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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Hi Uhu The only reason why it had to stay in a package or wasn`t released as a seperate model was, that it`s not been finished yet, I`m working on the Su-25 and also on the UB model, at the moment I take a small brake from modeling, dealing some RL issues. It`s WIP and coming along slowly but steady. The current bird is still in low detail and quality, compared to the bird wich will come before summer ends I hope So from those reasons it was mentioned as AI only (target) But I don`t see a problem in your mod so all is fine. The GMG recieved this bird from an older MOD group wich disapeared. So they handed it over to us and Amokfloo worked on it until for NF4. I took a look on that bird and decided to improve it, but as I started to improving part per part, I nearly rebuild the bird from scratch. Maybe you have seen some pics, if not just take a look if you want. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/40165-black-s-projects-su-33ub-wip-and-more/page__st__120
  2. Hi lindr 2 any news on those birds?!
  3. WIP for 2010 to be finished are some beautiful Su`s!!!
  4. Sometimes it can help to use another PC to read the DVD, important is that the reflectiv side is not damaged- a scratch on the downside isn`t so bad, the problem is a scratch on the upper side
  5. Wow lindr, a very good quality!
  6. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    You have to keep in mind that aerodynamics are all over the world the same, radar stuff too, so I don`t think that there would be a much more radical new design of the bird. I like it looks hot reminds me of my "stealthy" redesigned Su-27 body
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe Volker eine Mail geschrieben, schon vor Wochen, aber bis jetzt gibt es keine Antwort
  8. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    The Twinotter was one the birds I downloaded for FS9 and now I can hang some missiles on it, damn great bird!!! thank you
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    @Soulfreak Joa wenn die Dinger fertig sind kann ich dir die gerne Schicken wenn du magst. Vllt hättest noch Interesse an der Su.33Ub sonst geht die nach China und an EricJ der hat sich auch schon gemeldet.
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich hab auch den einsitzer hier herumfliegen, sobald ich teile am 2 sitzer fertig habe, wie Fahrwerk und Flügel usw .. werden diese dann getauscht und der Rest individuell angepasst, warum fragst du?! Muss die Nase noch optimieren und den Rumpf.. der Rest ist so gut wie gleich bis auf die Heckflosse und die Höhenruder wenn ich mich da nicht irre
  11. Russos Buc

    Russo stellt seine Buccaner zur verfügung.. er kann sie nicht fertig machen und fragte wer sie haben möchte um sie ins spiel zu bringen, hätte da jemand von euch interesse drann. Mir fehlt einfach die Zeit ich modde momentan nur noch ini files..
  12. MIG-25 SF2

    lindr2 is working on them so far I know, are there new MiG-25 in NF4???
  13. New clip of SIlent Hunter V

    interesting step, for me it looks like marketing , if oyu want a new sub.. pay for it!
  14. New clip of SIlent Hunter V

    pls post your source about the VII boats only gameplay, SHIII was trough out the XXI type
  15. Military cut backs.

    Are starting to be apparrent. Group training... Unusal terminology... and poor child care programs... All leading to questionable results... found that at the SAS forum enjoy
  16. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Damn tracker .. you are like a box of chocolate!!!! You never know what you get
  17. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    put some larger A-4 wings on it, same intakes like the F-5A and the exhaust like the banshee a BADA$$ Puci
  18. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    @ AleDucat thanks all is going great but lufe can be very busy.. think you know it ... thanks you like my work, will start to work on it later this mont or even on february. About the super puc, have you ever thought about a possibel jet version?1 swing the wings a bit back put some jetengines to it similar to a Banshee (layoutlike) and this bird would be a damn nice mdoern light A-10 for the argentine Air Force maybe a light ground pounder for other countries ;-) Aleducat gracias todo va bien, pero la vida puede ser muy ocupada, creo lo sepas, se agradece que te guste mi trabajo, lo comenzare mas tarde en este mes o en Febrero. Acerca de un Super Puc, pensaron en un aversion jet? aflecharle las alas un poco, similar a un Banshee, este avion podria ser un bien bonito A-10 liviano para la FAA y otros paises
  19. New Noses

    you can place the maping on the same place where they should be in RL on the fuselage BMP file, so they would have the same skin and the right colour for every skin. Hope you understand what I try to say
  20. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    I like your work, keep it coming that`S the way i have learned it No prob, your englis his better than mine. I like to see how people work and sometimes I see how I can improve my stuff. You know it maybe, every time you see a new bird released you start to think about that yould be done better or different. That is a good point to start your own work with all those ideas in mind. So i started on the Su-33UB first, I know Inskye and Erwin are working on the family, they have done a great job, only my personal taste was a bit different on some details so I started my own work. My birds use many animations, wich are combined and let the birds look even more detailed than it is as model. it doesn`t hit the fps to hard. I at a beginner level in max so nothing special still have some issues with some parts. the nose section of my 25 is reworked the pic here shown has some shadow probs, but all parts are brand new. I`m working on a pit for the Su-25 and UB too. but very early stage. "Me gustan sus trabajos, sigan asi, es la forma en que aprendi Yo. No hay problema, tu ingles es mejor que el mio. Me gusta ver como trabajan y asi ver si mejoro mi tecnica. Sabes a veces veo un avion nuevo y pienso que cosa haria mejor o diferente. Es una buena forma de empezar tus trabajos pensando asi. Empece con el Su-33UB, Inskye y Erwin estan trabajando en la familia, hicieron un gran trabajo, Yo tenia pequellos detalles diferentes, asiq ue empece por mi lado. Mi pajaro tiene varias animaciones que lo hacen ver mejor que como modelo, no caen tanto las FPS. Estoy en un nivel de principiante en el 3D MAX (creo), no hay nada de especial en algunas partes y necesitan mas trabajo. La nariz esta re-trabajada, pero la mayoria de las partes estan trabajadas. Tambien trabajo en el cockpit para el Su-25 mono y bipla, pero recien inicio."
  21. Eine Frage zu FM

    Hi Gepard, mir kommt da ne idee .. es braucht etwas zeit und eine Nachricht im ICQ warte einfach mal ;-)
  22. New Noses

    Great work on this, there is a S-105 bird for the CZ airforce with new small vents on the whole fuselage, my idea is why not use the ini entry we have used for the 105 to remove the original vents and let your 3D guru create some new for this series, would improve it alot. It`s a suggestion to this great mod keep it coming!
  23. It`s an old screen with the old fuselage version, have reworked it completly ;-) don`t worry will be like in RL

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