only availbel in english .. http://www.vipersinthestorm.com/html/main_page.html
  13. How can I solve that you can see the trees trough the clouds?! Is it the alpha layer?
  14. Die Fahne am Auto

    Ich wollte japanische Kriegsflagenüberzieher für meine außenspiegel, gibt es wohl aber nicht!!!!
  15. Yes you are right, it`s hard to see the difference sometimes ...
  16. Typhoon Buffeting?

    That `s an FM issue, have it too, but a new bird is on the way!!! Hope to see it soon in the air, also a twoseater is coming!
  17. R.I.P. Little Girl

    Yesterday was a bad day in my hometowm, a girl 5 years old was run over by a van at the local supermart, the driver accelerated out of a parking slot and hit her with his frontbumper, run over her and stoped, she layd on the ground, screaming for her mother, everywehere was blood a horribel picture! † R.I.P. Little Girl There are things out there I never need to see...
  18. R.I.P. Little Girl

    ...so small it will become an angel and watch over us....
  19. I realy love this babe, but encountert a problem, not sure if it`s only my rig but I have a CTD when flying over Formosa or Israel Terrain after the mission?! What causes this problem?
  20. Where are the new Catshots ???
  21. Neuer Eurofighter!

    Weil es so schön war einfach alles auf einmal!!!
  22. Damn have to wait until ... oh no .. much later this day to test fly them .. but I`m very happy!! Thank you so much TMF!!!
  23. Neuer Eurofighter!

    Volker hat ja angefangen den ersten etwas aufzuwerten mit einem Highres skin, glaub jetzt hat er bald was neues zum spielen, ka ob das Pit neugemacht wird, eignetlich nicht nötig ;)

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