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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Mh

    All stuff was backuped but a longe time ago and I have to rework all the ini stuffs again .. damn but I`m happy that `didn`t lost the max files ..
  2. U2 ride to angels 70

  3. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    I didn`t mean a spanish subforum name I was looking for a officialy given name
  4. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    Is a designation for this bird out?! a Su number and a codename by the Nato?
  5. Ye-152M WIP

    The Anabs are .. would say a misstake... the base run out of K-9
  6. Ye-152M WIP

    That`s what you want
  7. Ye-152M WIP

    Couldn`t find a mig21 so fast so a comparison with a 25 is ok too I hope
  8. found some older stuff I have worked on ...
  9. Ye-152M WIP

    It looks great I used it in my Tu-22 mod, I have contacted Paladrian and asked him if he can help out, he agreed. So we will see how it looks in the opencockpit
  10. Ye-152M WIP

    Mh taht is bad I can`t realy speack french too, if there is someone out there who can help, it would be nice here a pic how it could look with a skin imagine Bumbmap on it and here a pic of the "opencockpit" Now I need a nice panel, as said above the MiG-21PVM would look great but if someone has a nother idea .. please critic and suggestions are always welcomed
  11. Yes the pilot isn`t mine, if you se the czech mig pilot, it was originaly created by Amokfloo and reskinned by me.. but this is another Migpilot than mine ;-) good work all in all!
  12. Do we need to create it from scratch? I thought it`s a texture wich is aplied to it and than exportet it?
  13. Ye-152M WIP

    The range is extremly limited I could fly a recon mission over Israel from Jordan and back but could reach an altitude of over 12 km with the current unmoded FM, damn that thing is fast. I landed with dry tanks and no engine, it shut down nearly half a mile infront of the runway! I thought I turned of the sound but ... nope .. no fuel. I have no instrument panel now. My idea was to use the panel from the MiG-21PVM, delete the canopy frames and fit in with the opencockpit method. I only need a small advice how to delete those frames. I can do it without probs with the plane parts but haven`t realy understand the stuff with the cockpit parts... If someone want to help pls, you are welcome. best regards Martin
  14. Airshow Mod - Terrain?

    Jou, die Zuschauer könnte man wie Bäume erstellen einfach als splines, dann würde ich aber nicht einzelne erstellen sondern immer so reihen oder mengen .. einzelne Mänchen würde ich für das vorfeld erstellen die Groundcrew. Wäre dann interessant ob man da das Grounddisplay noch modifizieren könnte!? Aber eine Idee wäre es wert, wie of starte ich eine Recon mission nur um mal neRunde um den Platz zu drehen und wieder zu landen
  15. What about this JSGM I think it`s called, a mod enabler for many games.. but not sure how it works or if specific files were neded .. you can easily move mods and planes in and out of a game, I use it in SH3 il2 and some other games
  16. Ye-152M WIP

    Could you send me the K9 missile?1 please It was a thirsty bird.. that`s true
  17. Ye-152M WIP

    They come to us pilots and asked what we need?! We answered, we need more speed!!! so they upgraded this to this.. and we were happy so we made party till the next morning with our comrades from the ground crew!!
  18. Ye-152M WIP

    Yes it`s the body the missile never entered service, I use those missiles as dummys, they represent "now" the K9 AA-4AWL or K-155 Was thinking about a 2 seater version, tandem and with additional wing pylons, total armament of 4 missiles
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hatte gestern nichts mehr gemacht ausser den drift aus der MiG genommen... haben gestern nen MX-5 auf der bühne gehabt mit Motorschaden, mussten den tauschen da der Kumpel auf den Wagen angewiesen ist .. also Motor raus .., den Wagen etwas bearbeiten, neuen Motor wieder rein und an schliessen, dann das Massekabel vom alten drinn gelassen, das neue nicht angeschlossen weil, beide anden waren ja drann ... nur in der Mitte fehlte die Verbindung.. war schon spät naja bis wir das gefunden haben war ich recht spät zu hause... aber Wagen läuft.. zieht gut. Haben einen 1.9L Sauger verbaut :-D Joa jetzt gehts langsam wieder an den PC hocke wie immer auf der Arbeit, ... werd das aber die Tage mal probieren
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Nene, du bist nicht vergessen, keine Angst, nur wenn ich jetzt an deinen Flieger gehe, habe ich ja immer noch die gleichen Probs ;-) Die 152M ist für mich Training, ich lerne mit dem Flieger, ... Manchmal sind es halt solche Kleinigkeiten wie diese die einem das Leben schwer machen, Ich werde jetzt noch details bauen, mappen und dann zum final Touch an JAt schicken.. der kann ini editing ganz gut ;-)
  21. Ye-152M WIP

    Yes K9 Missiles and it`s also from MiG, will try to use bumpmapping, mapping in general and a skin with 2048 x 2048 resolution. Some details and it will be a nice bird ;-)
  22. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hatte mich gewundert warum mein Vogel einen auf Tokyo Drift macht, bis mir dann eingefallen ist das ich sowohl am Bugrad wie Heckrädern "Castoring" was auch immer es bedeutet aktiviert hatte, habe es dann mit "FALSE" belegt und es funktioniert plötzlich. FC hat es mit den Rädern beim Einkaufswagen verglichen ... sehr treffend ;-) Danke Carlo, wenn die details fertig sind bin ich mal gespannt wie das mit den Bumbmaps funktioniert.
  23. I have managed to set the entries for all moving parts, ailerons, rudder and other parts moving more or less in the right way.. but now I have another problem, even when I start midair.. the plane explode imidiatly when the game starts.. This can`t have something to do with the moving parts?! Any ideas? I`m not an ini Guru like some of you so I need definitly some help.. I want to learn it so I don`t need to bother other people with such thing .. Terrain was standart SF2 desert, the plane works ok but there must be an internal wrong entrie in the data.ini wich cause the plane to smoke black and beeing destroyed when starting the game. best regards Martin
  24. Q & A Want to learn how

    Oh ok, good explanation, I`m thankfull for every help, cause english is still not my native language and some words even with translators are not clear. Thanks for this help... let me check the fueltank prob, seems I have missed something..

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