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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Q & A Want to learn how

    Drifting solved it was the entry Castoring = TRUE on the main gear, still don`t realy know what it means .. but it caused the problem. now all is ok Still don`t understand the structure of the new fueltank system.
  2. Mh but still a MiG-23 a bit exotic but that`s what this game is good for!! FC is creating the nice Rapier, Valkyre and some more birds .. so why not have some russian prototypes?! I`m working on Interceptors
  3. Q & A Want to learn how

    The mesh name was the same so there was no prob, but have corrected it to DampferBein*
  4. That was no attack on your ;-) I enjoy your work, you have done some nice skins on other birds .. great job, maybe someone would voluntear to revamp it?! have now to many projects to do this job. Your skins need definatly a better LOD, cause you are good!
  5. Q & A Want to learn how

    Now all seems working excepts the Fueltank and the ground behaviour. I realy like Fast and Furious, Tokyo Drift .. some nice funny movies But never seen a plane drifting.. this one drifts around like nothing else what how can I stop it? [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=NoseGearStrut InsideNodeName=NoseGearInterior ShockNodeName=NoseGearHydraulics ShockStroke=0.20 ShockTravelAxis=Z-Axis SpringFactor=3.0 DampingFactor=3.0 WheelNodeName=FrontWheel RollingRadius=0.33 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=NoseGearHydraulics RotationAxis=Z-Axis Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 MaxLoadFactor=6.0 [LeftMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=DampherBeinLeft InsideNodeName=LeftWingGearWell ShockAnimationID=6 ShockStroke=0.20 SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=0.4 WheelNodeName=LeftWheel RollingRadius=0.39 CastoringWheel=TRUE RotationAxis=Z-Axis HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 MaxLoadFactor=6.0 [RightMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=DampferBeinRight InsideNodeName=RightWingGearWell ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.20 SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=0.4 WheelNodeName=RightWheel RollingRadius=0.39 CastoringWheel=TRUE RotationAxis=Z-Axis HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 MaxLoadFactor=6.0 Those are the entries for the gear?! What is wrong??
  6. The most needed upgrade is the LOD, your pics looks good, a nice 3D revamp would be nice too
  7. You Royal Airforise all birds .. right?!
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die erste Flugfähige Version des Interceptors ist fertig .. hat mich bis um 5 Uhr morgens Zeit gekostet... noch nicht alles perfekt aber auf dem wege dort hin .. ich muss echt lernen wie das alles funktioniert, gerade in SF2 ist einiges anders geworden
  9. Hey lindr 2 I think your 23 series is very welcome in the SF comunity, and I was asking my self if you would add one more 23 version to this family?! http://prototypes.free.fr/ye8/ye8-12.htm one more VTOL Aircraft! MiG-23PD It was a prototype only but it`s damn cool!
  10. Q & A Want to learn how

    Thx will check it I have used the data fro mthe F-5B and I copy paste them so there was no entry like this .. but checking out
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So, ich brauche jetzt etwas hilfe von jemandem der TGA`s machen kann. Mein Ziel ist, ich möchte, diese scheibe die in den Jet engines jetzt ist und glüht wenn man den Afterburner einschaltet. Ich will das umgehen und den Effekt, flacher in dem Triebwerk erstellen, so wie ein Afterburner generell im Spiel generiert wird. TGA und die jeweiligen Werte dazu was Größe und Länge angeht. Jetzt das was ich will, einen zweiten Afterburner effect, der den burner bei höheren Stufen darstellt. Also Stufe eins, das Glühen im Triebwerk Stufe zwei den Burnereffect der sogar außen sichtbar ist Und das beides in einem Triebwerk. Meine idee das man ein zweites Triebwerk erstellt welches so gut wie nichts verbraucht und keinen sound macht, jedoch nur für den Effekt da ist.
  12. Q & A Want to learn how

    Ok about the fuel tank: [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0000,0.8323,-0.5873 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1043.6 LengthLimit=4.6 DiameterLimit=0.511 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=SOVIET ModelNodeName=Pylonmidship PylonMass=150 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankNodeName=Ye-152M_CTANK FuelTankName=Ye-152M Centerline Tank This is the entrie for it in the data.ini this the fueltank ini: [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=Ye-152M Centerline Tank ObjectDataFile=Ye-152M_CTANK_data.INI Data.ini fueltank [WeaponData001] TypeName=Ye-152M_CTANK FullName=Ye-152M Centerline Tank ModelName=Ye-152M_CTANK Mass=1925.079956 Diameter=0.830000 Length=6.663000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=20 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1771.760010 Asymmetrical=FALSE All is now for tests and to understand how the system works .. the fuel tank don`t want to show up
  13. You are right that`s what we need! Looks incredible!
  14. Q & A Want to learn how

    So I have replaced the data ini with the stock Su-11, the plane I borrowed the entries, and now it flies ok.. only the CG is different does it matter where the plane is placed in max itself?! And how does it now works with the fueltanks, I have one on the model itself attached to the fuselage, also a pylon placeholder attached to the fuselage too. Do I need to export it seperate from the plane an place it in the tank farm?
  15. Q & A Want to learn how

    This is the result, it`s very hard to fly, it gets allways in a right spin and you have full hands to keep it in level flight this is a early stage but I`m a bit out of knowledge in this case .. You can see on the last pic down right corner the AI can`t even fly this bird .. I know some crashed during testflights but this is madness...
  16. Q & A Want to learn how

    ok will try it step by step
  17. When we have some news, we will post them, so stay tuned but for the near future there is nothing on the schedule that we will show you, best regards Martin
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich hatte so gar keine Zeit die Woche .. sorry kam auch bei mir zu nichts, habe aber die Ye an meinen netten Franzmann von nebenan geshcickt JAT, er hat gesagt er schaut sich das mal an, wiel ich kam mit den ini`s garnicht klar ... Mal sehen was zurück kommt, denn wenn der Flieger brauchbar ist, dann werd ich mich auch an der Bumpmap sache probieren... wie auf der T-38 zu sehen ist. dann bekommst der Flieger gleich ne ganz andere Qualität von der optik her... dazu ein netter skin und was braucht man mehr?!
  19. If the pic in the screenshotsection is the stuff inside this video, damn .... you are go(o)d thx for your hard work !!!
  20. Wohoooooooooooooooo WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. damn have to wait till im home ... very unpatient today ...
  22. VBS2 For Free

    HAve installed it yesterday and yes it`s great and a lot of fun driving alngg bagdad and search for insurgents .. there is a US Marine version somewehre but not sure where , have only read a few sentences about it .. nice game and it`s free!!!
  23. An-72P (Patrol)

    Ok ... I want this Gunpod on my car and I will patroling the neighborhood

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