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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. If there is a company out there, that would update the game files into more modern stuff, i even would pay for it. Why not
  2. Bad news, but i took over the exterior model to finish it.. working on it right now and it is nearly done!
  3. Best news for me this year!!!
  4. I had an idea, i know cracking up the code isn`t welcome here, so i thought about the possibility, to be able to create a kind of community patch, to upgrade stuff like with mue's help / cooperation - cloud height, - possibility to add graphic upgrades - avionic update - etc All that as a controlled and planed "patch" and not crack open the code itself to the public. Something like Team Daidalos for il2
  5. We need "12 monkeys" for a conspiracy theory
  6. Great! thanks for the link crusader
  7. Hello everybody, The end of January draws near and we're finishing the BoK development. The new functionality of the coming version 3.001 is being actively tested and debugged, our volunteer beta tester team helps us in this task greatly. This development stage is hard, but it consists of routine work mostly, not very exciting to tell about. However, there is a development which might be interesting for you to know. Andrey =AnPetrovich= Solomykin finished the Yak-7b series 36 flight model but, being the lead engineer, he couldn't just 'make a new plane'. During this work, he implemented many new features which in time may be applied to other aircraft. In addition, while we have a common flight modeling accuracy standard, this time some characteristics were modeled with higher fidelity. Here's the list of Yak-7b FM features: 1. Maximum horizontal speed matches the reference data at all altitudes with 1% difference margin (less than 5 km/h). 2. Climb time matches the reference data with 4% difference margin (less than 8 seconds difference lower than 6000 m and less than 34 seconds at higher altitudes). 3. Turn time matches the reference data with 0.5 seconds difference margin. 4. Takeoff and landing speeds with or without flaps match the reference data with 2-3 km/h difference margin (takeoff run accuracy is 10-20 m). 5. Inertial model is congruent with the reference data for all load variants including fuel and ammo mass. 6. Shock absorbers and tire load are congruent with the reference data in all drop tests. 7. New canopy functionality: 7.1 Canopy opening or closing delay after the player input has been corrected. 7.2 It is impossible to open or close the canopy at speeds higher than 600 km/h. 7.3 Canopy damage model and wind sound corrected. 7.4 Moving canopy recoils when it hits the limit. 7.5 Player can repeat the canopy move command if canopy releases from the lock on its own and didn't lock at the opposite lock. 7.6 If a pilot finds himself in an unlucky flip over situation on the ground, it may be impossible to open the canopy. 8. New flaps functionality: 8.1 Flaps pneumatic valve can be set to the neutral position instead of retracting position, making the flaps retract by air flow pressure instead of a sharp retracement. 8.2 An incorrect flaps behavior, while pushed back by the air flow pressure, has been addressed. 9. Pneumatic valves in the cockpit are being turned in an anthropomorphically realistic way since a human hand can't turn something 360 degrees without pauses. 10. Constant speed governor wheel has been slowed down realistically (synchronized with a virtual axis while controlling it from keyboard). 11. Propeller pitch automatically lowers during landing if the automatic pitch control is selected in difficulty settings. 12. Oil overpressure results in an oil leak. 13. Oil and water radiator scoops can be lost due to combat damage. 14. The airframe structural fatigue and combat damage dependencies on the G load have been adjusted. 15. Fuel pressure indicator shows realistic data while the engine cylinders are being primed with fuel during the engine start. 16. Force Feedback effects were adjusted for higher flight speeds. 17. Oil injector functions correctly during engine warm up (if you start a mission from parking). 18. Instruments and switches function correctly with all interdependencies. 19. Correct Venturi tube modeling in UP-1 gyro, KI-10 gyro modeling. 20. Engine start and turning off procedures fully correspond to the pilot's manual. 21. Landing gear bays and flaps affect flight dynamics correctly in all possible landing gear and flaps combinations (including flaps being lost). 22. Neutral virtual flight stick position corresponds to the real joystick flight stick position for FFB and regular joysticks (taking into account the elevator trim and fixed trim tabs). 23. Aircraft balance changes correctly in an event of fins or fins control rods loss for FFB and regular joysticks (taking into account the fixed trim tab position on the left aileron and both elevator trim tabs). 24. Fins with broken control rods correctly re-orient themselves when the air flow speed drops, affecting the FFB neutral position. While working on Yak-7b, Andrey was also able to add these features and corrections to other aircraft: 1. Radio compasses on all planes work only when powered and show correct readings when switched on or off and when the beacon signal is lost or acquired. 2. An aircraft can no longer explode when 'Unbreakable' difficulty option is selected. 3. These aircraft can't be damaged anymore with 'Unbreakable' difficulty option selected: - Bf 110 E-2 - Bf 110 G-2 - He 111 H-6 - He 111 H-16 - Ju 88 A-4 - Ju 52 3mg4e - IL-2 mod. 41 - IL-2 mod. 42 - Pe-2 series 35 - Pe-2 series 87 4. 'Unbreakable' difficulty option: flipped over MiG-3 and Hs-129 B2 turn back to a normal position. 5. 'Unbreakable' difficulty option: turning back a flipped over aircraft happens correctly and there are no artificial oscillations that could happen when an aircraft lies on its belly. 6. When a plane or its fragment hit a concrete, ice or packed snow surface, dust or snow cloud effects won't be shown. 7. Loss of smaller aircraft fragments won't be accompanied by a dust cloud visual effect. 8. Damage modeling artifacts have been fixed (i.e. sudden breakage of damaged aircraft parts in a resting state). 9. Lost canopies fall off from a correct place on an aircraft. 10. Lost canopy and other parts of Bf-109 Е7 correctly affect its aerodynamic characteristics. 11. Oil viscosity changes correctly with temperature, resulting in faster engine failures when the oil is overheated. 12. Constant propeller speed governor R-7 control wheels were made slower according to reference data. These governors were installed on the following aircraft: - IL-2 mod. 41 - IL-2 mod. 42 - IL-2 mod. 43 - MiG-3 series 24 - Pe-2 series 87 - Yak-1 series 69 - Yak-7b series 36 In addition, for all these planes (if 'Engine auto control' difficulty option is selected) the propeller pitch is automatically lowered when instrument speed drops and the landing gear is released (to help in a situation when an urgent go around procedure might be needed). As usual, here are some visual pics to compensate that wall of text above. Here are P-39 official painting schemes:
  8. New Update from Han Hello everybody, Today is the last working day of 2017. Officially. Part of our team that finalizes the game bits that are required for 3.001 release will continue to work on holidays. This is a personal decision of each team member and I can only respect them. Total of 5 new aircraft will be released in 3.001. We still need to texture P-39L-1 cockpit and finish Bf 109 G-6 flight model. A-20B, Yak-7B ser.36, and La-5FN ser.2 are almost done, there are some skins and details left to do. Cooperative multiplayer mode and new statistics system are being tested. The new Career is finished from functionality point of view, it is being tested, debugged and filled with missions and locations content. We plan to have as many as 40 generated mission types; 20-25 of them will be ready for 3.001 and the rest will be added during the course of the year. Generated missions will have randomized locations, mission route and target parameters, weather conditions and other details, so each sortie will play differently. Other stuff planned for 3.001 is ready. Today we plan to start 3.001 alpha testing, hopefully our testers will help us finalize all the work we were busy with for 4 last months quickly and effectively. We, IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles team, would like to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best in the coming 2018. To make this Dev Diary more visually appealing, here are several A-20B cockpit in-game screenshots and the video showing all five aircraft coming in 3.001. youtube.com/watch?v=t1KS9gscY5g You can discuss the news in this thread
  9. Dear Pilots, Our Holiday Sale has started on our website and on Steam! The sale runs from December 21st until January 4th. - 50% OFF Fw-190 A-3 and La-5 (series 8) - 40% OFF Ju-52, Yak-1B, P-40E and Mc.202 - 50% OFF BOM and BOS - 50% OFF 10 Days of Autumn Campaign - 33% OFF Blazing Steppe Campaign - 66% OFF all ROF Content ....and don't forget Cliffs of Dover BLITZ is also on sale for 25% Off at just $18.75. We would like to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy a happy and safe holidays! Store: https://il2sturmovik.com/store/battle-of-moscow/ Link: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/33072-holiday-sale-massive-savings-dec-21-jan-4/
  10. Jason has posted 4 very nice WIP pics, all who loves the A-20, here is the show... Everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for your support this year and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This time of year we take a bit of a holiday break, but we'll be back at it with the new year. Also, this has been a unusually busy Q4 for us and I have fallen way behind in my correspondence. To anyone who has written me I apologize if you have not gotten a response. I get many emails and PMs and when I get busy I have to triage them and only respond to the most urgent. I will try to catch up over the Holiday break. So please don't take it personally if I have not responded to your message. I will try my best to respond shortly and if I don't please just write me again. 2017 was a super year in lots of ways, I hope we can top it in 2018! Here's some quick A-20 action i the Dev. Build. This plane is fun! Jason Link: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/33128-merry-christmas-everyone-and-happy-new-year/
  11. Sukhois

    A little plane is ready for 2018, we wish you a nice Xmas and a blessed year 2018. Hope you guys will do well. So far, best regards, the Sukhoi Team
  12. Il2 Terrain Update Dev Blog 182

    They evolve the whole series! Check out my newest DD i have posted here at CA, there you can find some new tank additions
  13. Hi Guys As I was reading it, i was so amazed and couldn`t believe, they are really updating it. Im really, really, really happy!!!! But enjoy it my friends!!!! Hello virtual pilots, Today I have the honor to write a Dev Diary. My name is Evgeny Isaev, I'm the lead map maker. I want to tell you a bit about our work and share some good news. The Stalingrad map was the first in our project. Time has passed and now, thanks to our lead programmer Sergey Vorsin, we have new technologies, instruments and methods that allow us to reach a new level of quality. In addition, the recent changes in the engine for almost four times visibility distance increase caused visible artifacts on maps that were most apparent on the Stalingrad map. So it was the time to re-visit and improve our first map. This wasn't planned initially, but we ought to find the time for this task. The main issue was the repeating of terrain textures that was much less noticeable before. Even with very large textures, visible tiling is inevitable with the new far visibility distance. To solve this issue, we used our new tech that was created for mountains on the Kuban map - procedural texturing. This allowed us not only get rid of the tiling but also emphasize the map relief and make each area unique. Nature itself helped us in this task - we used the real-world satellite heightmaps. We ourselves were surprised at the end result. We read your comments on the forums and know that some of you put up some valid points regarding the maps, for instance, that the Stalingrad area is a steppe and therefore it should have much less agricultural fields. We knew this since we always do a thorough research on the areas we recreate in the game, but this implementation was mandatory. It's pleasant that you notice smaller things. Now, the most part of the updated Stalingrad map will be a steppe, making it more true to history. Thanks to our increased experience and new methods at our disposal we were able to achieve a much better result - the ground surface became much more vivid, its microfeatures are different on cliffs, ravines and plains, contributing to the feel of the world scale and allowing to estimate your altitude easier. You can see some screenshots of the updated summer map below (update 3.001 will include the updated summer and autumn seasons). The old version of the map (but with the new visibility distance and sky) is shown on the left for comparison, while the updated map at the same lighting conditions is on the right. We hope you'll like the new version of the map and it will give you new emotions from the flight in our simulator. The Link https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry543945
  14. Hello everybody, The New Year is almost here, and our office is very busy. As Jason announced earlier, BoK release is planned for the last third of the winter and we have a lot to make in time for it. The final part of the work on the Career mode turned out to be a lot more difficult than anticipated - those improvements that we planned to combine the best from RoF and BoS worlds require an astonishing amount of work. The overall work is tripled by the fact that we create the Career mode for three war theatres at once - not only new BoK, but also for previously released Battle of Moscow and Battle of Stalingrad. The amount of squadron histories research, work on preparing the map data for the generator were tripled; this also significantly increased the time needed for unique theatre settings. On the other hand, the final result we expect to get should make up for this hard work and release delay. It is important to note, that last two times (in RoF and BoS) Viktor =FB=VikS Sechnoy developed the generator templates that were significantly limited, this time he makes it as he sees right. Our producer Jason gave Viks the freedom that he asked for. Everything will be changed - mission tasks, mission success conditions, mission progress conditions, the placement of various objects near the front line. For instance, to complete a ground attack mission you can destroy various different enemy targets in the designated area, not necessarily the main target listed in the briefing. There are many other things that should make the new gameplay more diverse and interesting compared to earlier BoS campaign or RoF career. The new Coop multiplayer mode is almost done. This game mode is much like RoF Coop, but IL-2 Coop will have several improvements compared to RoF one thanks to our GUI programmer Vitaly Tolmachev. It will be possible to form player groups using a dialog window and assign a different route to each. There will be also an option to fly a gunner like in Dogfight. Thanks to Coop development, we're also improving the game statistics system, which will benefit all the game modes. First of all, stats will become more informative. After making necessary improvements that stats parser tool was designed to support from the start, in the future we plan to further expand and improve the statistics system. Moreover, the entire MP points assignment system will be revised. Difficulty modifier will be gone - on all difficulty settings, players will receive the same amount of points. We do this because it turned out that setting strict rules for set groups of users is not needed for the community, and most MP servers use custom difficulty settings where points are not counted at all. We also won't set the player points to zero if he is killed or captured. Instead, we're adding additional player states the community asked us for some time: Airplanes: Successful Landing at airfield : x 2.5 Emergency Landing at airfield : x 2.0 Forced Landing outside the base : x 2.0 Ditched : x 1.5 Bailed Out : x 1.0 Flight Canceled : x 0.5 Captured : x 0.5 Killed : x 0.5 Friendly Fire : x 0.0 Vehicles: In Service : x 1.5 Broken : x 1.0 Killed : x 0.5 Friendly Fire : x 0.0 Statistics system isn't the only thing that is changed by adding Coop mode - you'll be able to host a server not only from a separate DServer tool using a different account, but from within a game. You will be able to specify all the required parameters in the game itself and participate in the mission he is hosting together with other players. Such servers will be visible in the servers list just like DServer ones. You'll be able to host both Dogfight and Coop servers this way. Another chunk of news today is that we started Bf 109 G-6 flight model development since its 3D model is ready. This aircraft is going to be interesting, here's its cockpit screenshot: Speaking of aircraft, we finished the raindrops visual effect on the canopy and restored the old RoF feature with raindrops on pilot's goggles. They both kick in when they should, creating a new level of immersion during rain. When you're on the ground and the canopy is opened, the raindrops will land on your goggles. While taking off, the front glass will protect you from the rain, unless you move your virtual head outside. While the movement of raindrops on the canopy surface and on the pilot's goggles is simplified, it is physics based and changes depending on airspeed and flight direction. Even if there is no rain, the raindrops will appear when you fly through a cumulus cloud or very low above the water. This 5-minute gameplay video showcases this feature: youtube.com/watch?v=DTl6PZ8SQGs Now let's show you something more grounded. Since the graphics improvements for BoK are nearly complete, we started the work on tech required for new projects. The research on Bodenplatte map and scenery has started and we'll tell you about it a bit later, but today we can give you more info on another project - Tank Crew. All tanks will have the detailed exterior and interior (WIP screenshots are coming soon). Right now here's the screenshot of the current Pz. III tank model you already have in the game that shows the new visor tech - prismatic optical instruments and triplex armored glass: Our partners are making the tank models while we make the necessary new tech for them to look best, for instance, the new tech to make the tank tracks look as real ones as possible. This tech is different to what two most popular tank games are using and is more modern and perspective. It is not heavy on polycount, performance optimized, looks good at different distances, including close up views, and is also convenient for 3D modelers to work with. Our lead programmer Sergey Vorsin not only made all that but also made sure the tracks move in a physically correct way at different speeds. In addition, Sergey has made it possible to topple trees on the edges of woods, in the wood lines and single standing trees. This option is optimal for game performance (it doesn't adversely affect the performance of the entire game and doesn't clog the bandwidth in the multiplayer) and is also realistic because a tank crew couldn't expect to move right through a forest. Although physics of tree-toppling is very simplified due to the insane amount of trees in the game, it still looks better than in many other projects. We plan to improve many other technologies for Tank Crew project. In particular, we plan to make landscape mesh 16 times more detailed for smaller, 100x100 km tank maps. This will allow creating the fully-featured multiplayer missions with tanks and aircraft acting simultaneously in one mission (10000 sq.km. are more than enough for fighters and ground attack planes). In the same time, tank players will have very good landscape visuals on such maps. However, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear many times. So here is 3-minute gameplay video which showcases two new tank features - new tracks and tree-toppling: youtube.com/watch?v=3tQVifFTGKY
  15. Great Work on the Pit!! And realy good work on the skin! Will be nice to have it done in my hangar
  16. Ju-88 lead the attack during Operation Bodenplatte.
  17. Don`t forget a great VR support ingame, we have it already in il2 and it is great!!
  18. Bf-109 G14, K4 Fw-190A8, A9 (17) took part and D9 Ju-88 Bf-110G2 Me-262 Allied aircraft: Spitfire MkIX B-25 B-26
  19. New Campaign system is WIP will be out with BOK
  20. For all you Guys out there, who has no interest in "just" Germans vs Soviets in a WW2 scenery, the Il2 team has surprised us today with a GREAT Announcement!!! The Pacific Theater is still planed but... Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you: Dear Friends, Once again, it is my honor and pleasure to announce our current and future plans for the modern IL-2 Sturmovik product line. It has been about fifteen months since I told you about our plans for Battle of Kuban and beyond. Today we make our biggest announcement yet! However, before we do, we are happy to inform you that Battle of Kuban is nearing completion and should be finished by the end of this year as planned. We were able to meet our biggest objectives and complete many other new ones not in the original plan. The list is too long to post in this announcement, but our Developer Diaries tell the tale quite well. Some minor features that did not make it into Kuban will be included in the next product development cycle. Development never stops for us and we continue to march onward and upward! Our beloved Sturmovik has never looked or played so good! The Sturmovik development team is an amazing group of people who work tirelessly to bring you the combat flight-sim experience you want. As their Producer and partner for many years it still amazes me what they can accomplish. They deserve your continued support. Please show them how much you appreciate their work. We also want to say thank you to our customers who have helped us weather the storm and keep going. We cannot do this alone and so many of you help us when we need help and so many of you have told your sim buddies to purchase our products. We thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. This community is a special one and we’re in this journey together. Without further delay, our next title, sorry, our next THREE IL-2 Sturmovik titles are going to be the following - BATTLE OF BODENPLATTE, FLYING CIRCUS and TANK CREW! That’s right, Sturmovik is expanding into new territory and we are going to tackle building and releasing three new titles in 2018 and into 2019. All titles will be unique in their own way and all will be branded IL-2 Sturmovik and will share the same client software. Flying Circus and Tank Crew will be their own series within the Sturmovik ecosystem and give Sturmovik fans new ways to have fun. This ambitious and aggressive development plan will be made possible by working with talented professional studios whom we have partnered with in the past few months. If everything goes to plan this will allow us to do parallel development like never before. More about our partners and their role in future development diaries. Battle of Bodenplatte Although it was technically an “operation”, for continuity sake, we’re calling it a battle! Battle of Bodenplatte will explore the air war near the end of 1944 and into 1945. This late-war setting offers a wide variety of classic fighters and fighter-bombers for you to fly including some of the hottest piston powered airplanes to ever grace the skies. In addition, we’ll introduce our first jet aircraft! The Allies flew many low-level tactical missions into Germany from bases in Belgium and Holland during this time. In a desperate attempt to stem the tide of war, the Germans launched a surprise attack on Allied airfields on January 1, 1945. The ensuing battle became legendary. Planned to be Included in Battle of Bodenplatte: Flyable Aircraft and Content: - Bf-109 G-14 - Bf-109 K-4 - Fw-190 A-8 - Me-262 - P-51D - P-47D - Spitfire Mk. IX - Tempest Mk. V - Fw-190 D-9 (Collector) - P-38L (Collector) - B-25 (AI) - European Low-Countries Map (Final size TBD) (Parts of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany) - Many Allied and Axis airfields, cities, towns and villages. Winter and Summer textures are planned. - New Allied and Axis Ground Units and Scenery. Battle of Bodenplatte Pre-Order Launched! As of today, you can Pre-Order Battle of Bodenplatte in our webstore. As always this will give you access to Early Access and a Pre-Order discount! The Pre-Order price is $69.99. Just click on the image to order. Flying Circus – Volume I Flying Circus will finally give our loyal and patient Rise of Flight customers a new way forward into the future! Our eventual goal is to essentially re-build ROF inside of the Sturmovik universe and give WWI all the latest technology like VR, 64bit, DX11 and improved visuals. We will start by focusing on re-furbishing ten of our existing WWI airplanes and providing a partial map of France to fly and fight over. Subsequent Flying Circus products will further expand content and we’ll work to integrate Flying Circus into our Campaign and Career systems over time. Volume I is merely the first important step and it will be a lot of fun! If Flying Circus proves popular we can eventually fire up the Great War assembly line and break out the canvas and timber once again to make some new crates! Guynmere, Fonck, Coppens, McCudden, Bishop, Rickenbacker and von Richtofen shall fly again 100 years later! Planned to be Included in Flying Circus – Volume I Flyable Aircraft and Content (Tentative List): - SPAD 13 C.1 - Sopwith Dolphin - Sopwith Camel - RAF S.E.5a - Bristol Fighter - Albatros D.Va - Fokker Dr.1 - Fokker DVII - Pfalz D.IIIa - Halberstadt CL.II - France map (100 x 100km Approx.) - Several airfields, cities, towns and villages. Summer textures are planned - No Man’s Land - Entente and Central Powers Ground Units and Scenery. Pre-Orders for Flying Circus will be available sometime first half of 2018. Tank Crew – Clash at Prokhorovka Tank Crew will be expanding upon our initial adventure into tank combat by including ten new tanks and armored vehicles and improving our two existing tanks. Tank Crew will create a ground combat component that can be integrated into single-player content and multiplayer servers. Our tanks will be multi-crew in multiplayer which most other leading tank games are not capable of. Our playable tanks will also be modeled both inside and out with realism in mind and improved damage modelling. The map will feature the southern portion of the Battle of Kursk with the village of Prokhorovka and town of Belgorod included. The map will also be built somewhat differently giving tank players a better ground environment then our current large maps. Further details about Tank Crew will be released as development ramps up. Planned to be Included in Tank Crew – Clash at Prokhorovka Playable Tanks and Content (Tentative List): - T-34-76 STZ - KV-1s - M4A2 - SU-122 - SU-152 - ZIS-5 + 72K - PzKpfw III Ausf.L - PzKpfw IV Ausf.G - PzKpfw V Ausf.D - PzKpfw VI Ausf.H1 - Sd. Kfz. 184 - Sd. Kfz. 10 + Flak38 - Prokhorovka - Belgorod Map {100x100 km Approx.) Pre-Orders for Tank Crew will be available sometime first half of 2018. LA-5 FN and Bf-109 G-6 Pre-Order Launched! In addition to all this amazing news we have launched pre-orders for the deadly La-5FN and Bf-109 G-6. These two planes further build our plane-set and fill in gaps in the Soviet and German war chests. Pre-Order now and enjoy a discount! Each aircraft is $14.99 for a limited time. Click on the image to order. IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Demo and Series In 2018 we plan to release a Free Limited Demo for Sturmovik that will allow new customers to easily try Sturmovik. Users can then purchase content to turn their demo into their home-base for all things Sturmovik. More details on the Great Battles Demo first quarter of 2018. In addition to the demo, our entire collection of products will be made part of the IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles series. Any product displaying this logo will be compatible with one another and part of the overarching collection. Digital Warfare Engine Previously our simulation engine was known as the Digital Nature Engine. Over the years many, many changes and improvements have occurred that has essentially re-written almost all of the engine and it now supports a wider range of vehicles. To commemorate this new reality, we have christened our updated engine the DIGITAL WARFARE ENGINE. Larger Picture As you can see we have ambitious plans for Sturmovik. No doubt you will have many questions and concerns about what we have announced. The bigger picture is that are now ready to try making parallel products for our WW2 fans, WW1 fans and possible new customers who enjoy tank battles. But beyond that, we hope to accomplish the following in our next development cycle. - New MP matchmaking system and lobby with chat - Improvements to aircraft fuel systems and add drop tanks - Oxygen masks for pilots at high attitude - Jet engine technology and associated physics of higher Mach numbers - Improvements to AI - Option for 4K skins by default and preview pics in the GUI for Custom skins - In-Game Model Viewer (hold over from Kuban) - Mods On/Off (hold over from Kuban) - More attractive GUI and better GUI optimization …. and many other small, medium and large improvements to usability, functionality and performance. Last but not least, part of our overall plan is to work with one of our long-time professional development partners to produce airplanes. This is not a guaranteed success and much work needs to be done to make this a reality, but we are giving it a shot. There is much more to our airplanes than just the model. Much training will need to be done to pull this off. If successful, we plan to make the Li-2 next. We are making NO PROMISES, but here are a couple very early WIP pics. Bonus Images For your enjoyment I commissioned a few extra images for our upcoming products. These are NOT THE OFFICIAL IMAGES for our new products and should not be used in that way or used in any media. However, we felt you would enjoy this special artwork and give you a sense of what is coming. Enjoy! You can discuss this announcement in this thread and read further comments from Jason that address this plan in even more detail. See you in the skies and thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support! Jason and the IL-2 Sturmovik Team The original Link https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/32254-announcing-battle-bodenplatte-flying-circus-tank-crew-and-mo/
  21. Autumn Sale Launched on Website and Steam! Autumn is in full swing and our American friends are celebrating Thanksgiving, that means it is time for special sales to kick off the gift buying season! From Nov. 22nd – Nov. 28th we’re running a sale on Steam and our Website. Check out below for some amazing deals. https://il2sturmovik.com/store/battle-of-stalingrad/ - 50% OFF Fw-190 A-3 and La-5 (series 8) - 40% OFF Ju-52, Yak-1B, P-40E and Mc.202 - 50% OFF BOM and BOS - 50% OFF 10 Days of Autumn Campaign - 33% OFF Blazing Steppe Campaign - 66% OFF all ROF Content Have Fun!!!
  22. Tu-160M2

  23. Tu-160M2

    The story behind it, is also interesting, the production plant and several planes, so far i know, were in the Ukraine after the collapse of the soviet union.
  24. Hi Guys, the DEV`s have released some realy nice news and pics, all can be found in the link below. Have fun reading it! Hello everybody, As you may have already noticed, the huge map of Battle of Kuban comes in three seasons (Spring, Summer and Autumn), so there is no winter one. However there are many existing winter maps in our sim, so we had to update the winter landscape quality to match the new map quality level. In the end, after some experiments, we had to remake the chilly skydome, adjust the color palette and contrast to reflect the winter visibility conditions. The existing lighting wasn't bad, but we have found a way to improve its quality and make it even more realistic to get more contrast, bluish shadows which are characteristic of the chilling weather. The overall color temperature also became colder. All this combined allowed for more 'clean air' and deep visual feel. Of course, it's hard to describe such changes with just words, so please take a look at these comparison screenshots: Now, our engineer Roman =Gavrik= Kovalenko wants to tell you a bit about the A-20B he will finish working on soon: A-20B had good flight characteristics, high fineness (wing/drag) ratio and very good aerodynamics. Its top speed exceeded Pe-2 speed even at nominal power mode, it had a good handling and maneuverability. All control surfaces were equipped with servo tabs to reduce the pilots' load. With bombs dropped, A-20B had comparable to fighters wing loading and two powerful Wright R-2600-11 engines allowed for a good power-to-weight ratio. However, aerobatics were forbidden for its pilots and it was advised to dive shallow and recover gently because of the durability concerns (4g maneuver envelope). Nevertheless, the flight manual included some maneuvers like combat turn. Lend-leased A-20B's were upgraded upon arrival to the USSR: they were refitted to support Soviet bombs, electric bomb dropping gear similar to Pe-2 one was installed, and there were some other minor changes. it was one of the first mass-produced aircraft with the nose landing gear, making taxiing, taking off and landing much easier. There was a special electric blocker that didn't allow to erroneously retract the landing gear while on the ground and alarm siren that warned the pilot about the retracted landing gear during flight at low throttle. At high speeds, flaps retracted automatically. Overall, this aircraft was very comfortable for a pilot with its spacious cockpit and good view. The only inconvenience could be caused by the engines that weren't equipped with automatic governors of the manifold pressure, just like the P-40 engine. A-20B bomb load was formidable - up to 16 FAB-100 bombs in the bomb bay and 4 underwing holders that could carry FAB-100 or FAB-250. It is interesting to note that to ease the formation bombing, two signal lights were installed in the aircraft rear that helped the wingmen to open their bomb bay doors and drop bombs simultaneously with the flight leader. In addition to two forward firing .50 cal machine guns, there were two turrets with .50 cal (top) and .303 cal (bottom) MGs, so A-20B weaponry and flight characteristics allowed the bomber to stand up for itself even if it was engaged in air combat. I hope you'll enjoy the A-20B in the game as much as I enjoyed making it. THE LINK: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry530528

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