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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Wowowowowowowowowowowowow!!!!!! Damn .. that`s fantastic!!! have a new favortie map!
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Wow great improvement! And a nice pic... a Raptorski with camo.. great! Does this bird has a Nato name? "Guau! grandes mejoras, y un abuena imagen...un raptorsky con camo...grande!! Tiene este pajaro un nombre codigo NATO?"
  3. The Ski Jump

    very smart!!
  4. FOX1313

    Can you change those parts?? or just repainting them?
  5. @ Ghost, I`,m not sure haven`t tested it yet and not asked about it, but if FC or someone who knows it read those lines, an answer would be nice @ You are right haven dealed with those parts yet.. main workload gone into the plane, but if you have some good reference and info material why not.. pylons are sometimes thost forgotten parts on a plane
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    die Animationen sind absolut kein Thema, ist kaum arbeit, aber mir sind da noch die Finger gebunden, bin noch arbeiten und komme sehr spät nach Hause Heute, werd mir das mal am We reinziehen
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ist ne ganz andere Version als 2009, ich muss das mal checken... irgendwas stimmt da nicht ganz, ka ob Flo oder Volker es nutzen können die haben eine Version unter meiner ...
  8. Indian MiG-29K/KUB test flight onboard the Kuznetsov

    Great pics, more pics are allways better... thank you ;-)
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hab da einige Probleme mit deinem Mod, ka woran das liegt, hatte die animation für das Frontfahrwerk fertig doch als ich dann an das hintere ging, gibt es limitationen beim drehen von objekten. Diese lassen sich in beschrenkten Grad angaben drehen, selbst ein manueles eintippen der Gradzahl funktioniert nicht. Was mich etwas verwundert.. hast du die richtigen Abmessungen benutzt für den Flieger? Welche version hast du benutzt von Max oder war das Gmax?
  10. Soulfreak is right... it`s still WIP and will be until I and my team agrea it`s time for a release .. be patient young padawan 34 is wip by inskye team so far I know
  11. I know about the decal bleed, it`s cause there are still some parts mapped .. will redo the whole plane so bleeding will disapear I think .. thanks guys for your coments! All critic is welcomed
  12. The slats can be easil deactivated, but the 35 has some ;-)
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ne die UB und GT liegt bei Volker im Hangar
  14. Hi lindr, I don`t know why but I´m totaly into twoseater and I`m working on the new 29KUB and I need definatly some help from you, do you have some drawings, or scheme pictures of this bird . .realy hard to find something on the internet ..have now many pics but not as good as I need, best would be a 3 side view best regards Martin
  15. @lindr2

    thx for those infos.. what do you think? the elevators need to be a bit reworked and the canopy frame is not right but for a start it`s ok
  16. F-80 Shooting Star Cockpit



    F-80 Cockpit Version 1.0 October 2008 This is a F-80 pit, original created by Fubar`s request by Kesselbrut It`s FREEWARE only! -------------- installation -------------- Extract the pit folder into your planefolder of you`re choice. You can find you`r birds in your Object/Aircraft folder. open this file *(plane name).ini and replace the entries with CockpitDataFile=F-80_cockpit.ini !!!Make sure to safe the files in your cockpitfolder first!!! ------- Credits ------- Cockpit: Kesselbrut --------------- Version History --------------- 1.0 : This pit was not released yet. ----------- Limitations ----------- Freeware only, if you want to use it, credit Kesselbrut!!!
  17. This vid needs the bad boys soundtrack!!!! "Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonne do when they come for you..."
  18. Iran F-16IN

    Italian is also wrong cause the flag is wrong ... still interesting concept

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