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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Iran F-16IN

    mh the text below said something about iran .. mh .. why not another bad copy of a us bird .. like the F-5 :yes:
  2. I will first model the 29KUB than we can look further ..
  3. Was thinking my self 10 mins ago to model this bird, but this looks great!!!!!!! realy stunning WIP...
  4. We have spring no .. or it`s in planning but no autumn .. winter is nearly over ... funny skin
  5. 1 and 2 I wasn`t sure, but if that`s right we can have a 35 too. there are some minor differences between those two birds.. I have now some very good close pics from the KUB as reference, thx
  6. @lindr2

    Can`t find any info about the intake coverpanels or does this bird have some kind of grid inside them like the 33ub?! Will create the singleseater also, and if someone has more infos about this bird just post it here http://forum.combatace.com/topic/40165-blacks-projects-su-33ubsu-25-wip-and-more/page__st__140
  7. My new Carsimulator

    this say more than 1000 words
  8. @lindr2

    Wow those are nice detailed pics .. exactly what I was looking for thank you!! I will work it out like the Su so we will have a nicedetailed MiG-29KUB
  9. @lindr2

    Yes you are right, I wouldn`t ever use someones work without permission, all my stuff is created by me, or with permission from original modder so all is right on my end But all help is welcomed!
  10. @lindr2

    I have some stuff in the pipe that`s right ... but all needed infos will be released when the time is ready, all I can say is now a KUB,K and a possible 35 not sure about that bird. Would be great to have a pit like MF one for the A and C model, but I have no pit experiance. Would like to aks someone form MF if they would cooparate with this project when the bird is done and has the quality of my Su-33UB which is still WIP
  11. @lindr2

    this is a result of nearly 10h of work, nearly all parts are new, only the gear is left from the UB
  12. Have to update my WIP list something for the MiG fans
  13. @lindr2

    Thank you very much sometimes you need a bit of luck to find a site like this. Maybe you like this
  14. MiG-29KUB refueling

    Why were some two seaters equiped with additional systems and the WSO was removed?!
  15. Admiral Kuznetsov

    Very good work, I think I have the right birds for this carrier together with Marcs Su-33, we will have Su-33UB,su-25UB 8varrier version) and MiG-29KUB
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So auch ingame das ganze
  17. IAR-38/39

    Wow you are good! realy like your birds!
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe angefangen einen Flieger von Grund auf neuzubauen, jetzt sind es schon 3 ... aber hey .. so lange es spass macht und ich irgendwann einen mal fertig bekomme ist doch alles ok Wer errät was das für einer ist ?!
  19. Exactly what I was waiting for I become a Viper fan
  20. Look for the section like this in the Data.ini of the problem bird // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Mig21p1 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,2.83,0.85 <------------- those are the X,Y and Z coordinates which are for the pilot position SeatModelName=Mig21KV1 SeatPosition=0.0,2.60,0.46 <---- seat position as the name say MinExtentPosition=-0.30, 2.37, 0.05 MaxExtentPosition= 0.30, 3.42, 1.05 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=GLASS Armor[FRONT].Thickness=62 CanopyNodeName=Canopy CanopyAnimationID=4
  21. Sounds great! Nice to see your back here Erwin
  22. SF2E: F-14 problems

    It`s a beauty I realy need to finish my Flanker ...
  23. Yankee

    A very clean model!!!

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