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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    The whole bird is nearly new, I get an old model from Amokfloo, the one wich is released in NF4 and I have searched the mesh for improvements, but I come along with nearly all parts are brand new, so I can claim it as my bird Flo`s bird is an someone else version too, so ... no it`s a GMG project together with: Su-33UB (I think you have seen pics already) Su-25/UB different versions I did`nt want to hijack this thread, but as I saw your beautiful Su-25 I was amazed!! Keep it coming! looks great mine will take some time, working on it more than a half a year and the Su-33UB nearly 1 Year! http://forum.combata...re/page__st__20 here is my thread if you are interested or have suggestions for improvements ----------------------------- El pájaro entero es casi nuevo, yo consigue un viejo modelo de Amokfloo, el que se lanza en NF4 y he buscado el acoplamiento para las mejoras, pero vengo junto con casi todas las piezas soy a estrenar, así que puedo demandarlo como mi pájaro El pájaro del `s de Flo es algún otro versión también, tan… ninguÌn él proyecto del `S.A. GMG junto con: Su-33UB (pienso que usted ha visto el pics ya) Diversas versiones de Su-25/UB ¡Hice el NT del `quiero secuestrar este hilo de rosca, pero como vi su Su-25 hermoso me sorprendieron!! ¡Guárdelo el venir! ¡mira la gran mina tardará una cierta hora, trabajando en ella más que una mitad del año y el Su-33UB casi 1 año! http://forum.combatace.com/topic/40165-black-s-projects-su-33ub-wip-and-more/page__st__20 aquí está mi hilo de rosca si usted está interesado o tiene sugerencias para las mejoras
  2. Let L-410 Turbolet

    I have contacted my friend and awaiting some updates, maybe he is finished ;-)
  3. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Those are pics from summer 2009 haven`t worked on it for a time I have here 3 birds wich needed some more work and than they are ready for release ;-) have problem with the gear, it shows up ingame and works good but you can`t land on it have to figure out the problem nice you like it ---------------------- Ésos son pics del `2009 del asilo del verano t trabajado en él por una época que tengo aquí 3 pájaros que necesitaron más trabajo y que están listos para el lanzamiento; -) tenga problema con el engranaje, aparece el ingame y los trabajos buenos pero usted puede tierra del `t en ella tener que resolver el problema. agradable usted tiene gusto de él
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Seems we have something in common ;-) hope you guys like it The pucara looks cool!
  5. Got them, thanks for the amount of work to all involved! Great planes!
  6. B-26 marauder

    @ Wrench the animations arn`t that difficult to make
  7. Hi lindr2, andy news on your projects?! by the way happy new year!!!!
  8. Oh this will be a realy nice terrain! Great landscape!
  9. Su-27 additional Pylons v1.2



    A missing IRST was reported I fixed it. You need Marcfighters Su-27 find it here: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm than you need this skin SovNavy_2 Number37 can find here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5241 create a new Su-27SM folder in your aircraft folder. Copy all files from Marc`s Su-27 into this new one than overwrite the files with the one from this MOD copy the files from the parts folder into your aircraft folder. Feel free to use this mod, if you want to use it in your own modification please give me some credits! Credits goes to Badfrank for patience and time he invest to help me.
  10. sounds very interesting! Isn`t Zur working on new F-86 in higher detail?
  11. Guten Rutsch euch allen!

    Euch allen einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!!! Vorallem dir Volker viel Gesundheit und Glück in neuem Jahr!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. You can use the 3D parts I have created for the S-105 from kukulo, feel free to use them ;-)
  13. Happy Birthday, Erwin!

    Happy Birthday Erwin, best regards Martin
  14. Let L-410 Turbolet

    ok got it, willsend it and point my friend at this topic and plane ;-) wish you a merry Xmas
  15. MiG-23MLA

    A very nice addition, thx for your work ;-)
  16. Let L-410 Turbolet

    Hi Monty, ok just send this bird to me I will send it to my friend if you don`t mind, but I don`t think he will finish it befor xmas .. expect it later maybe the very beginning of the next year .. hope it`s ok so far best regards Martin
  17. That`s true a must have ;-) thanks lindr2
  18. realy looking forward to this baby!!!!
  19. As I see you are creating the prototype version, are you planing to create a former F-31 with vectorthrust (animated nozzels) like the one on the Su-37?! I have found a picture from the cockpit source http://www.bredow-web.de/ILA_2004/Jagdflugzeuge/X-31_Vector/x-31_vector.html
  20. No prob take your time, RL and health goes always first!
  21. looks like a brand new plane! keep it coming ;-)

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